sephiroth ruler of planet?

You're supposed to judge a villain by their actions, not their personality.
I really think how you rate sephiroth is down to how you rate him killing that praying women.........If you loved that women then yes you probably hate his guts and rate him as the best villain.

But lets just say Kefka and Sephiroth existed in real-life..........I know definately most people will hate Kefka........he couldn't stand the sight of people and just wanted total destruction........even in FFVI he was in your face all the time,which is VERY unlike sephiroth. Sephiroth is even probably overrated by the characters in FFVII as well they go on and on about his incredible powers...........but look what cloud SOLELY (yes by himself) did to him in AC. So I wouldn't exactly say he's strong as well either, he only did one thing that left people heart-broken--------> thats why people rate him as the best villain. However I wasn't that heart-broken so I really wouldn't rate him that high yes he is a good villain but not better than Kefka.

In fact he's nothing compared to Kefka!

Yeah, but Kefka's a clown....and everybody HATES kefka...even Sephiroth! (Dissidia ref)

But what the poster before me stated, you're meant to judge a villian on his actions, not his personality, although his personality is what drives him to continue with his actions, it's the actions themselves that make the villian...

If Sephiroth talked alittle more it would have been awesome, like when you reach the presidential room in the ShinRa building, it would have looked SO FUCKING AWESOME, if when cloud reached the room, instead of just the sword sticking out through the prez's back, that Sephiroth was standing there, with his sword in one hand, and the president in the other, then doing that epic swing he does and cutting the prez down before his eyes, now THAT would be a good villian intro.

first off, i completely agree with you masamune. that would've been awesome if you could see sephiroth cutting down shinra prez just like he cut down tifa. second of all, you don't HAVE to judge a villian by what they've done. you can judge people however you want. it may not always be right, but shit happens. that is how i judge sephiroth. by his coolness, intelligence, and his fighting. a couple other things as well, but i don't wanna get into it now. anyone agree with the above?
A villain is defined by their actions. Sephiroth's personality does not make him a villain, his actions does. Same goes for everybody else. You could be the happiest guy on the planet but if you start cutting throats, you're villain.
Kefka might not be as cool as Sephiroth but if you give a madman powers he will become ruthless. That said I think Sephiroth is overrated because of his good looks and style.

I think it's more fitting to compare Sephiroth with IV's Kain because they are both cool looking (long hair, long weapons, shiny armor and stuff... u know) and they both were friends/allies with the main protagonist before they become treacherous!
second explanation

A villain is defined by their actions. Sephiroth's personality does not make him a villain, his actions does. Same goes for everybody else. You could be the happiest guy on the planet but if you start cutting throats, you're villain.

i only said that because i thought that sephiroth was known more for being a cool badass, not for what he had done as a villian.
I hesitate to ask this, but what exactly makes Sephiroth so cool and/or badass? To me, he's just another effeminate Square Enix guy with an inferiority/superiority complex and delusions of grandeur, dressed in black leather with a ridiculously huge sword. In terms of his achievements and intelligence, he's vastly overshadowed by other FF protagonists - he doesn't accomplish much, and he's several thousand EXP short of a level-up. I've always wondered why he's so popular...
hehe, why sephiroth is a badass

i can see why you would hesitate to ask that question, you don't wanna get a shit load of hate mail from sephiroth fans right? well i can't speak for others, but i don't really know why he is a badass. he kinda emits this aura that when you see him you think, "holy shit. that guy's a serious badass. don't fuck with him." and he doesn't care about stuff going on around him and he fears nothing. anyone agree?
I have to say I liked the Crisis Core version of Sephiroth the best. You actually got to see him more in depth before he went mad. Original FF7 did this a little, but never really went as in depth as Crisis Core. On the boss difficulty level, Safer Sephiroth wins. Super Nova is the bane of anyone who doesn't have everyone equipped with a Ribbon and does an insane amount of damage to everyone, even those with Wall.

While there are other, more evil villains, including Kefka, who succeeded in destroying the most of the world (not obliterating it however), I think Sephiroth is perhaps one of the most memorable. Not just because he killed Aerith, but because he's one of the few villains who started out a good guy and ended up going psycho and trying to become a god by killing everyone the planet and absorbing all souls into himself.
The sad thing is that most of you are forgetting that Kefka and Kuja ALREADY did what they did BEFORE the protagonist got to do anything... Sephy Did his bad things BEFORE Cloud was worth anything then when cloud was good, Sephy failed. If you didn't beat VI or IX then sure Kefka and Kuja won. BUT if you did beat it, then they failed meaning saying Sephy failed and they succeeded is false, because they didn't succeed when there was a protagonist. So, Sephy is the best villain not because ALL OF HIS plans failed/succeed (same as EVERY other villain in the franchise) but because of his evilness on the inside. He didn't do it for politics or money. He just went insane and decide to rule the world. Not because Jenova or Hojo made him that way. Sure they made him, but they didn't make him evil. Plenty of people with bad backgrounds turn out to be good people.
Cloud had a really
life, but he turned out good didn't he? (Sorry for the cursing, it adds emphasis)
As for Ultimecia... She's amazing. :) But I still prefer Sephy... just a small bit. lol. Only because we don't know Ulti's background.
Yeah, but Kefka's a clown....and everybody HATES kefka...even Sephiroth! (Dissidia ref)

But what the poster before me stated, you're meant to judge a villian on his actions, not his personality, although his personality is what drives him to continue with his actions, it's the actions themselves that make the villian...

If Sephiroth talked alittle more it would have been awesome, like when you reach the presidential room in the ShinRa building, it would have looked SO FUCKING AWESOME, if when cloud reached the room, instead of just the sword sticking out through the prez's back, that Sephiroth was standing there, with his sword in one hand, and the president in the other, then doing that epic swing he does and cutting the prez down before his eyes, now THAT would be a good villian intro.

Yeah you got a you said your meant to judge by actions not his personality. I'll admit plainly Kefka is no where near as strong as Sephiroth. Because Sephiroth is strong he can easily kill with his own hands something Kefka can't (Despite both of them having to call on a bigger power to destroy the planet). But looking at them both........Kefka is DEFINATELY more EVIL sephiroth. And thats what makes a good villain, not his actions but his intentions.

So in conclusion:
Sephiroth more stronger than Kefka
Kefka more evil than Sephiroth
And overall Kefka=Best Villain and Sephiroth=Strongest Villain
Agree or not I'll be happy to argue about it. :griin:
I think it's the thought that counts. :) haha
Plus, i havn't beaten V yet, and I have beaten VII lol. and VII was my frirst VG ever, so I probably have a stronger attachment to it. Oh, and I do enjoy Ultimecia.
best villian...

imo, for a villian to TRULY be the "BEST", they would have to completely succeed in ALL of their goals. also, imo, this should mean that from the very begining the good guys had no chance at all. also, the villian would never die. not because of their powers or whatever, but because that would make them the "best" villian. so i don't think kefka is the best villian because he doesn't fit in ALL that was said above, but neither does sephiroth, but sephiroth DOES keep returning. anyone agree with this post?
imo, for a villian to TRULY be the "BEST", they would have to completely succeed in ALL of their goals. also, imo, this should mean that from the very begining the good guys had no chance at all. also, the villian would never die. not because of their powers or whatever, but because that would make them the "best" villian. so i don't think kefka is the best villian because he doesn't fit in ALL that was said above, but neither does sephiroth, but sephiroth DOES keep returning. anyone agree with this post?

Right I agree neither obviously succeeded in their goals (that would just ruin the game anyway)..........But Sephiroth would have to be the strongest and Kefka the most evil like I said above. And even though Sephiroth does come back its not him that revived himself it was Kadaj in AC...........anyway I think it must of been a weaker form of sephiroth......In FFVII they talk about how powerful he is and no-one having the same strength as him but in AC Cloud SOLELY kills him.........
If it's a matter of success and failure that determines how good a villain is, then Sephiroth (and, for that matter, every FF villain) could never be classified as the best villain there is, since none of them succeed. They are all eventually defeated by the protagonists of the story. That Sephiroth is just a stubborn bastard who refuses to completely die is irrelevant - it doesn't matter how many times you come back to life if you get bugger all done. The closest FF villains get to success is Kefka, but even he is eventually defeated.

I'm also going to disagree with the idea that Sephiroth is stronger than Kefka - he's the freakin' GOD OF MAGIC. Sephiroth has never been anything other than a genetically enhanced mortal human male, and there are plenty of those running wild in FFVII.
god of magic... who cares?

who cares if he is the god of magic. a true villian would master BOTH MAGIC AND MELEE COMBAT! sephiroth does that. he combines the two. he shoots shock waves out of his sword that rip a metal cannon to pieces. argue all you want, but that IS magic. just cause sephiroth doesn't wave his arms around or say ancient words to cast spells like kefka, doesn't mean he doesn't use magic. in crisis core he uses magic against genesis copies in the shinra building, and sephiroth could block all of kefka's magic.
who cares if he is the god of magic. a true villian would master BOTH MAGIC AND MELEE COMBAT! sephiroth does that. he combines the two. he shoots shock waves out of his sword that rip a metal cannon to pieces. argue all you want, but that IS magic. just cause sephiroth doesn't wave his arms around or say ancient words to cast spells like kefka, doesn't mean he doesn't use magic. in crisis core he uses magic against genesis copies in the shinra building, and sephiroth could block all of kefka's magic.

I think what Leanne is saying is Kefka got the closest to suceeding to victory,more so than Sephiroth...........You might think he suceeded in calling meteor but didn't achieve his goal by destroying the world. He only destroyed parts of Midgar..........and from what I remember in FFVI Kefka destroyed some parts of the world before he eventually died............But anyway I'm not gonna regret what I said I do believe Sephiroth is stronger than Kefka..........But him being the god of magic (Better than Sephiroth at magic) and more evil and more in your face throughout the game Kefka is undoubtly the best villain.

for the love of...
if we are gonna compare these two, get the facts right. OF COURSE SEPHIROTH FAILED TO DESTROY THE WORLD, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO! HE NEVER DID! how many f***ing times must his goals be brought to light?! this right here, also proves that, BY FAR, SEPHIROTH IS THE MOST IN-DEPTH AND COMPLICATED VILLIAN IN THE ENTIRE F***ING FINAL FANTASY SERIES! right now, that's all i gotta say. you go and have yourself a nice day.
for the love of...
if we are gonna compare these two, get the facts right. OF COURSE SEPHIROTH FAILED TO DESTROY THE, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO! HE NEVER DID! how many f***ing times must his goals be brought to light?! this right here, also proves that, BY FAR, SEPHIROTH IS THE MOST IN-DEPTH AND COMPLICATED VILLIAN IN THE ENTIRE F***ING FINAL FANTASY SERIES! right now, that's all i gotta say. you go and have yourself a nice day.

Calm down please, there's no need to talk to others in such a rude manner. Future posts along this line will be deleted.
i have lost control...

right. sorry about that folks. it was a little rude and childish and hopefully won't happen again. but one thing is clear to me now: lol i have NO CONTROL over this thread anymore. how a simple opinion question of sephiroth, turned into a freakin HEATED debate between sephiroth, kefka, and kuja, i will never know. but as long as people find this thread good enough to post in, that's fine by me. so once again, i offer my most sincere appologies. weather you accept them or not is up to you. just let me know.