Selphie useless?

The characters in FFVIII are all basically clones of each other battle-wise. The only difference is their limit breaks. And Selphie has the second-best one (after Squall's). Sometimes the best one if you can get "Rapture."
Second best limit break? It's based too much on luck - sure, you can draw again and again until you get what you want, but enemies can still attack you while you do that. Most magic is common enough for you to just have a character with Triple Status cast it three times for the same effect of casting it with slot. More powerful magic can come up which is useful, but it's a lot rarer and Zell, Rinoa and Irvine can still easily do more damage. Even Quistis' limit is more reliable - at least you can choose what you want to use instead of waiting until it's chosen for you. Her best limits are just as useful as any of Selphie's as well - they're even more useful than "The End".
I don't think anything is more useful than "The End." I mean, it ends the fight immediately. How do you compete with that?
If the random factor were eliminated, "The End" would be the most useful of all Limit Breaks. As it is, "The End" turns up far too scarcely to be of much use. You could keep on selecting "Do Over" until you get it, but often you could have won the battle without it in less time than it takes to get it. It doesn't end all battles immediately, by the way - you need multiple castings of "The End" to defeat Ultimecia's final form.
I dunno, I find myself getting Rapture and The End quite a bit, especially during boss fights (they're longer). Earlier in the game, some of the spells she can cast are quite powerful. Once Rinoa gets her later limit breaks she becomes better (same with Zell). But for the first half of the game, Selphie's got it goin on.
I dunno, I find myself getting Rapture and The End quite a bit, especially during boss fights (they're longer).

That's probability for you. The more you play, the better your chances. But during the time you're trying to get the elusive limit Selphie's a sitting duck. It's usually much quicker and easier just to kill - or, better still for the first half of the game, Card - the enemy and be done with it.

Once Rinoa gets her later limit breaks she becomes better (same with Zell).

Zell's better from the start. If your fingers are fast enough you can easily pile on the damage with nothing but Punch Rush and Booya.
Doesn't the luck stat have anything to do with Selphie's limit? ^_^
Nah, I'm almost 100% sure the luck stat is pretty much used for a characters critical hit & hit success rate without missing. The Hit-J and Luck-J kinda go hand in hand with each other.

If a character keeps using their most powerful limit attacks, it usually means one of a couple of things. Either their HP is seriously low or their HP is very low and you have Aura cast on them, both of which greatly increases the chances that your character will use their most powerful limit attack.
Well if you use the "don't level up" tactic, and junction lots of magic to their HP, they can have "low HP" per say and have more frequent limit breaks.

Gah, but I consider that cheating. :rolleyes:
Not levelling up your characters until later in the game is the only way for them to have the best possible stats. How is it cheating?

If a character keeps using their most powerful limit attacks, it usually means one of a couple of things. Either their HP is seriously low or their HP is very low and you have Aura cast on them, both of which greatly increases the chances that your character will use their most powerful limit attack.

Aura allows you to use limit breaks regardless of crisis level, but since it is affected by crisis level I don't see why it should affect crisis level itself. Negative status effects also increases crisis level, as does having KO'd party members.
Luck does not affect the number of times you can use "The End"!

There´s that good old trick of opening you playstation lid and calmly choose Selphies limit atack until you reach the end i believe!
Well if you use the "don't level up" tactic, and junction lots of magic to their HP, they can have "low HP" per say and have more frequent limit breaks.

Honestly, I've heard a lot of people over the years claim that you can go through this game without leveling up or just junction wads of magic to the characters and you'll have an easier time since all of the monsters level up with you, but what I don't understand is why on Earth would someone want to play this game that way. Sure it may be an exploitable flaw in the design of the game, but I'm not sure how true it is. I guess I don't believe that you can go through the game and beat Ultimecia with low level characters and junctioned magic not to mention all the other harder bosses later in the game and I don't even want to hear someone claiming they can beat Ultima Wepon without seriously leveling up. :rolleyes:

I don't know, I know some people find it fun to exploit flaws in a game or just choose a different style to play, but trust me, it's far more enjoyable to play this game the way the original designers had intended it to be played.

Lol... It should be TABOO or SACRALIGE to play a FF other that the way it was intended. :D Just kidding!

Gah, but I consider that cheating. :rolleyes:

Meh, not me, I consider it someone's strategy. For me, cheating is using a cheat device or in this game, Google'n the answers to the Seed exam.

Aura allows you to use limit breaks regardless of crisis level, but since it is affected by crisis level I don't see why it should affect crisis level itself. Negative status effects also increases crisis level, as does having KO'd party members.

True, but the higher the HP your character has, the less a chance their limit break will show up when Aura has been cast on themselves. Trust me, if your character's HP is 4000-9999 and you cast Aura on them, you're limit break will barely come up.

Aura is best used when your character's HP is in the yellow, by greatly increasing the chance that your characters ultimate limit break will appear.
I like Selphie's limit breaks. I would always have her health low so I could do them.
Sure it may be an exploitable flaw in the design of the game, but I'm not sure how true it is.

That's the point though: it's not a flaw. It's a part of the system. You're not cheating the system, you're just using it to your best advantage. It's no worse than levelling up normally in other FF games.

Sorry for the double post, but the edit feature doesn't seem to be working properly. I'll merge the posts later.

Well actually you ain´t using a cheat your just using a technique!
A technique which constitutes cheating.
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i reckon she is good cos my team is squall, zell and selphie and i like her cheery attitude too. kinda like rikku off ffx
The only point in leveling up is if you have one of your GFs learn Hp-up or something...otherwise...there's no real point.
You may as well just wait till disc 4 to do your leveling up in Ultimecia's dungeon. o_O
selphie only has one use with me which is magic i rarely use her unless a part of the game makes me use her otherwise i use squall, zell and rinoa