Sephiroth, Pure evil or Misguided?

I have to agree with psychomaze here.
Being betrayed by the people u know and trust...
I believe Sephiroth (when he was in the mansion) began to realise he was more than a petty human and that this was the reason for trying to kill everyone so he would be almighty and fulfill his destiny together with Jenova.
It's Cetra not Certa. -__-

Chill with the spelling spoof.


But I was thinking. He was sent to Nibelhiem to check out the same Reactor where Jenova was stored, and the door it self says 'Jenova' and after looking inside he freaks out.

So that leaves me to question: Was he set up and assigned to this mission knowing full well that another SOLIDER can take care of it, or even Zack by himself could with enough infantry back up since he can't be at two places at once.

Someone knew, someone sent him. I assume that in his case, every action and mission would be monitored without his knowledge by at least Hojo or an assistant of his.
My theory is Hojo wanted him sent there. Just to see what happened. After all Hojo doesn't really care what happens in the name of science.
Sephiroth is more missguided than pure evil, finding out your just some mad-scientists experiment would be enough to push anyone over the edge, now hojo, that guy is evil xD
Nah hojo is too insane to be evil. If you think about it he really only has a one track mind.
well it is possible that Hojo was behind it. To see how Seph would react when he found out the truth. Like they say in this thread, Hojo cares about nothing but the science.
Well here's my verdict:

Sephiroth is misguided and Hojo is pure evil.

I (story wise) blame Hojo for being ultimately responsible for all the pain and destruction for the planet.

... Then (as I mentioned in another thread) there would be no plot either, eh?
Hojo is ruthless, and cares nothing about the world beyond what he sees as an experiment.

Sephy went insane, and I think he burned Nibelheim because, in his insanity he must have seen it in connection to the reactor which acted as Jenova/Mother's "prison". He was freeing his Mother. He isn't evil, just deeply disturbed by the revelation that he was nothing but an experiment attempting to bring back the Cetra. The mental wound that caused, plus the fact that he was of Jenova, allowed the demon bitch to get her power 'round him and control/nudge/brain-warp him into completing what she failed.

Also, on a side note, he'd be really hot if Square'd redo FFVII graphic-wise...
I don't know if misguided is the correct term...I think that when he learned of his origins in Nibelheim he became severely disoriented: Most everything that he knew changed, his schema was destroyed. He clung to the only constant things he knew: Violence, and power.

I think one thing led to another. How would you feel if you were "created" unnaturally? He had all this power, all the skill in the world, he thought he was special, but when he found out what truly happened and why he was that way it broke him into pieces. Why would he not hate the world? And his mother? Look at what they did to her. It's no question that he went evil afterwards. If it were me the planet wouldn't have survived at all lol I'd destroy everything completely I would have killed Aeris Cloud Shinra all the chocobo, Don Corneo even Bugenhagen wouldn't survive. xD
Yeah, he got on pretty well with "Cloud" during the past sequence. But when he found out about his past he went a bit crazy!
I think he is just misguided,i mean rily he wasnt always bad he used 2 b part of SOLDIER and plus he didn't know that his true mother was Lucrecia.
I might as well put my two cents in as well.

I don't think he's evil or misguided, he's just not a sane person. Someone who's evil goes out of their way to do evil (and they know it's wrong), someone who's misguided believes their doing the right thing, but in actuality they aren't.

Sephiroth just lost his mind. After all, his claims about him and his "mother" are altogether false. He's not an Ancient by any means, as he thought he was, and thus he doesn't hold the right to "reclaim" the planet as the last remaining ancient.

In fact, even if Jenova was an Ancient, she isn't his mother in the first place. Which is another thing he frequently claims.

Now, we know he dwells in the lifestream for the majority of the game, and that he's pulling the strings to many different things. He even demonstrates the ability to intrude on Clouds dreams (ex: When Aerith comes to Cloud and says she's going to the city of the Ancients, Sephiroth intrudes and speaks with him).
It seems almost impossible that after all this time he wouldn't have found out the truth about the Jenova project.

He just snapped, plain and simple. He found out he was part of a monstrosity and lost control.
Interesting. Every person (real or otherwise) has the capacity for great good or great evil. For some, one will come easier than the other regardless of upbringing, though that has a great deal to do with it. I reckon Sephiroth gave into feelings of rage and hatred and also a feeling of finally belonging after he had read the books in the mansion. If he had been brought up by his birth mother Lucrecia things may have been very different...