Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

Doc Holliday

I'm your huckleberry.
May 3, 2007
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I saw AG's thread in the FFX forum as to whether Seymour is pure evil or just misguided.

So I thought I'd see what people thought about Seffy.
I personally think he's just misguided, before the incident in the Reactor he was perfectly fine.

Sephiroth was once a hero but since he turned he is pure evil. I mean he killed Aerith, such an innocent girl.
yea but if it is just a case of being misguided then he would not have changed suddenly but he went evil after he found out his oragin
Interesting thread.

I think Sephy became misguarded after he learnt his true origins IMO. Sephy needed guidance. He was "hellbent" on destorying and ruling with Mother. To me, he was like a child who was scared. Yes, hard to imagine Sephy in that way, but he yearns after his Mother, as do Kadja, Loz and Yazoo.
Sephiroth is evil. He killed Aerith and tried to destroy the planet so he could become a God. not so he could - like Seymour - "Save" people in his mind, thus making him misguided, but for his own Selfish purposes. making him evil.

Although you could argue that the Jenova influence was the one making Sephiroth want to destory everything, but im not going into that right now :P
misguide don't yarn for their perants most dispise them
Not always.

Sephy wanted to rule the world with Mother, he believed killing Aeris and everyone on the planet was okay. This was being misguided as Sephy made an error, killing people. Most criminals hate their parents because they believed that their parents misguided them and set them onto the path of crime.

Jenova made Sephy believe he was doing right, but he was doing wrong, yet he still loved his mother.

Hope that makes sense to someone!
sephiroth was evil i reckon

He burnt down nibleheim and killed all the villagers.
He does not care about any1 on the planet he will gladly slay anyone who gets in his way(poor aeris) all to acheive his goal.
Not misguided simply evil
yes sepheroth never really meet his mother directly all he meet was a courpes while he had an option on weather to go nuts and destroy the world or destroy the ones who created and leave it at that
Actually one can argue that he was evil even before he met Jenova.

You see him in the Shinra mansion reading the papers, and he believes he is an Ancient, you then see that he believes he is superior to the ordinary humans and that they should pay for their crimes. Cue Nibelhelm incident, Burning of village, murdering of villagers etc.

After he met Jenova he then has the means to carry out his master plan, Jenova didn't turn him evil, she just gave him more power. Sephiroth is no way misguided, he's the one in control, no one manipulates him. he believes he can eliminate anyone and everyone who gets in his way - Aerith, President Shinra etc. and will even destroy the earth for his own selfish desires.

So misguided? by who?

Evil? yep.l
I hink Sephiroth was misguided. He killed Aertih. He did it for his mother, thinking that it would make her happy, and it was her influence that drove him.
I personally don´t consider him evil i mean he killed Aeris doing everyone a favour;)

No actually i think he is evil because i think his will overcame Jenovas will and let´s not forget the countless people he killed while in his quest to destroy the planet...
Sephiroth is heavily misguided.
The game's prolouge revoloves around his heroism, strength, and courage. It wasn't until he discovered his origins that he lost it. XD
Yes but hes a WAR Hero, that most likely entailed him Slaughtering a load of innocent people for Shinra so he could be declared a "Hero" and naturally Shinra would emphasise Sephiroths "courage" and "bravery" as they'd want to control the people through fear and admiration of Sephiroth, even as a "hero" he still shows Evil as you cant get much nastier than Killing people ;)
Cloud follows the same path though. Cloud and Zack both; though Cloud isn't actually a 1st class soldier. Even some of the games most outstanding heroes have mercillessly killed in the past. =x

But I do follow the comparison. Sephiroth bears some...hitlerism. lol.
Very interesting points bought up here.
if you look at clouds nibelhiem flashback on disk 1, Sephiroth is a good guy in many ways, a leader of Soldier executing a simple mission, however things become uncovered in this mission that drive him to madness, it's not until he discovers he was made that he burns down the town remember. He calls Jenova his "mother" because of the use of Jenova cells in his creation.
Corrrect answer is: Idiot.

He went evil because he read some books.

Believing all the lies, he burns down a town.

Then he goes to the Lifestream and LEARNS he's not a Cetra and everything he became evil for in the first place is untrue.

But don't let that stop him. He wants to become a God reason whatsoever.
Corrrect answer is: Idiot.

He went evil because he read some books.

Believing all the lies, he burns down a town.

Then he goes to the Lifestream and LEARNS he's not a Cetra and everything he became evil for in the first place is untrue.

But don't let that stop him. He wants to become a God reason whatsoever.
My sentiments exactly :monster:.

I'm sorry but Sephiroth goes crazy after meeting Jenova, just like Cloud goes ballistic every time he got near her as well. :(
Corrrect answer is: Idiot.

He went evil because he read some books.

Believing all the lies, he burns down a town.

Then he goes to the Lifestream and LEARNS he's not a Cetra and everything he became evil for in the first place is untrue.

But don't let that stop him. He wants to become a God reason whatsoever.

Quoted for truth. Also, burning down a village and killing a flower girl isn't exactly something that gets you into the League of Badasses. And I always preferred Lavos. He/She/It seemed more intresting to me and had a better reason to ruin the planet than Sephiroth did.
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