[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

No worries. I'll tell you it will be a very difficult battle, but Yuna can win with her EX towards the end of the battle. Just expect a lot of area sweep spells. He sucks at close range =P And yes, I'm addressing Tidus. I figure get the two together and watch the drama that unfolds =P Also having Yuna continue through the cycles carrying her memories of Fratley over will help when my cycle 2 character, post-Cleyra Freya comes around :)
well we could make them shadows that are a bi product of the creation process...... that was what i was thinking :D that could be the reason why it attacked a chaos warrior.. because chaos and the dragon knows nothing about it
Small? I didn't realize a 6ft tall anthro rat with a 7ft lance was small. I think you might want to edit that part a bit =P
yes it could be XD good idea Aaron

and Lightshock16 no that more than fine XD made me think on my toes XD a suddren post :D
im on and rrrraaaaaring to go just try and stop me....(from zell)

i guess i could post... seeing as i have nothing better to do... (from kadaj)
OKIES~ Hyne is going for a Trip in the open feilds. SO~ I was wondering DP if He can meet up with Ramza? and have his plan take place? or his plan can fail. But I want him to meet up with Ramza.
OKIES~ Hyne is going for a Trip in the open feilds. SO~ I was wondering DP if He can meet up with Ramza? and have his plan take place? or his plan can fail. But I want him to meet up with Ramza.

Yeah no problem :) No killing Ramza though ;)

Whats the plan going wanna fight or talk or what?
Im not going to kill ramza. >_>

The plan is To control a Person of Chaos or Cosmos and Have that Minion and Hyne launch a Secret attack on cosmos Herself.

Kill the master and the puppets fall. Is the plan. In more Techincal Terms Hyne wants the minion to fight Cosmos and when Cosmos is weakend Hyne will join in and finish Her off.

(obviously Cosmos sint going down so soon. Hyne is going to lauch a series of attacks After each time. later.)
I dm a few attack but i want this rp to last a bit longer than a few days.... i was thinking of possiblly you going to attack her but then rydia comes in and stops them XD
I dm a few attack but i want this rp to last a bit longer than a few days.... i was thinking of possiblly you going to attack her but then rydia comes in and stops them XD

that or before Rydia and Ramza fight, Cosmos being a goddess uses some power of light and frees Ramza from Hyne's control?
that or before Rydia and Ramza fight, Cosmos being a goddess uses some power of light and frees Ramza from Hyne's control?

OR perhaps, Since Balthier is Tailing Rydia, confused as to why two Warrior's of Light are Fighting, Decide's To Attack Ramza since something seem's off with him...so Ironically Balthier would end up defending the first Warrior of Light he encounters. LOL
that sounds quiet good XD sounds like a plan.. soo after i finish wit the cosmos bit with squall i'll get ryida to head towards cosmos