Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

Ryker I didn't stop to think about that...
Maybe Sephiroth's presence in Nibelheim is actually what pushed him over the edge. Do all of the characters infused with Jenova cells lose their conscience in Jenova's presence?
Ryker I didn't stop to think about that...
Maybe Sephiroth's presence in Nibelheim is actually what pushed him over the edge. Do all of the characters infused with Jenova cells lose their conscience in Jenova's presence?
Of course. Well, let's plot it all out & see.

  1. Sephiroth was told that his mother's name was Jenova & that she died giving birth to him.
  2. Sephiroth states that he always felt different from everyone else.
  3. Sephiroth, being a direct extension of Jenova (seeing as how that's his "mother"), has the most Jenova cells in him.
  4. When you see Sephiroth in the flashback sequence, he seems to be a fairly normal individual.
  5. When you go inside the reactor Sephiroth sees the chamber labeled "Jenova" & Cloud says "Hey, didn't you say your mother's name was Jenova?"
  6. Sephiroth, being confused & probably pissed that he was lied to, goes back to the Shinra Mansion & begins reading everything about Jenova.
  7. Sephiroth begins acting completely out of character.
Jenova has been held captive inside the Mt. Nibel reactor for quite some time & then an individual who is her direct descendant gets near her. Now, I think it's pretty safe to say that this woke her up & she began messing with his head in order to get free.

Sephiroth was already confused about his origins to begin with, I believe Jenova to have taken advantage of this.

The same thing happens to Cloud when he gets near her body in the Shira Headquarters. He begins freaking out just being near her & Cloud has only been infused with Jenova cells. Sephiroth was born from them.

Basically, I couldn't care any less about what the producers say behind the scenes. The evidence in the game points to a completely different conclusion. I'm of the opinion that SE is just trying to please the masses of Sephiroth-fanboys who desperately want him to be the biggest badass of them all.

Then again, if it wasn't for Shinra, Jenova would've stay frozen in that geological stratum for all eternity - then no Jenova Project, no Sephiroth, no game. So maybe it's Shinra that's the ultimate evil. :P
I'm saying misguided because after he learned of the way he was created he saw himself as non-human and when he learned of how much potential he really had thus leaving to I wouldn't say pure eveil, more insane. ^_^
Here im gonna say both misguided and evil. For other reasons stated already but lets try and disect this some. Shinra showed and glorified him as a hero. How did he get there? He killed anyone Shinra told him to which points him to being evil, but why did he do this? As said earlier he felt diffrent from other people so maybe by following Shinras orders he thought he was finding his place hence being misguided.

As for his mother i do believe if recollectiong correctly is not Jenova, it is Luceial(sp) Vicents girlfriend. Remember she was pregnat and gave birth to sephiroth. Sephroth was injected with Jenova cells but i believe it was while he was being feritilized thus saying the jenova cells were inplanted into an egg into Luceial, thus impregnating her. So maybe both could be his parents.

Then as saying when one around Jenova ones with her cells begining to lose it, since Sephiroth was injected with them at such a young stage he had the strongest connection with Jenova. So she was able to maniupulate him some into doing the things he did in the name of mother, which leads to misguided. However he never questioned these things in the slightest way or hesitated again which points to evil.
I think Seppy was just misguided, all men desire one thing above all else.
he tried to get it and wud do anything to get at it...
this is what let him to being as he did.
He's both misguided and evil, in his own way. It depends on who's answering... if you ask Sephi, he'd tell you he is completely, absolutely right to do what he's doing, and that we traitors deserve it. If you ask most others, they'll likely tell you Sephi is an evil bastard for murdering everyone and being so arrogant.

Before he found out he was an Ancient, things seemed fine. After he read that stuff, that's when things went haywire, apparently. Ignorance is a blessing...
Sephiroth was once a hero .
You can't really be sure of that;). Wheither or not he was a"hero" will be answered in "Crisis Core," and one country's Hero is another country's terrorist .He was working for Shinra back in his "Crisis Core" days. and Shinra was(relatively) bad back then.
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You can't really be sure of that;). Wheither or not he was a"hero" will be answered in "Crisis Core," and one country's Hero is another country's terrorist .He was working for Shinra back in his "Crisis Core" days. and Shinra was(relatively) bad back then.

Sephiroth was renowned for being a hero, during his time spent as a ShinRa employee; a Soldier. It's stated as such throughout the game.
He was supposed to be Pure evil because he's a bad boy and kind of wanted to destroy the world. But I'm sure he was perfectly innocent as a child. How would you feel if you had a sucky life without any fun, had been through a war, and then find out that you aren't even human and deserve nothing? I'd feel extremely pissed off! Also, you have to keep Jenova in your mind, and stuff.

sephiroth was just misguided by the fact that the thing he thought was his mother was a calamity that wanted to rule the world. sephiroth took
it apon himself to carry out jenova's will
I think he was just misguided, cause he was fine until he went into Nibelheim and then he snapped. In some ways I think it was a set up, but then again, I dunno. I just think it sucks that he turned evil. ^^;
I think Sephiroth wanted more power but was not evil. He was misguided when he discovered his origin, nobody who knows his true origin told him the truth. If ever Vincent told him everything, its either he continues to be a badass or he'll accept it and be good as always.
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Out of most the view's I've seen so far, Rykers make's the most sense.

IMO Sephiroth from the start is mis-guided. He still had a pretty much average birth, I mean with Proff Gast as his father and his mother Luceia . The Jenova Cell's were all injected into him during the stage's of birth and they never really could tell at the time what the Jenova cell's were capable of, all they knew was that it was connected with the "Ancients" .

Now Sephiroth was probably lied to about a lot of thing's during his child-hood, for example, his father proffesor Gast who was killed whilst making an interview with Iflane about the Ancient's and the Weapon's and the "Jenova" incident's. He was lied to about who his "Real" Mother really was and got told it was Jenova, but Shinra never told him what "Jenova percisely was" and they told him she died during giving birth to him.

Later on come's the Nebleihiem incident where he finally figure's out what his mother really is and is infurated by all the lie's he was told his whole entire life. Then Cloud comment's about how some of the specimien's were created and mentioned Sephiroth which made him really confused and in a state of Melancholy and so he confine's himself in the Shinra Mansion Basement to read about the "truth" . Then whilst making his trip to the Reactor, he burn's down Nebliehiem and kill's people along the way. This is when he become's evil I'd say.

That's MO anyhow ^^.
Interesting concept. Was he misguided or pure evil? Let's explore this.

All things I say from here on out are (obviously...) my opinion, so :P

Let's look at the timeline events. To start, I suppose that we'd have to wonder if evil is a genetic trait. Anybody who's seen Hojo cannot deny that he's an evil little bastard.

So, bringing that into perspective, if it is, then Sephiroth started off with an 'evil gene.'

However, if evil is not genetic...

We must assume that Sephy started off as pure as all babies. Enter Jenova. The will of Jenova, extended by his/her cells implanted in the Body of Sephiroth whilst he was an infant, is evil. As a result, Sephiroth may have begun with evil influence, but was not necessarily evil. This could explain why he felt that it was alright for him to fight on the side of Shin-Ra during the Wutai War.

However, we then get into his true adulthood. We must remember that, when Jenova is brought within proximity of it's own cells, it wishes to reunite with itself. This sugests that each cell has a will of it's own, that conglomerates into the full will of the Harbinger. However, back to Sephiroth.

As a result of being brought within proximity to the Jenova cells, from the full creature itself, Sephiroth wished to reunite with him/her. However, this was a new feeling to Sephiroth, and the human in him wished to understand why he felt this way.

So, he goes down into Shin-Ra mansion, to Professors Gast and Hojo's laboratory. He looks through all the books, and discovers the Jenova project, looking over the fact that Lucrecia Crescent was his other biological mother. By seeing that his abilities, amplified several times past those of humans, are a trait enhanced by the Jenova cells within him, he feels that his mother is this 'Calamity,' Jenova.

The Jenova cells within his body take advantage of the feeling, and say 'Yes! She's your real mother! Reunite with her, become one with her!'

So, Sephiroth takes to the Reactor, and finds Jenova, but not before trying to sate the bloodlust of Jenova that is harbored now in his mind.

And so, his actions until his falsified death by the hand of Cloud were influenced by the corrupt will of Jenova. Or so I believe.

Now, we get to the part after his falsified death.

Sephiroth has now floated around the Lifestream, until he came to the place where the WEAPON took roost (yes, it's WEAPON plural, not WEAPONs). During this time, he'd absorbed eons of knowledge, directly from the lifestream. Jenova wanted to reunite with his/her cells, but had been taken to the Shin-Ra building.

Having floated around the Lifestream for a potential several years now, Sephiroth may understand that, in order to reach his full potential and power, he needed to become one with Jenova. Exit Jenova's influence, and enter the true evil that is Sephiroth.

Here's the flaw within Hojo's Reunion Theory. He felt that the Jenova pieces wished to regroup at the largest part of Jenova. However, the Jenova in the body of Sephiroth could not move, as it was trapped in crystalised Materia. So, Jenova went to it. Sephiroth's plan was in motion, and he began to take control of the Jenova clones and Jenova itself, calling it to him. Because of Cloud's past, and tarnished memories, he ignored the fact that Sephiroth was luring him to him (for Cloud was a Jenova Clone), completely unaware that he was a clone of Jenova. So, begin the chase.

You all know how it ends up from there, so I'll stop there.

My opinionated part is now over.

So, it seems to me that, he started off good, was influenced by Jenova to do evil things, but them=n ended up becoming bad in the process.
Excellent theory. Makes good sense.

...'cept Squeenix doesn't want that.

Sephiroth, through powers and methods no one explains, is the one controlling Jenova. He was never under her control at Nibelheim.

FVII Creator 1: What?!? There's a chance the main antagonist ISN'T evil?
FFVII Creator 2: I'm sorry. We had no idea such a pitiful and 1-dimensional villain would attain such popularity!
Creator 3: We must bury that notion before it infects the reputation of the Great Sephiroth.
Creator 4: Burn the heretics!
Creator 1: Nah. We can't do that...yet. Let's start off by just making up random shit. Oh! Like it was SEPHIROTH controlling Jenova! Not the other way around!
Creator 2: But sir, that makes no sense.
Creator 4: Kill the heretic! *shoots Creator 2*
Creator 3: Excellent work. Now nothing can stop the Great Sephiroth from becoming the most popular villain EVAR.
I think when Sephiroth turned, he was more misguided than anything and as time passed grew more evil.