sephiroth ruler of planet?

But if we were to play everyone on a level field, we'd only take FF7 Sephiroth into account, not Crisis Core, not Before Crisis, not Advent Children and not Advent Children Complete.

In his original appearance... How good is he compared to others?
But if we were to play everyone on a level field, we'd only take FF7 Sephiroth into account, not Crisis Core, not Before Crisis, not Advent Children and not Advent Children Complete.

In his original appearance... How good is he compared to others?

It really depends. I liked him as a villain more than SIN because well, SIN was just a mad whale half the time for me.

I found it intriguing that Cloud always seemed to only half whisper sephiroth's name. And he was the first villain to be somewhat sympathetic with his back-story.

Though i dont think it was the best, i rather enjoyed his personality more than most of the other villains.
I do agree with you, the hero-turned-villain was a new thing to the series (unless you want to count Golbez, but it wasn't out of his free will)

It kind of made Sephiroth more interesting as a character, exploring why he fell from grace, turned his blade against his comrades and performed inhumane acts etc :hmmm:
Indeed, but ACC sephiroth >>>>>>>> FF7 sephiroth in power.

Considering the dude has his own lifestream. SIN could damage the earth physically more than anyone, but conquer it or whatever seph can do it better.

And it's not really calling on another power if it's his lifestraem, not the planets.

I wouldn't say its Sephiroths lifestream its not his own,he doesn't use himself to destroy the world by using the lifestream......... However Sin just only uses himself to destroy the world unlike all the other villains in the FF series........But thats another argument Sin isnt a villain after all.......As a main boss of an FF though he is the strongest physically! But as a villain I'd say its sephiroth the strongest among the bunch not the best villain though........that would be Kefka of course :griin:
He was a pretty good baddy and he's probably one of my favourites along with Seymour. There's not many other baddies that really stand out for me except those two.

i think what i'm gonna say now is a solid argument. keep in mind guys, sin is f***ing huge, but i think sephiroth could physically destroy sin. think about it sin and seph can fly but sin is REALLY slow, whereas sephiroth can fly faster than the fastest fighter jet. as for damage, i'm pretty sure sin isn't made of metal, even if he is it won't matter. seph's sword cuts through anything. it ripped A FUCKING METAL CANNON TO PIECES LIKE IT WAS TISSUE PAPER! anyone agree?
I'd disagree :mokken:

Operation Mi'ihen he had countless cannons raining fire on him as well as a pain cannon pretty much on overload power that could BARELY affect Sin's shield... What hope does Sephiroth have?

Not to mention Sin has toxins, the ability to travel through time, incapacitate you and fire beams of energy that can disintegrate anything it hits, even the very sinscale that drops off it's body when it's hit :monster:
sephiroth mach... REALLY FAST!

like i said sephiroth can fly faster than the fastest jet and his masamune can cut through ANYTHING, INCLUDING SIN'S SHIELD. granted, it might take seph some time to slice up and barbque that giant ass whale and serve him as shishkabobs to his remnants, cause sin is huge, lol. but i still believe he could do it. anyone agree? and btw heartsmash, i'll have you know that even though i'm a seph fan,i've played other ff games. we seph fans aren't ALL biased like that. you should't make such assumptions....
I don't think Sephy could, there's a big difference in toughness between a building and Sin's Shield, if an entire army concentrating cannon fire can't cut through his shield I doubt Sephy will have an easier time :wacky:

Plus, Sin's shield operates as a weapon too, if Sin shoots it at Sephiroth he won't stand a chance, since it can go in ALL directions around Sin, even if it's being attacked at the time. So unless Sephiroth can turn around and get out of there before he's vaporised, he's in trouble.

As for cutting into Sin, good luck there, the armour (sin) is considered 'impenetrable' in FF10, it was only by shooting off Sin's arms and then weakening it's both to go through the mouth that he was killable. And as far as i'm aware Sin can regenerate damage as long as the Aeon side still lives.

Sin can't even be killed from the outside, you have to go in and that's hardly an easy feat :wacky:

(and again, i'm talking regular FF7, Sephiroth, who never flies outside of Safer/Seraph :gasp:) floats, but doesn't fly
It was difficult for the party alone to fight Sin together, let alone Sephiroth taking him on single handedly. So perhaps if he managed to cut through Sin, he'd still have to kill the host in there. I wouldn't underestimate Sin's strength after all. It did destroy single towns and could've destroyed Spira if it wanted.

Sephiroth did what again? Killed a flower girl, burned a town down and was essentially killed by a SOLDIER wannabe ...

Well, asides from that, he could've very well destroyed the planet with Meteor. But comparing him to Sin, Sin didn't need to summon anything and wait for it to come tumbling down on Spira. It could've destroyed Spira without doing that. Sure, it'd be slow, but consider how huge it is.

The machina couldn't keep Sin down for long. It burped all over Operation Mi'ihen and they all fell down. :wacky:

sorry. i always get so nervous when mods post in my threads. makes me think i might of done something bad. anyways, of course sin wouldn't summon anything cause sin itself is a summon drawn out by yevon. and sin did that one attack where he broke waves and such spanning across 3 parts of spira. so he would "summon" that. and sephiroth could dodge those cannons all day...
I doubt he could dodge all of them, taking CC into consideration, when Genesis released a volley of presumably fire spells, Sephiroth didn't dodge, he tried to block in vain and was engulfed. Sure, he didn't take any noticeable damage but it shows Sephiroth isn't as evasive as he is made out to be, in NO shown fights between Sephiroth and another combatant has he ever dodged, he always blocked as far as I am aware :hmmm:

He strikes me as the egotistical type who likes to flaunt his power, even in Dissidia his style works best when played defensively rather than evasively :hmmm:
Sephiroth is FAR too fast to be tagged by any of SIN's attacks. He could always regenerate or block them with his barrier anyway.

As for the barrier there are numerous ways to bypass it. The easiest one being he turns intangiable and phases through. Or summons something to blow it up, or hits it with a hill busting slash.

He goes inside and cuts down everything in his path.
Excuse me? When did Sephiroth EVER become intangible? O_O I don't think i've EVER seen him perform an ability like that :hmmm:

Also, when did Sin's barrier have numerous ways in? And even if Sephy got through the barrier Sin's armour is thick enough to take on concentrated cannon fire, it would take more than Sephiroth on his own, no matter how strong he is to carve a way inside. Besides, Sin isn't technically alive, he can't be killed. And the only way to really kill Sin is by taking out the Summoner inside :hmmm: Yu Yevon.

And I think people are confusing Sephiroth's speed with his agility, from what i've seen of Sephiroth he's not that agile in the air. From what I say and interpreted in ACC, he's mostly gliding or using momentum, he can't stay in the air and whizz off in all directions from what I saw. And if he can, then Cloud can too since they're evenly matched in that regard, and with FF7 being a game full of gravity being meaningless, flying and forward momentum can be easily confused xD
Excuse me? When did Sephiroth EVER become intangible? O_O I don't think i've EVER seen him perform an ability like that :hmmm:

Also, when did Sin's barrier have numerous ways in? And even if Sephy got through the barrier Sin's armour is thick enough to take on concentrated cannon fire, it would take more than Sephiroth on his own, no matter how strong he is to carve a way inside. Besides, Sin isn't technically alive, he can't be killed. And the only way to really kill Sin is by taking out the Summoner inside :hmmm: Yu Yevon.

And I think people are confusing Sephiroth's speed with his agility, from what i've seen of Sephiroth he's not that agile in the air. From what I say and interpreted in ACC, he's mostly gliding or using momentum, he can't stay in the air and whizz off in all directions from what I saw. And if he can, then Cloud can too since they're evenly matched in that regard, and with FF7 being a game full of gravity being meaningless, flying and forward momentum can be easily confused xD

Jenova(now whose new name is sephiroth) once phased through the hull of a boat.

Concentrated cannon fire is a different kind of force from a hill destroying slash. Besides sephiroth can spam magic or summon something anyway. Or gets his lifestream to corrode it, or absorbs it actually since he can absorb energies such as the lifestream.

He goes inside and cuts everything up.

Actually he can, in ACC he did numerous times. He even directly flies with his wing in the end. And cloud in a short burst, moved faster and out of the way of lightning after it was fired upon him, so yea he's pretty fast.
like i said sephiroth can fly faster than the fastest jet and his masamune can cut through ANYTHING, INCLUDING SIN'S SHIELD. granted, it might take seph some time to slice up and barbque that giant ass whale and serve him as shishkabobs to his remnants, cause sin is huge, lol. but i still believe he could do it. anyone agree? and btw heartsmash, i'll have you know that even though i'm a seph fan,i've played other ff games. we seph fans aren't ALL biased like that. you should't make such assumptions....

Ahaha excuse me? Um since when did I say that "ALL" seph fans are biased? You clearly didn't get the point of my post, thus making false assumptions yourself. I thought you were done with this thread. o_O

But since your back may I ask you where your statistic of him "flying faster than jets" and his blade "cutting through anything" came from? Is there a new Chocobo racing game I don't know about?

I mean many of the posts/threads you make are exaggerated assumptions and littered with bad grammar. Such as Auron being the coolest and Sephiroth being the best villain. These things aren't fact.

I think if the playing feild was even and everyone only looked at the main games excluding spinoffs, Sephiroth is not the best villain of the FF series in technicality including overall fear/achievements and raw power(including melee ang magic because one or the other can only get you so far).
Jenova phased through a boat?... Oh! You mean when Cloud and co snuck on a ship to Costa Del Sol? I always assumed it was teleportation of some kind but was too slow for combat purposes :hmmm:

And Sephiroth has no 'summon magic' if we're talking Ramuh, Shiva etc, as for magic he's never shown to use any outside of FF7 combat, even in the cutscenes he uses physical attacks, showing which he'd rather use in battle :hmmm:

And i'd put my money on the concentrated cannot fire over an oversized katana for damage potential :hmmm:

And outside of being winged i've never seen him truly fly without having forward momentum from clashing with Cloud tbh, nothing to definitely say 'this is flight'
Jenova phased through a boat?... Oh! You mean when Cloud and co snuck on a ship to Costa Del Sol? I always assumed it was teleportation of some kind but was too slow for combat purposes :hmmm:

And Sephiroth has no 'summon magic' if we're talking Ramuh, Shiva etc, as for magic he's never shown to use any outside of FF7 combat, even in the cutscenes he uses physical attacks, showing which he'd rather use in battle :hmmm:

And i'd put my money on the concentrated cannot fire over an oversized katana for damage potential :hmmm:

And outside of being winged i've never seen him truly fly without having forward momentum from clashing with Cloud tbh, nothing to definitely say 'this is flight'

It seemed slow because the thing was ascending from the hull upwards, but the whole body was intangible to be able to do that.

If you give him access to materia then he would have, since kadaj was easily able to use it.

Thing is katana attacks are spammable, and each one with the force of destroying a hill at the same place.

There is an instance where he is definitely flying after they start the battle, and then again he can become winged at any time and since cloud could ascend upwards then i assume he can too.
Ya, going by FF7 physics it's an easy thing to assume that nobody flies, they just have boosted momentum, allowing superhuman jumping feats :hmmm:

As for Materia, I merely mean that outside of FF7 battles (turn based, not cutscene) Sephiroth never uses magic, not even in CC or ACC, he just focuses exclusively on his melee skills, not even Dissidia gave him any magic aside from the Black Materia which just strengthens the view that Sephiroth is a focused melee fighter :hmmm: which is odd when in the flashback of FF7 it's the other way around tbh.
Ya, going by FF7 physics it's an easy thing to assume that nobody flies, they just have boosted momentum, allowing superhuman jumping feats :hmmm:

As for Materia, I merely mean that outside of FF7 battles (turn based, not cutscene) Sephiroth never uses magic, not even in CC or ACC, he just focuses exclusively on his melee skills, not even Dissidia gave him any magic aside from the Black Materia which just strengthens the view that Sephiroth is a focused melee fighter :hmmm: which is odd when in the flashback of FF7 it's the other way around tbh.

Well, those with wings can definitely fly. Cloud can only avoid falling, ascend and boost himself, but not really flying. He can though most certainly fly during the omnislashV6.

Yea sephiroth probably like physicall fighting better, but then again, having the knowledge of the ancients and a lifestream puts him a little above materia IMO