[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

There's so many characters so far that I can see Delita getting along swimmingly with... Or wanting to kill on sight :lew: much drama awaits
hmmmmmm i'll leave applications open until tomorrow.. then we can close them for now :)

and i already approved Mosh's bio i swear XD
Well going by the Dissidia story, only the victors retain their memories and if we follow it's canon, only the Chaos warriors will have any memories at all, only long standing Cosmos Warriors will have theirs (like Yuna in Duodecim)
I could make Necron to fight for Chaos.

that sounds like a good idea XD

and the bio status list is all green apart from cody :monster: and i need to make my bio :)
Well of potential void users we have Garland (in a sense, he was able to alter time at least) Cloud of Darkness, Exdeath, Ultimecia (if you want to interpret her Time Compression as such) FF9's Garland (refresh my memory here, I think it was his powers that fused Terra to Gaia, seems Void-ish) Necron, Yu Yevon/Sin (it could enter Dream Zanarkand after all) aaaaaand I think that's all unless anyone else has ideas :hmmm:
Give me 10 minutes and you'll have my chaos character :) I am just writing it up at the moment :D
SummonerAmaterasu and Lightshock16 remember we made it so memories are still intact so far, so yes you two will know each other still and all memories up to the point where you had them taken from the game will be there. :D

and Sorry Summoner Amaterasu I'll look at the Yuna profile and get back to you on it.
Character Name: Necron

Age: Unknown

Gender: Genderless

God's Side: Chaos

Weapon/Combat Style: Magic - Necron does not do much in the way of physical combat, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous. While he prefers not to fight up close, his magics are very powerful. His magic attacks have a wide area of attack, but always at range. Up close, he uses his fists, but he will often use a close range spell to 'bounce' them away. He can use Thundaga, Blazzaga, Firaga, Meteor, Bounce (knockback) and Bio.

EX Mode: Grand Cross - Necron hits his opponent with a paralyzing blow, sending them into the air. He releases six orbs of destructive power to fly at his opponent. the orbs move to position themselves north, south, east, west, above and below the opponent. Lightning shoots out from the orbs, trapping the foe between them before they then converge with explosive power upon the foe.


Point he/she got taken out of there game: Prior to the final battle of Final Fantasy 9.

Bio/History: Whenever a world's civilization reaches its zenith, Necron appears. He is a destroyer of worlds who sees all living beings existing for the sole purpose of dying. Nothing is known about this entity of destruction, but so long as life and death exist in the universe, so too does Necron. Necron responds to the desires of those who have nothing left to live for, those who desire death and chaos. He is an entity of the void. When Terra began it's drastic decline, it was because of Nercon. And now that Terra is no more, his sights have been set on Gaia, and the beacon of despair that he follows is that of Kuja. But before he can arrive, a darkness of the void summons him forth in order to bring an end to the Goddess of Harmony.
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Sir Fratley I will approve but just one request please have a little bio in it, I know not much is known about Necron but just enough for the point where he got swept into the void is good enough for me ;)

Yes Lightshock Balthier and all the other FF characters have there memories intact for now :) we decided it would be better that way to start.
Character Name:
Cid Raines

27 (Unknown Age in FFXIII)


God's Side:

He uses a thin blade which is similar to that of Lightning's Blazefire saber, it is light and strong.

Combat Style:
Cid is another balanced type character but he uses a mixture between his sword for quick swipes and stabs at his enemies to his use of ice based magic which also incorporates elements of wind. He himself is not as agile as most but can make up for it with his devastating balance of sword and magic.

EX Mode:
Cid turns into his Hybrid L'Cie form in which his magic power increases along with his speed. He has grown wings in which he uses similarly to that of Kefka's Havoc Wing attack. A barrier is formed around him in which allows to take more magic based attacks, however this does not count for physical attacks. He ends the enemy with a spiral spin formed with ice to slice the enemy up.


Point he/she got taken out of there game:
Cid Raines lost to the hand of Lightning and her comrades and he crystallized as he finished his purpose. However he awoke once more to be enticed by a dark force of energy that lead him through a gap of reality and into this new world known as chaos.

Cid works for the Guardian Corps and is the commander of the Wide-area Response Brigade aboard the military ship called 'Lindblum', a unit otherwise known as the "Cavalry". He comes across some of Lightning's Comrades and helps them reunite with her once more.

Cid Raines however was cursed to become a pawn of Barthandelus. Concealing his l'Cie status as he continues to lead the Cavalry, Raines pursues his Focus of supporting and guiding Lightning and her companions along the path to Cocoon’s destruction.

After defying his Focus, seeing it as something he regrets doing, he decides to make a stand and fight Lightning and her comrades to help save Cocoon and falls in battle against them, Raines turns to crystal
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If it helps Fratley, there is an online theory that Necron=Necrofiend from FF5, you could follow it on that basis.