[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

no you can appear now... but i need a picture for his apperence.. then i can accect you onto the rp and you can start posting XD
Oh Also I need a point that he was taken from the game, this means where was he and what was he doing when he was summoned by the gods.... also I linked to your bio post in the first post... can you edit that post please when making the changes :D
Ok I'll check it out. Hmmm I guess it's when Cloud dealt with Sephiroth in the planets core and 1 year has past (Would explain his new appearance and not the old one).
So after the game, and before the movie? so sometime during DOC? or before those events?
Final Fantasy 7 dirge of cerberus the game that stars Vincent.
It starts one year after the events of FFVII if I remember correctly, and its before the events in the movie.
Hey I don't think we know that people can come back yet in Dissida rp, so if you can change your last post a little just so we dont get confused. Thanks :)
hmmm yh soo far it working out really well...... and it looks like everybody is enjoying it.. which counts... i'm waiting on yaoi or connor to post before I post again :wacky: cuz i have a few plans
I'll probably wait till Yuna and co move out more, considering meeting up with them on the way to Cosmos :hmmm: hopefully I can end up meeting Cosmos before or after Ramza shows up there, so Delita can avoid an encounter with Ramza for the time being.
I'll probably wait till Yuna and co move out more, considering meeting up with them on the way to Cosmos :hmmm: hopefully I can end up meeting Cosmos before or after Ramza shows up there, so Delita can avoid an encounter with Ramza for the time being.

well if you see her before I will be possesed if you do it after I wont be lol think of it like that, think it would be better if you either do it before and slip out before i get there or after and you can see Ramza is on Cosmos side.
Lady Yuna

If you could put the tentative location list in the first post Steve things would be that made that much simpler. Because I honestly can't find it in the 28 pages of discussion.
Well, once Tidus makes his post and Yuna sends Auron, Frat & co will be heading out towards the Dragon and Chaos. So far the only one that will definitely be confronted before reaching the dragon (or rather along with the dragon) is Necron.
Also DP Zack talked back to you.

And Aerith is wondering around alone, if anyone wants to bump into her. :wacky:

She's in an open field. :wacky: