[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

I agree Applications are now closed XD 18 is more than enough for now :D

and yh DP Bio is fine :) we are now just waiting for two people to change there bio's then we can start :D
is everyone ok with the way im going to play the hyperness of zell?

yh this should be fine :D i had no moaning from anybody.... just don't be to hyper :wacky: (that's a joke)

also... i changes a small thing in rydia bio... damon kindly noticed that ixion don't appear in final fantasy until X.... it been changed to Ramuh XD
Yo guys. man I'm Shattered, been up dancing all night. lol.

Also, I've been having an idea swimming through my head. I'm having a temptation to switch the sides of my two characters (e.g. Tidus is on Chaos' Side, and Balthier is on Cosmos'). It's just an idea, would definately be interesting...and with Tidus being on Chaos' Side in Duodecim, It might make sense...but I dunno yet. any thoughts?
Yo guys. man I'm Shattered, been up dancing all night. lol.

Also, I've been having an idea swimming through my head. I'm having a temptation to switch the sides of my two characters (e.g. Tidus is on Chaos' Side, and Balthier is on Cosmos'). It's just an idea, would definately be interesting...and with Tidus being on Chaos' Side in Duodecim, It might make sense...but I dunno yet. any thoughts?

sound good to me but you may need to talk to connor about it.. because he playing as yuna and therefore tidus being on chaos is gonna affect yuna and the story.. soo you may need a chat XD
Lol I haven't actually made my mind up yet, Still not sure. XD

it would be ok but it would be a bit annorying for you to do it now ;) cuz it means changing your bios and re approving them XD also in duodecim tidus was only on chaos because of jecht being on cosmos side.. and we don't have a jecht... soo unless you got something amazing planned for tidus i don't see the point in making him chaos in this :wacky:
...Yeah I suppose...maybe if we have another Cycle, LOL, though I dobut that, so yeah, nevermind, I'll keep them as they are. XD

as i say I dm as long have you got something planned for tidus.. but I can't really see anything that you could do with him without jecht... if you get me because tidus is never a bad guy in the game XD

also can you try and make your posts a bit longer than 1 line.... or were gonna have the mods on our case... and that the last thing we want :wacky:
Haha apologies again, It's just hard thinking of something else to say when it doesn't really need to be said, but yeah, don't worry, I'll make sure to do that, XD.

So yeah, I'll keep them where they are...when're we planning to start again? this weekend? :)
Haha apologies again, It's just hard thinking of something else to say when it doesn't really need to be said, but yeah, don't worry, I'll make sure to do that, XD.

So yeah, I'll keep them where they are...when're we planning to start again? this weekend? :)

yh i'm planning to start on sunday XD I might put up the first post on sunday.... cuz were only waiting for 3 bio's to be approved XD but we should be able to start :D
LY I approve Rydia ;) she sounds good to me

and as far as Necrons EX mode goes, If you want Sir Frat to make it simpler I'm sure he can, make it a little less.... deadly i think the word is.

Well, I'm trying to make it as close to the actual move as possible. In the game, the orbs are actually planets, and it's not something he'll be using very often. I'm not sure how to make it any weaker while still staying true to the cannon move itself. He doesn't really have an EX Mode, just an EX Burst attack. I'll try to weaken it further, but it's already drastically weaker than the FF9 attack.
Light one other thing, you can change players sides in the rp so You can have Balthier go to Cosmos side and Tidus stay on Cosmos side, but were trying to keep the teams balanced so try to remember that for anyone that is planning on having anyone switch sides, might need approval, up to LY here to decide on that part.

Edit: Sir Fray I know thats the actual move which is why I left it up to LY to decide if you should change it or not, but maybe you can make it one big orb or something else instead?
Well, I'm trying to make it as close to the actual move as possible. In the game, the orbs are actually planets, and it's not something he'll be using very often. I'm not sure how to make it any weaker while still staying true to the cannon move itself. He doesn't really have an EX Mode, just an EX Burst attack. I'll try to weaken it further, but it's already drastically weaker than the FF( attack.

i'm not saying that it amazingly overpowered because as you said... you already weaken it loads from the original attack from the game :D it just sounds a bit overpowered from what you said XD it only needs weakening slightly from what you already said... after that i can approve the bio XD

also from what DP said.. you may change your character sides one in the RP.. but you must give a vaild reason... and make sure that you have a story for why the character has changed sides XD

EDIT: Sir Fratley from a second read..... the thing i was worried about i read wrong XD sooo dw about changing it... it my error :) i'll approve your bio now (thinks that steve needs to learn how to read)
Ahhh okay then, well I suppose it'll depend on how thing's develop in the RP. I'll keep them as they are for now, but if thing's get to the point of switching (more likely to be in Balthier's case than Tidus' XD), then I'll see what I can do. :D
Haha I've already decided to keep Tidus in the Cosmos side. I think It'll be preferred anyway, what with no JEcht to Counter-balance anything. Balthier may switch sides at some point, just depend's on how the story goes.
yuna and tidus romance XD this rp is sounding like it looking good already XD your making it that i can't wait to start now

well i bring good news.. my neighbours are keeping me awake so I started on the first post in word :D may even be able to get the first post up for tomorrow :D maybe depends on how much I write and how busy I am :)