[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

I return with cake :wacky:

hoppy rping XD and try and be kind on me :wacky: i'm the baby of this section :mokken:



But back to what I really was going say.
Was just wondering if anyone on Cosmos team wanted to team up with Ramza and if anyone on Chaos's team wanted to team up with Setzer? Figure it would be a lot better and fun if people had conversations with other people other than themselves :wacky:
My Aerith and Zack are finally free. :awesome:

Hm, I wonder how I should do this. :hmmm: Zack is Chaos and Aerith is Cosmos. :hmmm:

I shall think of something.
...and Yuna meets fratley lost and confused. KOOLIOS~

Hyne...Is going to be difficult to be for a while. I want Hyne to meet up with a Warrior of Cosmos soon. So I dont have too have hyne Walk and luagh for mlike.. 10 posts. that way Hyne can get a plan together after the battle and set it in motion.

also Hyne=Mini empy of This RP for a while.
Also maybe we should try to have a bit of a list of locations and such?

I mean can we add some that weren't in the game? /late question

I really want Aerith's church if that's possible.
May I join Yuna? I've been looking at this for awhile now and I know it is closed but can I maybe squeeze in please?

Character Name: Cloud Strife

Age: 20 (I'm 17 so forgive me for not hinking like a 20 year old does.)

Gender: Male

God's Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Butterfly edge (The alternate sword you get)

Combat Style: Deals heavy but quite slow attacks. When experienced enough slowness will not matter and he can learn moves that can be linkied to his fast attacks. (Kinda like finishing touch and omnislash version 5)

EX Mode: (New) Self Belief: You gain small regeneration and the Fenrir sword. When doing your Ex Burst the Fenrir splits into it's several swords and Cloud goe's to each of them and between collectung Cloud heavily attacks the opponent (Like in A.C with Sephiroth) and when all collected he stores power and delivers one final blow.

Appearance: The suit from AC Or look at my profile picture. I put down a link but you didn't see it I think.

Point he/she got taken out of there game: After he dealt with The One Winged Angel in the Planets Core. (Expalins the new looks)

Bio/History: His memory was erazed when arrived but he knows his only true enemy. He knows he is with cosmos and his allies but stands little knowledge of his enemies.
he is silent but likes to get the job done.
He also has a leaders spirit withing him.
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May I join Yuna? I've been looking at this for awhile now and I know it is closed but can I maybe squeeze in please?

Character Name: Cloud Strife

Age: 20 (I'm 17 so forgive me for not hinking like a 20 year old does.)

Gender: Male

God's Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Butterfly edge (The alternate sword you get)

Combat Style: Deals heavy but quite slow attacks. When experienced enough slowness will not matter and he can learn moves that can be linkied to his fast attacks. (Kinda like finishing touch and omnislash version 5)

EX Mode: (New) Self Belief: You gain small regeneration and the Fenrir sword. When doing your Ex Burst the Fenrir splits into it's several swords and Cloud goe's to each of them and between collectung Cloud heavily attacks the opponent (Like in A.C with Sephiroth) and when all collected he stores power and delivers one final blow.

Appearance: The suit from AC

Point he/she got taken out of there game: Don't understand this part

Bio/History: His memory was erazed when arrived but he knows his only true enemy. He knows he is with cosmos and his allies but stands little knowledge of his enemies.
he is silent but likes to get the job done.
He also has a leaders spirit withing him.

One yay Cloud. :yay: Two, we shall talk, because Aerith does have memories of people, so she'll know him. :wacky:

Three, Lady Yuna. :yay:

Oh and DA point he was taken means in what course of events was he taken from the world of FFVII. For example my Zack and Aerith were both removed at their deaths.
Also @Lady Yuna

Can they wake up anywhere? :hmmm:

Or do they have to be in sanctuary?

Because I have an awesome plan if they can wake up anywhere.
one yes they can wake up anywhere....

and Dark Apocalypse the thread said that entries were closed but i'm gonna let you off as this may make the story intresting :wacky: but this is the last person... no more entries from here.. we have 19 now :wacky: and can you add a point when he was taken from the game. then i'll accect your bio :mokken:
I might have Delita meet up with Zack or someone, or alternatively meet up wit hthe Cosmos forces, I am planning to have him meet Cosmos at some stage of the RP :hmmm:
oh also DA i need a picture... and just to warn ya you no your ex burst... the name is omni slash v5 loool that just the advent children version of it :wacky:
another FFVII Character.... well as long as this is the LAST ONE! sheesh....

but on a side note Mortel when we going have Ramza and Delita meet up? should be intresting to see, im thinking not right away for I want Ramza to think hes still dead.
I'm not sure who I want rydia to meet I might do the same as tidus and she already gone before meeting someone.. or i might do something like she looks at yuna and hears what DP character said