Should they remake for PS3?

They shouldnt do any remakes for the ps3 the games would be better being left as they were....if anything they should do a remake of iv. Everything about it was great....Mind you a vii remake would be great but they have milked that too much..
I would love to see the game remade as well but I am worried that if they did, it might destroy the gaming experience for the original and I wouldn't want that. I would love to see better graphics but they might change things around too much as well. My opinion varies on this and if they did make it, that would be great. I read an idea at another forum where the person said they would love to see this game remade for the Nintendo Wii, I would like that!
I think too that Square has ruined FFVII by doing numerous sequels and prequels so remake of it might not be so good. How FFVII connects to this thread well FFVIII remake might be ruined too. Only thing I would like in VIII is voice acting. In the original all playable characters were kinda blank especially Quistis so voice acting would bring out better their personality. Like in FFXII there is not much character development but voice acting saves a lot.
ehhhh a remake could really either make or break this game. I personally loved it a lot as it was and seeing it remade with better graphics and possible more side quest's since this section was a little dry would be great. Though reallisitly look what they did with FF7 they dragged it out milked it out and ruined some great aspects of it, so I would fear the same for FF8. Yes i would like to see a remake with better graphics no voice over cause most of the cut scenes didnt have them. Probablity of it is nil and by the demonstration of square-enix if remade was made 99% of them driving it into the durt, burning it and walking all over its ashes before it scatters into the wind.
i dont think they should make a remake of final fantasy VIII. If they were to make a remake i would like to see a sequal to FF IX.
Remaking a game,is just an excuse to go to gaming hell,were pity and failure awaits, the only person you could possibly blame is the person in the mirror,I guess we would all dance in hate and sorrow because were too afraid to blame ourselfes.
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Hmm... Let's see, a FF7 remake. NO! NO! And NO! Seriously, they've ruined enough as it is.

We're talking about FFVIII, nub. XD

I would like to see it remade ONLY if graphics were enhanced and nothing else.