
Seymour always irritated me. I knew he would turn out to be the villain as soon as I saw him. Eerie voice: check, Ridiculous hair: check, Flamboyant attire: check, Effeminate demeanor: check. I don't know how he managed to fool people into thinking he was God's gift, even Tidus had the measure of him right off ffs and he wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. Seymour to me is like the worst parts of previous villains, put together into a parody. Even when he did something nefarious like massacring entire races I just could not take him seriously. I consider Yevon as a whole the true villain of FFX. Seymour remains the only FF villain who ever wiped me out in battle though, due to his spammage of the zombie status ailment....
Seymour always irritated me. I knew he would turn out to be the villain as soon as I saw him. Eerie voice: check, Ridiculous hair: check, Flamboyant attire: check, Effeminate demeanor: check. I don't know how he managed to fool people into thinking he was God's gift, even Tidus had the measure of him right off ffs and he wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. Seymour to me is like the worst parts of previous villains, put together into a parody. Even when he did something nefarious like massacring entire races I just could not take him seriously. I consider Yevon as a whole the true villain of FFX. Seymour remains the only FF villain who ever wiped me out in battle though, due to his spammage of the zombie status ailment....

I felt the same way at the time. I knew better than to judge other's appearances but I couldn't help but wonder what was up with that man. I guess this is what intuition is for? In any case, I can't say I approve of his methods....sacrilegious methods... I think I understand why you feel that way about Seymour. See, he always has that damn smug look on his face and he appears to be mighty. All his actions seems comic because of the way he moves. I do give him cool points for being a jerk to the party. He did it in such a sophisticated manner too! Certainly, his Anima kicked the heck outta me the first time.
It seems as though, from what I've read, people either hate him, or love him. I think I might have seen one or two gray area posts... for me, however, I thought he was pretty good as a villain. Honestly, I'm not sure why some people complain about the voice acting. I thought it fit very well for his character (a twisted, psychopathic creepy man, ha hah): quite annoying at times, yet composed, making you want to beat the guy (I thought it was good when he started to sound crazier near the end of the game; really showed how his mental state was).

Y'know, I've owned this game for many years and have yet to get inside Sin, ha hah, so I can't say anything about the third battle with Seymour. The first one was actually pretty easy-- the second, if you weren't prepared for it, beat the snot out of you. Heck, for most people, the only way to beat him was to take down part of his health then bombard him with Summon Overdrives (most because it would take far too much effort and time on the sphere grid to actually beat him without being cheap, ha hah). But yah, that one is based on both skill and luck, so there ain't too much you can do.

His background, though probably could have been delved into a bit more, gave enough information. Sure, maybe it wasn't quite as elaborate as say, Sephiroth's history, but it was all right. Heck, I mean Sephiroth's reason for wanting to destroy the world was because he found out he was nothing but an expiriment and due to his connection with some freaky looking thing that he didn't even know. How's that logic, for yah? At least with Seymour, you kind of got a better understanding of why he did it. He also had a lot more character (than again, Sephiroth might have had more character too if they had voice acting for these games back then). But for now, I'm in favor of the blue haired guy.
I'm not sure if I've already posted in this thread but I'll gladly reiterate any previous thoughts. =P

Me and my old best mate used to rant about this annoying piece of work all the time. He is just a real pansy. Seriously what is with the hair and the voice?

I think if he and Yuna ever did stay together after their wedding, she'd be wearing the pants in that relationship. He just strikes me as the whining crybaby type who'd ask, "Why didn't you look at me during?" While Yuna smokes a cigarette silently next to him.

That's how I can see their relationship folding out if it ever did happen.

His hair was lovely but I HATE HIM AS A PERSON ... his character design was unique but He was tooooooooooooooo Evil to be loved at all ... n abt the marriage thing he IS gay, i think he was lookin' at Tidus, Aaron and Wakka more than Yuna ;) :P
Hmm, I think that Seymours voice actually suits him pretty well. It gave him that "evil crazy guy" feel...he was planning all these evil things and was so slick and confident xD (and he had this kinda persuasive power...I think) You could really hear that in his voice. Meh, I don't really know how to explain :P
Haha, truth be told, whenever Seymour appears on my screen I'd just treat it as a comic relief moment. The hair, the scheming facial expressions, the eccentric clothing sense, the weirdly-enunciated dialouges with that creepy tone, man sometimes I just feel like laughing at him.

That aside, I do feel that he's quite an okay villian. But that's probably due to how I view his 'annoyance' by others as some kind of humour to me. Besides, he actually had a pretty legitimate story behind to become such a distorted character that he is.
I really disliked his character. Mostly for the same reasons other people hated him: voice, appearence, the way he was presented, etc. Also, my dad jokingly called me Seymour while my mom was pregnant with me, before I was born.. -_- And my mom had told me that, so every time he'd show up I'd think of how I used to be called Seymour and it'd make me dislike him even more.
I liked seymour the first time i looked into his eyes it was like the first time i heard the beetles :gasp: nah im joking i hated seymour his weird tattoos on his chest his voice AURHH his random proposal really gave me the shits.
And when u have to fight him in mt gagazet he was hard -__- and when u fight him inside sin D;
I liked seymour the first time i looked into his eyes it was like the first time i heard the beetles :gasp: nah im joking i hated seymour his weird tattoos on his chest his voice AURHH his random proposal really gave me the shits.
And when u have to fight him in mt gagazet he was hard -__- and when u fight him inside sin D;
When you fight him inside Sin he's ridiculously easy. But on Mt. Gagazet he was way hard the first two times, but I decided to charge all my aeons overdrives, so when they all used their overdrives, he had like 10,000 health and the rest was easy. I did that on Braska's Final Aeon too, it made it a lot easier.
hehe i played ff 10 once again and still find him annoying but i do Agree that seymour was a very important piece in the game because he proved to be a difficult obstacle that kinda shaped yuna's determinationa and skill as a summoner .. so there

this is still going on man :D keep it up lol