[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

aha three pages to read on -_- once i get into college i'll start reading the ones that been edited while everybody been offline..... but sooo far it looking good...
@SummonerAmaterasu soooo are you saying that she disappeared and was sent to the world when she was in the Via Purifico... if sooo it looking good to me, so I would say it good enough and I would approve it :D the Hyne/Hein one I would approve... it may need a little more details about when he was summoned... what was he doing at the time??

@DarkPaladin looks more than good enough for me DP yours is as good as approved

@Mr_Fair all you need is a little more detail on when he disappered.. maybe what he was doing at the time.. apart from that very good and in alot of detail..

@Yaoi-Kitten i'm a bit confused about the point when Kadaj Valentine was taken to the world... but that might just be me :D apart from that very good :)

@Mortel need a picture for appearence after that... it approved

@Ayumi Hamasaki need a little detail on combact style rather than just doing mage and melle... and maybe a slightly better name for the combact style ;) for example i dn if aerith is a black mage or a supporting mage :)

@Emperor Lelouch looking good.. approved

Can you guys keep your bio's to one post.. then it makes linking them in the first post much easier :)
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Phew lot to read.. makes me wish i stayed up and helped out more D=..

The only problem I really see with most profiles is the history of where they were taken =p

Also a question about Zell's point of extraction.
Since he was removed After FF8's ending wouldent that be a long ways off from My Squall's Extraction ((towards the beginning)) maybe Zell would be trying to get Squall on cosmos' side telling him what he did or something otherwise it seems a little too far off
Phew lot to read.. makes me wish i stayed up and helped out more D=..

The only problem I really see with most profiles is the history of where they were taken =p

Also a question about Zell's point of extraction.
Since he was removed After FF8's ending wouldent that be a long ways off from My Squall's Extraction ((towards the beginning)) maybe Zell would be trying to get Squall on cosmos' side telling him what he did or something otherwise it seems a little too far off

that true.... that seems to be a problem with most of the bios XD also.. you will need to talk to her about that........ we may need some communication with people with characters from the same game.. like mortel did with DP as both of them have characters from final fantasy tactics
id be happy to edit it around yours i hadnt actually noticed anyone had chosen squall *is dumb* but by all means ill change it to what we decide.... maybe if you add me on msn we can talk about tihs more toshide-tetsunori@hotmail.co.uk is me feel free to add, then we can sort this out in detail, as for kadaj im editing him now so give it a read and se what you think of the new bio for ihm :D
id be happy to edit it around yours i hadnt actually noticed anyone had chosen squall *is dumb* but by all means ill change it to what we decide.... maybe if you add me on msn we can talk about tihs more toshide-tetsunori@hotmail.co.uk is me feel free to add, then we can sort this out in detail, as for kadaj im editing him now so give it a read and se what you think of the new bio for ihm :D

thanks Yaoi :D i'll give it a read when i get home.. :D or Aaron can read over it :)

EDIT.... sorry Yaoi i failed at spelling ur name XD
Mortel His sister died in the game lol did i screw you up when I had it where Ramza saw Delita and his sister die? if so i can edit so it helps you out :)

yes AND no dark, she does die in the game however that is a flashback to the past that we see it happening in :D
Added and Discussion hopefully it'll work out I chose early in the game because Seifer will be joining us and he isent a knight until after timber so thats why I chose a earlier extraction so Soul has a little more space to expand his profile

Both Zell and Kadaj are Accepted by me they both seem like perfect profiles right now @Lady Yuna


hope this gives you some room for your Seifer Profile

Edit:From what i understand from the shout box Soul is Withdrawing from the RP so if someone wants to use Seifer hes free now
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that not good to hear.... well that leaves him free now....
well we have a fair few characters now.... for the people that only done bio.. are you going to do a second.. or are you leaving it at one???? and we may be able to start thinking about starting this soon..... we have over 10 characters already XD
What characters are left to choose from or which ones have been taken (cause all character are available I presume)
What characters are left to choose from or which ones have been taken (cause all character are available I presume)

and Kadaj
im going edit hold on gotta double check a couple :D

Oh and stay away from FFVII characters please we have too many right now
there is a list of all the bios summited with links on my first post as well as if there been approved or not :)
Yaoi-Kitten that much better..... i'm changing your bio status to approved :wacky:
I take it this is still open right? I'll post a form anyway :)

Character Name:



God's Side:

Brotherhood Sword (Transforms into Caladbolg in EX Mode)

Combat Style:
'Spry Striker' - Very Quick, Speedy, and Strong Swordplay. Tidus' best Style of Battle involves Dodging out of the way of Enemy Attacks, then quickly counterattacking by stringing together Sword Slices and Kicks of his own. He can also use his Blitzball for long Range Combat If Distance is Desired, Tossing it at foes at High Speed.

EX Mode:
In EX mode, Tidus' 'Brotherhood' Transform's into his Celestial Weapon, 'Caladbolg'. Not only Is it a much more Powerful Weapon, but it is also Lighter, Enabling Tidus to speed up his Swordplay even more. that isn't all that 'speed's up' though. While in EX mode, Tidus' Can Rocket around at Blistering Speed. His EX Burst is 'Blitz Ace', where he string's together some Slices, Hits his opponent with his Blitzball, then Somersault's through the air as the Blitzball bounces back toward's him, Smashing the returning Ball with his Leg, Causing an Explosion when it comes into contact with Tidus' Enemy.


Point he/she got taken out of there game:
At the end of FFX-2. just as Tidus is about to Re-unite with Yuna, He is teleported elsewhere, ending up in the middle of all this Chaos.

Tidus was actually a Dream made by the Fayth of Bahamut that had slept in Spira for several years. In his Dream world, he was a Star Player of the sport known as 'Blitzball', playing for the 'Zanarkand Abes', but an Attack from some sort of Monster Took Tidus out of his Dream World, plunging him into the Real World known as Spira.

Later finding out that the monster that took him out of his world was called Sin, Tidus ends up Travelling with New Friend's on a Quest to destroy this monster.

All his Life, Tidus has lived under the Shadow of his Father, Jecht. His Father was also tormented him much during Childhood, leading Tidus to Resent and Despise his Father, unaware that deep down Jecht truly did care for him. When he later on Found out that Jecht had become Sin, Tidus couldn't believe it...eventually Encountering his Father inside Sin's body, Tidus put's his Resentment for his Father Aside, as he does what his Father plead's and Destroys him. Though his Hatred of his Father is gone, He still prefer's not talking about him, and still find's him annoying as hell.

Tidus was eventually revived by Yuna's plea, but before they could even enjoy their reunion, an unknown power enveloped Tidus, and he was cast away into another world, confusion swimming through his mind.

May make a 2nd character later...If I get Accepted of course LOL
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hey Lightshock.... i'll review it soon XD just remember that you need to make your second character chaos XD also you may want to talk to connor as he will be yuna.. just to talk about bio etc XD

and Mortel i see a picture... your bio is now approved :awesome: