[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

Just wondering, unless I missed a post somewhere, is there any planned date for the RP to start? There seems to be more than enough people in the RP now and I believe Cosmos, Chaos and 'The Dragon' are controlled by LY? :hmmm:


We haven't set a date yet, but it will more than likely start soon. I'll get back to you once I talk to the others. :wacky:
Just wondering, unless I missed a post somewhere, is there any planned date for the RP to start? There seems to be more than enough people in the RP now and I believe Cosmos, Chaos and 'The Dragon' are controlled by LY? :hmmm:

I think LY was talking about having it up by the weekend hopefully :) Dont quote me on this, and if its not up no throwing a hissy fit about it! :rage:
Yes those three will be controlled by LY also, there only going really be used to push the story forward so LY is having another character also (Rydia) :)
OKIES I finished by Editing~

A LIST: i added moves and explanations. Tried to tone some attacks down.

Yuna: I have 2 ground brave attacks and on ground Hp attack. Same with Aerial attacks.
Got rid of Double Summon(I need to edit that out in my bio. Forgot.) This time Yunas summons come out faster. oh. And I got rid of Anima/Yojimbo/Magus sisters.

Hyne/Hein: Added more in depth explanations on His moves. Tried to make them not overpowered.

One Aerial and Ground attack per Barrier,
Wow Amaterasu didnt need that much detail lol, you dont need each ground or air attack, we wont be getting THAT specific with anything, just wanted a little more on the aeons cause like in FFX I could kill bosses in one hit with the aeons XD

But I like it and I approve of it as long as everyone else does. (thanks for getting rid of the double summon thing, that was where I feared the most over powering)
Wow Amaterasu didnt need that much detail lol, you dont need each ground or air attack, we wont be getting THAT specific with anything, just wanted a little more on the aeons cause like in FFX I could kill bosses in one hit with the aeons XD

But I like it and I approve of it as long as everyone else does. (thanks for getting rid of the double summon thing, that was where I feared the most over powering)

It still works in the end. Yuna uses Certain Aeons in the Air. and some on the ground. Other people stay on the ground all the time. others in the air. Dosent make her too over powered. More Balanced Than anything.
It still works in the end. Yuna uses Certain Aeons in the Air. and some on the ground. Other people stay on the ground all the time. others in the air. Dosent make her too over powered. More Balanced Than anything.

Your right, I see why you did it with Yuna but thanks for being understanding about it :) Hope your not planning on hunting us down one by one :box:
Your right, I see why you did it with Yuna but thanks for being understanding about it :) Hope your not planning on hunting us down one by one :box:

Why would i hunt you down one by one when i can kill you all now? *pulls out Faucet pipe* KOLKOLKOLKOLKOL.

*ahem* why woukd i hunt you down? You gave ligiment reasons So I have no reasons too. :wacky:

haha yh hopfully we can get this going by the weekend guys... i'm doing a few things but i'll check on the yuna and the neron bio before bed... then i'll write my bio for tomorrow :D
YAY! Yuna is still here! :D

Lightshock not trying to be mean or pick on you here, but please stop the one line comments, like I said before this isnt a spam thread, and I dont want the Mod's or the admin's coming down on us for having lots of spam.

I like your witty comments, but try to keep them to a minimum thank you :)

and on a side not I think I'm going make a chaos character LY, I'll have it up by tonight or tomorrow morning (my time.)
Lightshock not trying to be mean or pick on you here, but please stop the one line comments, like I said before this isnt a spam thread, and I dont want the Mod's or the admin's coming down on us for having lots of spam.

I like your witty comments, but try to keep them to a minimum thank you :)

and on a side not I think I'm going make a chaos character LY, I'll have it up by tonight or tomorrow morning (my time.)

ok DP that's more than fine :) people that already have made bios for the RP can make their second character whenever they like :) but make sure it before the rp start please

and that fine... i'm doing mine in the morning :D
id just like to say that hetalia is rubbish.... not really im a huge fan, on a more connected note...

thank you for accepting my characters im glad that i can play those two characters and i hope i play them rather well, its the first time ive played a hyper good guy... i hope i get it right... for the record im going to base his hyperness from this guy..... "HERE" but i should be ok with the maniacal kadaj
Character Name: Rydia

Age: 7

Gender: Female

God's Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Bow

Combat Style: Mystic Caster – Ryida is able to cast many kind of black magic, ranging from spells like Fire and Watera to spells like Flare and Holy. She can use a bow and arrows to attack from quiet far lengths. Finally she is able to add elemental effects to her arrows when using her bow to attack

EX Mode: Magic to Summon – rather than casting some magic, she uses summons to attack, for example she summons Ifrit to cast Firaga or she summons Ixion to cast Thundaga, here a list of her Ability Changes

Firaga – Summons Ifrit
Wateraga – Summons Leviathan
Thundaga – Summons Ramuh
Bizzaga – Summons Shiva
Flare – Summons Bahamut



Point she was Taken from the Game: While she was training in the Land of Feymarch

Bio: Rydia lived in the village of mist, where she lived with her Mother as a child. She was born from one of the last pure-blood Summoner families in mist, her mother used the summon mist dragon to protect the remote village from outsiders. One day, a dark knight Called Cecil and his friend Kain arrived at the village to deliver a ring, but on the way to the village they kill the mist dragon blocking the way and thus killing her mother as killing a person summon kills the summoner. The ring turns out to be bombs and her village gets destroyed, so she summons titan to kill the two men, but in the process she hurts herself and faints.

She wakes up on a bed at an inn, she finds out that Cecil saved her after she summoned titan, and she is also told how Cecil was ordered to kill the mist dragon. That night, they were attacks by soldiers that were ordered to kill all summoners from the village of mist, Cecil fights them off as Rydia watches, she decides to join Cecil on his journey. They then travelled together to Damcyan to get the sand pearl to save Cecil’s Lover. After seeing the castle destroyed by the Red Wings, she decides to journey on with Cecil to help him protect the crystals.

During this Journey she was travelling on a boat to Baron when it was attacked by the water dragon Leviathan and thus Ryida was dragged into the water by it. The other party members feared she was killed by Leviathan but she was taken to a place called Feymarch, the home for all summons. As time goes quicker in Feymarch 6 months in the world was like 11 Years to Rydia and she looks like an 18 year old women, but she still 7 years old in the mind. While training in Feymarch she saw a holy light around her just before fainting, after waking up she sees herself in a strange world in front of a women in a shimmering white dress. She wonders why she is in this strange world with nobody that she knows. She journeys to find out the reasons why she was summoned, and to gain more knowledge in the arts of magic and summoning
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first.. i'm sorry for the double post XD i don't want this to mix with my Bio

.Mosh on your Cid bio, by take more magic attacks do you mean his magic defence increases.. just want to check before approving :)

and can another RP Mod check over the Necron Bio... i'm not sure about the ex mode.. and can somebody review mine please :D to make sure it ok :wacky:
LY I approve Rydia ;) she sounds good to me

and as far as Necrons EX mode goes, If you want Sir Frat to make it simpler I'm sure he can, make it a little less.... deadly i think the word is.
LY I approve Rydia ;) she sounds good to me

and as far as Necrons EX mode goes, If you want Sir Frat to make it simpler I'm sure he can, make it a little less.... deadly i think the word is.

yh that was what i was thinking when looking at it XD

Sir Fratley do you mind changing Necron ex mode to make it more simple... it sounds a little deadly XD

and thanks for the approval XD lool my first ever bio and I got approval first time :wacky:
Character Name: Setzer Gabbiani


Gender: Male

God's Side: Chaos

Weapon: Darts

Combat Style: He throws the darts from long range and when in close range he uses the darts as a little knife to attack if he cant keep his enemy at a distance.

EX Mode: Dive Bomb - He calls down his ship to drop down some bombs to damage the enemy.


Point he/she got taken out of there game: After the world turns to ruins.

Bio/History: Caring about money and flying, he is a high stakes gamber. At a young age he loses his best friend, while she went out flying after a race they have. He finds her ship and repairs it and keeps it hidden.
Sometime later he tries to kidnap the famous opera singer named Maria but instead kidnaps a girl named Celes who is trying to sneak into empire lands. The empire being a loyal customer Setzer disagrees to help them at first but with a bet and tricks, Celes gets him to join there cause.
After these events Setzer is a full fledge member of the resistance group called the Returners to fight against the empire.
Some time later a crazy mad man named Kefka destroys half the world and Setzer looses his ship. Setzer starts to get depressed and drinks a lot.... at this time he was taken from his world to another world where a God named Chaos, gives him a deal to rebuild his fallen ship in return to help Chaos with his goal. Setzer thinking he lost everything with his ship agrees to help him.