sephiroth ruler of planet?

When you post a thread asking for someone's opinion, you don't control it. What you will get is other people's opinions whether they agree with you or not. As you can see, some people don't agree and you'll just have to accept that.

And with that said, carry on with the discussion folks. :wacky:
right. sorry about that folks. it was a little rude and childish and hopefully won't happen again. but one thing is clear to me now: lol i have NO CONTROL over this thread anymore. how a simple opinion question of sephiroth, turned into a freakin HEATED debate between sephiroth, kefka, and kuja, i will never know. but as long as people find this thread good enough to post in, that's fine by me. so once again, i offer my most sincere appologies. weather you accept them or not is up to you. just let me know.

its cool theres always gonna be someone who disagrees with ya hear.......Sephiroth is obviously a cool villain undoubtly one of the best villains in gaming history to most people.........I just think Kefka is a better villain and underrated in that case........Even though I think Kefka is a better villain than sephiroth I know more people like you, prefer sephiroth a a villain..........but thats just me huh?

hehe... yeah lol i know that. i just think it seems kinda cool that i would be in complete control of a thread. lol but i know i'm not. oh well. hehe lol.
darkshadow, believe me, you are NOT ALONE. if you take a look at the previous pages and replies in this thread, you WILL find other people who prefer kefka over sephiroth. you can check out my other sephiroth threads as well and you will see that kefka and/or kuja has been brought up in almost every single one of them. so no, it's not just you friend.
*jumps in the lions den*

Personally I don't think Sephy is all that special, the only thing that really gets glorified is his kill count, and that's about it :hmmm: even his plan which, as I recall was to have Meteor 'scar' the planet and then absorb the lifestream to become a god, in fact... Wasn't the location he wanted to do this in North Crater? I think his aim was a bit off, hitting Midgar instead :wacky:

As for him being the 'best' villain for doing stuff like succeeding in his plan or what have you. Though in terms of destructive potential, in the FF series Kuja comes out on top, with Kefka at a close second, probably Exdeath in third with Sin/Yu Yevon at 4th :hmmm:

I mean heck, Kuja destroyed a planet in about... 5 minutes? :wacky: no big meteors or anything, just using the power of trance and later on he manages to destroy all life, if not for Zidane and co beating Necron, Kuja would have wiped out all life on FF9 :hmmm:

Then we have Kefka, who as mentioned is the god of magic and for those who say Sephy could beat him at magic, take into consideration that Kefka is a GOD of magic. If a spell didn't work he could just make a new one that could, as shown in FF6 with Forsaken which even beats Ultima for pure power :wacky: and in terms of what he does, he alters the very face of the planet, even after beating Kefka the world doesn't change back, Kefka's damage stays intact. The only improvement is not getting laser beamed at random.

Then comes Exdeath, while he wasn't so much trying to destroy the world, he was quite capable (and did so) of taking any part of the world and removing it, at one point he fuses two planets together and if not for Bartz and co, the worlds would eventually cease to exist

And number 4, Sin, While it has arguably greater damage potential than Kefka and Exdeath, he's not as keen to flaunt it and tends to just hit small towns, minimising his real strength. When he does go all out though, he tears huge chasms into Spira, sucking up the atmosphere and everything until he gets knocked down onto Bevelle, and being a hard-to-kill monster he wasn't going anywhere and kept everyone in a 1,000 year state of fear of when they'll die next. WHich isn't bad for a force of nature tbh.

Sephy probably comes at 5th tbh, he couldn't aim his doomsday weapon properly, for something that is meant to scar the planet it sure went at slow-mo once it hit the atmosphere, which is really where it should be going at insane speed :wacky: plus, half the so-called 'horrible acts' like Nibelheim, killing Aerith etc etc were all done by Jenova, Sephy doesn't even ENTER the picture until Cloud gives him the Black Materia. If anything, Jenova is a bigger villain than him tbqh. point was that Sephiroth couldn't compare to Kefka. Kefka is a God. Sephiroth is a genetically enhanced human. The implied level of power is completely different. It doesn't matter how good with a sword you are, it isn't going to do you much good against omnipotence and unlimited power...unless you're a protagonist, anyway. In which case, go right ahead and strut your stuff ♥

In that respect, actually, Sephiroth is extremely weak. In a way, it is actually quite remarkable that he managed to actually get anything at all done. But, if you're going to compare him to other FF villains...he's way outclassed.

In any case, I don't think Sephiroth is that big a deal. If he was a little more intelligent and a little less prone to excessive drama, and if it wasn't for Jenova, he wouldn't even be a villain. He'd be the cold, aloof hero he was in Crisis Core, back when he was actually likeable.

sephiroth is actually a demigod, not just a genetically enhanced human, but whatever... i give up on this anyways... i'm clearly not suited to be a one man army like sephiroth and defend him. and i'm clearly outmatched on this. tbh, i've never played ff6, i don't have an nes thing, i've only seen kefka in dissidia. having said that, you all probobally now think my arguments against him are all BS. that's fine cause i give up. have a nice day everyone...
You're entitled to your opinion, as everyone else is to theirs. It's a discussion we're having, not an all-out war. Stop taking it so personally ♥

I not entirely sure I'd classify Sephiroth as a demigod, though...although I suppose it depends on your definition of the word. He's had a lot more enhancements, it's true, because of the whole Jenova thing, but I wouldn't say those enhancements have turned him into a demigod...
Ya, Sephiroth isn't a demigod in the literal term, Jenova was simply an alien from presumably a more advanced form of warrior breed, hence Sephiroth could outmatch any human warrior in combat with the genes of Jenova. He was more like a human-alien hybrid than anything close to a god.
Yeah you got a you said your meant to judge by actions not his personality. I'll admit plainly Kefka is no where near as strong as Sephiroth. Because Sephiroth is strong he can easily kill with his own hands something Kefka can't (Despite both of them having to call on a bigger power to destroy the planet). But looking at them both........Kefka is DEFINATELY more EVIL sephiroth. And thats what makes a good villain, not his actions but his intentions.

So in conclusion:
Sephiroth more stronger than Kefka
Kefka more evil than Sephiroth
And overall Kefka=Best Villain and Sephiroth=Strongest Villain
Agree or not I'll be happy to argue about it. :griin:

Exdeath? Ultimecia? Cloud of Darkness?

Sephiroth is definately no the strongest.

Anyway yeah I wouln't say he's the best villain in the series.
Ooh, I forgot about Cloud of Darkness, another case of 'not bad for a force of nature' :wacky:

And Ultimecia certainly had power, I just felt her evil intents were lacking, destructive wise. If I recall correctly she just wanted to erase all existence and live in a time where she ruled, though then it makes me wonder... What would you rule if nothing exists? :wacky:
Exdeath? Ultimecia? Cloud of Darkness?

Sephiroth is definately no the strongest.

Anyway yeah I wouln't say he's the best villain in the series.

Yeah thats all Sephiroth had more strength than Kefka...........In FFVII the characters couldn't stop goig on about the strength of Sephiroth, its as if they were all scared of him unlike other FF game...........they said his strengths is "unlike anything you've seen"..........But at the end of the day Sephiroth was was Kefka but he managed to get closer to his goals than sephiroth...........and he could'nt stand anything Kefka would cause destruction anywhere he went.

Ulemecia,cloud of darkness and exdeath I don't think they have done anything that would be recognizable like destroy a huge chunk of the world or kill a character.........So really I wouldn't even consider them as one of the best villains..........The best villains to me is Kefka followed by Sephiroth...............and if you can call Sin a villain he would be first (But really dont confront me about that im not in the mood to argue about it) .
Yeah thats all Sephiroth had more strength than Kefka...........In FFVII the characters couldn't stop goig on about the strength of Sephiroth, its as if they were all scared of him unlike other FF game...........they said his strengths is "unlike anything you've seen"..........But at the end of the day Sephiroth was was Kefka but he managed to get closer to his goals than sephiroth...........and he could'nt stand anything Kefka would cause destruction anywhere he went.

Ulemecia,cloud of darkness and exdeath I don't think they have done anything that would be recognizable like destroy a huge chunk of the world or kill a character.........So really I wouldn't even consider them as one of the best villains..........The best villains to me is Kefka followed by Sephiroth...............and if you can call Sin a villain he would be first (But really dont confront me about that im not in the mood to argue about it) .
I'm not sayin they're the best, I'm just saying that Sephiroth isn't the strongest villian in the series; those mentioned above could beat him. It's opinionated to whom is the best villain; I would say either Exdeath or Kefka.
I think Sephy rili is the best villain! I mean his poker face, and that single wing making me nosbleeding!

Ahem... I eman, Sephy is the strongest SOLDIER right? I think that's enough reason for him to be the greatest villain XD and he got so many fans as far as I know.
You're entitled to your opinion, as everyone else is to theirs. It's a discussion we're having, not an all-out war. Stop taking it so personally ♥

I not entirely sure I'd classify Sephiroth as a demigod, though...although I suppose it depends on your definition of the word. He's had a lot more enhancements, it's true, because of the whole Jenova thing, but I wouldn't say those enhancements have turned him into a demigod...

Technically by FF7 standards sephiroth can be classified as a god.

The reason is because he created the negative lifestream, and is said to be superior to minerva(the god of gaia in 7).

Also bcause he started the apocalypse by a mere flick of hs wrist in ACC.

And yea, he`s not the strongest overall.

Physically? Yes he is.

In comba skills? Yes he is.

Overall? No he`d be lke 3rd or 4th.The first is definitely Neo-exdeath.
I'd have to disagree here, by FF7 standards, Sephiroth himself said he was going to 'become' a god by absorbing the lifestream when it healed the planet from meteor, meaning he never was a god.

And 'create' a negative lifestream? Unless i'm missing something here Sephiroth's will simply manipulated it, not corrupt it.

And stronger than Minerva? I'd have a hard time believing a super soldier is stronger than a god :hmmm:

And wasn't Geostigma Jenova's doing? Not Sephiroth's?

And being strongest in combat skills, i'd also have to argue. While yes, he does weild a unique weapon and is certainly a powerful combatant with it, I would have to argue whether he could outmatch some of the other FF villains in combat. Perhaps he could beat a fair few in a physical fight, but going all out would be another matter entirely.
I'd have to disagree here, by FF7 standards, Sephiroth himself said he was going to 'become' a god by absorbing the lifestream when it healed the planet from meteor, meaning he never was a god.

And 'create' a negative lifestream? Unless i'm missing something here Sephiroth's will simply manipulated it, not corrupt it.

And stronger than Minerva? I'd have a hard time believing a super soldier is stronger than a god :hmmm:

And wasn't Geostigma Jenova's doing? Not Sephiroth's?

And being strongest in combat skills, i'd also have to argue. While yes, he does weild a unique weapon and is certainly a powerful combatant with it, I would have to argue whether he could outmatch some of the other FF villains in combat. Perhaps he could beat a fair few in a physical fight, but going all out would be another matter entirely.


1) He rose above that ideal after FF7 hence, the reasn for the creation of the corrupt lifestream and the creatrs stating nothing is stronger than sehiroth in FF7. In the reunion files they evn said he dosent sweat, blink or needs to show any sign of strain, because he is not human anymore.

2) The creators never actually specified how he has it(i`d guess he absorbed the knowledge of the anciens and discovered hw), but we do know has his own lifestream by ACC. We actually even see it descending from the sky in ACC.

3) The creaors stated that sephiroth is te strongest being of 7 actually. And he was above her will at the end of 7, seeing as how he was going to absorb her.

4) No geostigma was definitely sephiroth. And i must remember you that after the nibelheim reactor sephiroth became jenova, but is dominant over her.

5) Sephiroth has shown more physicall prowess than anyone in FF. Meaning his physicall strenght, as he destroyes an avalanche of debris the size of small hills falling on him.

By combat prowess i mean his skill with the blade, and his speed.

No one in other FFs is seen cutting skyscrapers in half while flying

The soldiers of VII were given a speed other characters were not(there are exceptions, lightning and zidane).

Sephiroth`s speed can range anywhere from hypersonic to relativistic(because he kept up with cloud, who dodged natural lightning).

In a physicall, CQC, hand-to-ha bralw hed beat anyone.

All out is another matter. There are people with way more raw power than him.
1) Ah, I didn't know that, i've only played FF7, CC and watched AC/ACC, not so clued up on the literature side xD

2) Yeah, I remember it being mentioned somewhere that he gained the knowledge of the ancients through laying dormant in the Lifestream, might've even been during FF7 :hmmm:

3) I have a feeling even there he'd need Jenova's help to corrupt the Lifestream, I feel Sephiroth was unquestionably very strong, but I dunno if he was strong enough to corrupt a multi million year old stream of circulated life :hmmm: The way I see it, only the Ancients have the power to manipulate the planet. While Sephiroth certainly had the knowledge, he didn't have the gift of speaking to the planet.

4) But Sephiroth was dormant in Northern Crater, we even see him in a 'cocoon' of sorts, everything between from Cloud sending Sephiroth into the Lifestream to Cloud giving him the Black Materia was Jenova. Though saying that, I will retract saying Jenova performed the Nibelheim Incident :hmmm: As for Geostigma, didn't Sephiroth say himself that Jenova corrupted the lifestream, not him? Memory is fuzzy of ACC so I may be mistaken.

5) And ya, I wouldn't argue Sephiroth's physical abilities, it's his greatest merit in the FF7 universe, aside from villains like BFA and Ultimecia-Griever, I don't think many would have the physical power to match Sephiroth in a melee :hmmm:
1) Ah, I didn't know that, i've only played FF7, CC and watched AC/ACC, not so clued up on the literature side xD

2) Yeah, I remember it being mentioned somewhere that he gained the knowledge of the ancients through laying dormant in the Lifestream, might've even been during FF7 :hmmm:

3) I have a feeling even there he'd need Jenova's help to corrupt the Lifestream, I feel Sephiroth was unquestionably very strong, but I dunno if he was strong enough to corrupt a multi million year old stream of circulated life :hmmm: The way I see it, only the Ancients have the power to manipulate the planet. While Sephiroth certainly had the knowledge, he didn't have the gift of speaking to the planet.

4) But Sephiroth was dormant in Northern Crater, we even see him in a 'cocoon' of sorts, everything between from Cloud sending Sephiroth into the Lifestream to Cloud giving him the Black Materia was Jenova. Though saying that, I will retract saying Jenova performed the Nibelheim Incident :hmmm: As for Geostigma, didn't Sephiroth say himself that Jenova corrupted the lifestream, not him? Memory is fuzzy of ACC so I may be mistaken.

5) And ya, I wouldn't argue Sephiroth's physical abilities, it's his greatest merit in the FF7 universe, aside from villains like BFA and Ultimecia-Griever, I don't think many would have the physical power to match Sephiroth in a melee :hmmm:

1) Sure no problem. XD

2) Yes, it was somewhere.

3) Actually, anything that happened after the nibelheim reactor is sepiroth`s doing even hojo says so. Basically he became jenova. It was stated that he controlled all her cells. There are people who can explain it better than i here, Dragon Mage being one of them, but i`ll try. Sepiroth was basically controlli jenova`s remnant cells through telepathy. He even avoided death by sheer force of will.

The thing is sephiroth was going to corrupt the planet through sheer force of will. And when he was defeated by cloud his mere presence in the lifestream was corrupting it(meaning he was not even trying to, ashis goal at the time was not really corrupting the planet. As it was said in the case of the lifestream - Black.

4) Sephiroth was actually in control of all jenova cells at the time(in ACC his whole body is actually jenova cells), also of cloud through extention. No the corrupting of the lifestream was dne by sephiroth while he was dead, geostigma was his alien matter in the surface that was splattered after meteor hit. You can read more about this here:

The corruption was likely undone however when cloud sen sephiroth`s spirit packingto the lifestream at the end of AC.

5) I don`t think an of them have showed feats to match him physically, not after what he`s done in ACC XD

But it all depends on how you rate them anyway.
3) Ah yeah, now you mention it, all the remnants gathered to where Sephirothwas in North Crater, so that does make sense.

4) I think the time after the pure lifestream healed Cloud in ACC was showing Sephiroth's grip weakening, and after Cloud beat him, the pure lifestream then healed everyone in the spring in Midgar's church.

5) I just meant their pure physical strength (at least in BFA's case) could probably at least match Sephiroth, blow for blow xD
well... um hes the one yous called the BEST im on disc three on finalfantastyVII

he fails on the meteor thing yea hes one of my favorite villians of all time so yea hes cool