Selphie useless?


If you built her up right, shes one of the most devastating characters to play with.......i found Rinoa far more useless and her dog i wish would get neutered (though they do have one good attack)....after all Selphie is far more beautiful (and clumsy) than for useless though, i found Irvine with his gun rather pointless (no pun intended) cuz if you didnt time anything properly or have the bullets whatever they are called he becomes the most useless sharpshooter ever....what didyou guys think of Irvine as a whole though? I thought he was misunderstood most of the game.

I don't think anyone would care if she wasn't there.... But, if she wasn't... I wouldn't have any of that awesome doujin.:D

She's not completely useless, though. Usually she gets here full-cure limit often. She also has a limit that ends battles. I've only gotten it once though.
The limit that ends battles is hilarous.....shows the field and the background which i think ends every battle.......even kills queen Ultimicia. Its called for that reason (The End.)
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lol well to me i find her useless..... Irvine is useful with the time and items to refine to get his bullets for the ulimate shot......
Selphie is cute and clumsy but not the best one...... probably what Cait Sith is to
I like Selphie myself i think her Full Cure limit break really helps out the party.
If you wanna talk useless characters then i would have to point at Quistis and Rinoa!

First Quistis blue magic is not that really good especially when you have guys that can do over 100.000 damage in a row with their limit breaks:cool:

The we have Miss Rinoa granted she can have a devastating limit break (Angel Wing) if you use Meteor atack what can she really do besides that?

At least Selphie works as a cheap healer.

My favorite party consistes of Irvine;Selphie and Zell.
Yeah because considering most enemies can be defeated easily and only a few have high HP and need to be delt with limit breaks. You rather use Squall,Irvine and Zell instead of any of the female characters. And since Selphie heals for free i reckon she is more useful than Rinoa and Quistis.
She isn't that bad if you check her hentai pictures and her full cure ability is really good !!!
She is very very "I-can't-stress-this-enough" annoying however her limits have enormous benefit. And being as she is annoying reglardless of if she is on the battle screen I may as well take advantage of them :)
bleah...Selphie makes me want to gag (Which i do when i see her), because(au contraire to the Aeris#1fan comment "after all Selphie is far more beautiful (and clumsy) than Rinoa" she's gotta be the most hideous person (maybe not the most, but really damn close) i've ever seen...Rinoa is pretty kewl, i like her outfit and wish i had it for myself! ^_^ ...okay...:huh:now i'm scaring myself with the whole "Girly girly" scene...*shudders*...
I personally didn't use her, but I guess she sorta fits into the story, but not too much. Isn't she like disguised as someone at first? i know she's got some kinda mask on and she has to take it off to reveal her true identity. Am I even thinking of the right thing? Who knows. All I know is that she was like level 8 when I beat the game and I never used her.
In battle, the only thing that really differentiates the characters is Limit Breaks, and Selphie's are the worst. Full Cure? Nice at first, but Curaga along with Cerberus or Triple magic is more than enough, and sometimes you want to keep your characters weakened. Wall? Just cast Triple Shell and/or Triple Protect - the spells aren't that rare and you won't need to do it that often anyway. Rapture only takes care of one enemy and The End is far too rare to be relied on.
I can't stand Selphie, at the start I actually quite liked her..How wrong I was. I soon learnt how annoyingly useless she is, even her TT card is no good compared to others, BAH!
I don't think she is useless at all. First play through i used her in my final party. Slot is very good if you get the right things :P.
I thought that she was pretty useless at the end of the game. The only thing I used her for was her Full-Cure limit slot. But after you get a GF to learn the Restore ability then there is no need for it. I never used her after I got that ability.
Selphie was definitely second string. Poor Limit, poor attack. I'll admit that she was a good pick-me-up, but that's about it.
Poor attack? How? Other characters may have stronger weapons, but the junction system renders those differences meaningless. Selphie's one of the better attackers since the Strange Vision has 255 accuracy.
Selphie is useless beyond belief. she is weak no matter how much you level her up her weapons are all crap, and she is to happy.
All the characters in VIII are completely useless %D

But that aside, I couldn't stand Selphie, never used her the first time I played, and she wasn't missed. Then I did something stupid, and decided to give the game another chance, and played it again and used characters I hadn't used the first time. And she was still useless %D That 'Full Cure' limit of hers is useful actually needed to be cured. Half the time I swear when that would come up, no one actually needed to be healed substantially. Like, there would be one character, that only had lets say, 200 hp gone, but they had over 4000 :/ And then her helpful 'Full Cure' would come up. I agree, earlier on it was okay, but I mean, like Gaia Branford said, once you start getting into higher magic and whatnot, it becomes completely useless. Kinda like Aeris's 'Breath of the Earth' from VII. It was nice when there were actually status effects to be cured but.....I swear to God, there never was -_-
Selphie is useless beyond belief. she is weak no matter how much you level her up her weapons are all crap, and she is to happy.

Are we playing the same game? Regular stat gains from levelling up are basically meaningless - what's important are stat boosts from junctioning and stat gains from levelling up with stat bonuses equipped. It's the same with weapons. Selphie's ultimate weapon is as powerful as Quistis', Zell's and Irvine's and is the most accurate weapon in the game aside from Squall's gunblades.