[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon


If I can make a suggestion Mosh. (even though im not a Checker or anything.) That EX mode seems somewhat over powered. At least in my opinon. But just let the Other peoples Deal with it.

Not really anything important but I created an EX burst for hyne. Not gonna use it in the RP though.

"Barriers of Darkness." Swtches barriers in order to SLam oppents with the Highest level spells. starts at red barrier(Firaga) to yellow(Thundaga) to Blue(Blizzaga) to the Hidden white barrier (Holy)
connor.. after talking with a few people we are having a problem with the yuna bio.... we think that she could be 'overpowered' with all those summons but i have a idea :)

in her normal mode she could switch between three of her dresssphers say gunner, black mage and white mage and then in her ex mode she could gain the summoner dresssphre and then she could summon... but can you try and keep it to three summons only please
Mortel He wields Lightnings Blazefire saber at one point in the game and had a holster on his hip. He only use his bare hands because he turned into his hybrid l'cie form. And summoner I will read back to what I wrote and tone it a bit :)
connor.. after talking with a few people we are having a problem with the yuna bio.... we think that she could be 'overpowered' with all those summons but i have a idea :)

in her normal mode she could switch between three of her dresssphers say gunner, black mage and white mage and then in her ex mode she could gain the summoner dresssphre and then she could summon... but can you try and keep it to three summons only please

...Not to sound like an asshole but your basically saying Yuna in Duodecim is overpowered. Which is what My Yuna is based off of.

I DESPISE X-2 Yuna. So.... Uh..Ill switch Yuna for someone else. Because i cant write Gunner Yuna. Way to peppy for me. and I find the dressphere Thingy over powered...

I thought that was just when he disarmed her when she tried to kill him, I don't recall him actually using it or any blade in combat :hmmm:

As for the holster, can't say I ever noticed it :lew:

Edit: I think what he means is that summoning aeon attacks for combat is overpowered in a RP setting.
I have toned his EX mode a bit to make it a little less seemingly overpowering :) I hope it helps =]

Mortel: Yes he does disarm her at one point in the game and with square-enix failure his character has it on in some scenes and not in others haha. And well I read through his bio on sites as well to clarify and they say he uses a sword and then fists in another form (in all honesty though he would look rubbish as a fist fighter unless in the l'cie form haha)
...Not to sound like an asshole but your basically saying Yuna in Duodecim is overpowered. Which is what My Yuna is based off of.

I DESPISE X-2 Yuna. So.... Uh..Ill switch Yuna for someone else. Because i cant write Gunner Yuna. Way to peppy for me. and I find the dressphere Thingy over powered...


hmmmm do you mind talking to DP about it :) he knows way more about rping than what i c do :wacky:
@Summoner Amaterasu - D: notbeingyunasayitisn'tso!

to be fair to Connor, he is right...do what it does in the game, don't actually summon the whole creature, only summon like parts of them which can do the desired attacks, like only summoning Ifrit's Arm for Meteor Strike, or only Bahamut's Upper Body for the Blast Attack.
I dont see how its over powered Mortel. We have Necron Here. Biggest thing ever. with more Power than Yunas Aeons. But I see your point.

Hmm... Ill try talking to him If Not. Switch out Yuna and Ill write up a Bio for Vivi.

EDIT: Also my Yuna dosent Summon The Aeons full bodies. Its the parts of the bodies from the glyphs. If its the EX mode thats the problem. BEcause of the double Summon i can easily Fix that and tone Her down a Bit.
like I said.. it best to talk to DP about it :) i'm just saying what people throught :) please don't get mad XD just talk to him about it ok connor :)
I just mean on a power scale, entities which are second only to Sin in terms of sheer power in the FF10 world being fired off trigger happy is just a touch more powerful than anything most other characters could do, overwhelming power is normally a Chaos thing, and even that has it's restraints :hmmm:
...Not to sound like an asshole but your basically saying Yuna in Duodecim is overpowered. Which is what My Yuna is based off of.

I DESPISE X-2 Yuna. So.... Uh..Ill switch Yuna for someone else. Because i cant write Gunner Yuna. Way to peppy for me. and I find the dressphere Thingy over powered...



to be fair to Connor, he is right...do what it does in the game, don't actually summon the whole creature, only summon like parts of them which can do the desired attacks, like only summoning Ifrit's Arm for Meteor Strike, or only Bahamut's Upper Body for the Blast Attack.

That's what my thoughts on this were as well. If you play Yuna like Dissidia, then I don't think we'd have any problems with it. However, that means that each summon is more like they were X then it's over powered.

Another worry we had was the Magnus Sister, and how you would handle their attack would work since there are three of them. And the summoning two Aeons at once is a little overpowered as well imo.

Perhaps what we need to see in your character Connor is list of the aeons and their attack with a bit of detail as to what it does. :hmmm:

Honestly I recommend that everyone does the same just to simplify the RP a bit, and to make balance easier, but that might just be me.
Honestly I recommend that everyone does the same just to simplify the RP a bit, and to make balance easier, but that might just be me.

:hmmm: i agree with this... as without abilities... you could do anything you liked with the characters
Im going say this with the Ex Mode
Remember guys this is an RP so were trying to keep these things to a minimum we thought it would be a good idea to have it, for an exta fun effect while in the dissidia world. We don't want anyone using it constantly or having one that if there going lose a fight suddenly they have Ex Mode and kill the other guy in one hit. The Ex mode is used to make the story more interesting. So if anyone has any problem with anyone's Ex mode and wondering why we approved some ex modes and asked others to alter or change there Ex mode please dont be afraid to PM me or any of the other three people running the rp.
Thank you

oh and on a side note, try to keep the spamming down to a minimum in here, dont want any mods forcing this closed or anything, so if you only have a one line comment or if you changed the bio, just pm one of us four ok? thank you :D
Just wondering, unless I missed a post somewhere, is there any planned date for the RP to start? There seems to be more than enough people in the RP now and I believe Cosmos, Chaos and 'The Dragon' are controlled by LY? :hmmm: