sephiroth ruler of planet?

but genesis wasn't in ff7 at all. they don't even mention him. i think when they made cc they just added genesis as another character so the game could have a main villian other than sephiroth. so yeah, in the original, genesis has nothing to do with sephiroth...
It doesn't matter if Genesis wasn't in the original game, he still started what Sephiroth would later become. And think about it, Crisis Core was released for YEARS after the original game. Because the writers of the compiliation are stupid, the story is all over the place. Heck, there's many different interpretations of that battle between Cloud and Sephiroth in the Nibelheim reactor ...

But ontopic, no. He's not the best villain. As others have stated, there have been far more successful villains. Kuja, Kefka and even Sin to name, but a few. Kuja destroyed Terra and even would use Ultima to cripple the party at the end of a fight. Sin could wipe out towns and cities without breaking a sweat.

Sephiroth may keep coming back, but he'll never ever accomplish his goals whatever they are or how twisted they are.
Prequels are there for a reason. They show how and why things turned out the way they did. Just because Genesis was not mentioned (even though he could have been without your knowing) doesn't mean he did not contribute to Sephiroth's malevolent attitude. Angeal is the original owner of the famous buster sword but he wasn't mentioned in the original game either (I think). That is just an example of what I'm trying to say. You talk as though Crisis Core was some side game that had nothing to do with the story when in reality it is the base of it.
Is Sephiroth the greatest villain ever?

Honestly? No. Sephiroth may have been the most cunning and mentally domineering of the villains which makes him infinitely more effective than some, but the best villain I've seen in any game series has to be (bear with me here) Zio from Phantasy Star 4. Sure, he might have only been around for the first half of the game but every step you took, you were reminded that, yes, this is one bad dude you're up against.
With Sephiroth, you were always tagging behind and once in a blue moon coming to see carnage - a Nibelheim here, a Midgar Zolom there, but they were precious rarities and overall he was always the unseen and unfelt.
Zio, now Zio... from the very moment the game starts in earnest, you know that Zio is pulling strings and, given enough time, will hurt you. From finding entire villaiges wiped out to discovering the town that literally worships him as a Jesus-like figure to your final confrontation, you know that he has power to burn, and will spare no effort in wiping you out should you attempt to stop him.

As for inside FF, well... let's just say that it's not what's on the inside, but what's wrought on the outside that counts. Sephiroth may have come close, but Kefka actually WON. That's right - for a goodly while he succeeded in his goal and became God in his own dying playworld. Therefore, for all of Sephiroth's trickery and subterfuge (which is masterful, I might add), he loses to the original Hellbound Harlequin.

i'll admit that genesis pushed him toward darkness, but all i'm saying is that you guys say genesis is the person who started him on the path of darkness, but that's not true. jenova was the catalist for sephiroth's dark deeds, NOT genesis. i think cc is very much a part of the story. on another note, of course sephiroth didn't succeed because cloud stopped him. that IS the role of a protaganist you know, to stop the antagonist from succeeding... that goes for EVERY VILLIAN, NOT JUST SEPHIROTH.
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Yes, Jenova was the ammunition but Genesis was the one who gave him the gun. It's a two way thing. One does not work without the other.

ok. i give up, i'm clearly out gunned and out numbered here so i give up. sephiroth is sephiroth. how he became what he is today, i don't really care. sephiroth is just an awesome badass, and for me that'll never change. i'm a sephiroth fan and always will be. so that's all i'm going to say on this for now. "MAY SEPHIROTH ONE DAY RULE THE WORLD". cool exit line eh?
Sephiroth is the most popular villian in the final fantasy series.. People who have never played final fantasy know who he is...Even if you like kefka more there is no dying sephiroth is the top dog of the series... I think people just hate him because they think he is overrated (yawn, as is everythining in ffvii apparently?)

yeah you're probobally right vivi. (AND THIS COMING FROM A DIE HARD SEPHIROTH FAN) haha...
don't really know what else to say here. oh. check out these sites and let me know what u think of them.
probobally won't change anyone's opinion of sephiroth here, but hey, one can try...
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Sephiroth really isn't the greatest villain ever, he just happens to be the most overhyped in gaming history. Very few, if any villains have had half the attention with very little credentials to warrant it. Word. :busta:
Let's watch the one liners and posts that don't really contribute anything, please. :)
I really think how you rate sephiroth is down to how you rate him killing that praying women.........If you loved that women then yes you probably hate his guts and rate him as the best villain.

But lets just say Kefka and Sephiroth existed in real-life..........I know definately most people will hate Kefka........he couldn't stand the sight of people and just wanted total destruction........even in FFVI he was in your face all the time,which is VERY unlike sephiroth. Sephiroth is even probably overrated by the characters in FFVII as well they go on and on about his incredible powers...........but look what cloud SOLELY (yes by himself) did to him in AC. So I wouldn't exactly say he's strong as well either, he only did one thing that left people heart-broken--------> thats why people rate him as the best villain. However I wasn't that heart-broken so I really wouldn't rate him that high yes he is a good villain but not better than Kefka.

In fact he's nothing compared to Kefka!
hold on...

ok. i'm gonna say this before it goes any further. when i made this thread, i wasn't talking about what sephiroth had done as a villian. i meant this in terms of him being a wicked badass and really fucking cool. so when people reply to this thread, please keep this in mind. also, i personally think that the best villians are the ones with nothing to lose, and the ones seeking revenge. and sephiroth fits under both those criteria. anyone agree?