[Sign-Up/Discussion] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

I might have Delita bump into one or a group of the Warriors of Light in Pandemonium and fight or talk with them, is anyone going to be headed in that direction? :gasp:
Nah.. We'll wait for you Light. ill just be controlling Hyne for a while.

Also i agree with everything all of you just said. but I belive that cosmos should sense that Ramza's controlled and free him.
im in the uk too... what age are you lightshock? also i just posted my zell intro... too stuck at the minute for kadaj to come in so hes out for now.
guys your all kool like but can you calm it on the posts for a bit.... were done four pages already :wacky:
i had to pop in to be not left in the dust lol and i aint sure yet ill check and find out :D

edit: yeah your doing a good job there :D
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no it kool cuz it looks like ur enjoying yourself.... and I liked the bit with squall and cosmos.. was intresting :wacky:

soo what do you guys think of me as an rper soo far :wacky: am i'm rubbish or what????
that was an accidental post hit by acident... but its all better now and yes LY your cool....everyone here is cool even i am and this is the first time ive played an up front in your face character :D

oh by the way FIGHT!
imma get you hyne
fight scene :wacky:

hmmmmm i wonder how this fight will pan out :wacky: may be intresting when i wake up in the morning :)
Well, just finished my battle with an NPC chaos soldier (as per eluded to by Yuna, unless you were comparing Fratley to Auron, not saying Auron was the enemy, in which case...well, free fight scene =P)
...I was aying in our group Fratley was the Sir auron of our group. Awesome fight scene.

It was hard replying to that. Seriously. That post gave me a aheadache trying to figure out a response.
Since Auron is an NPC, you can have him say whatever you want him to say to Yuna. I don't have to control his conversation.
Just curious, but is the Yuna/Fratley/Tidus group going to be heading to Pandemonium at all? Was thinking of having Delita encounter them on his way to Sanctuary.
hmmmm is zell going to fight back after that blow.... cuz i was thinking.. as zell does another fire punch rydia could enter the fight and cast another spell and maybe her spell hits hyme because he can't react quickly enough
Ok. My appearance would look like cloud from AC or the alternate look in dissidia.

Hmmmmwould you say is it a best time to appear in the rp now or later?