
kung faux

Jan 8, 2007
Asheville, NC
Yo, any other skaters on the FFF? I can't possibly be the only one. Anyway, I've been skating for a few months, I skate street (nothing wrong with vert but it's hella dangerous), and my favorite skater is Chad Muska. He's the coolest. I tried inlining but I was no good at it, and it made my ankles sore. So I got a skateboard. I only do boarding, but it's cool if you wanna talk about other kinds of skating here too. I'm not one of those "inliners suck" skaters. So whatever.
Yea I went through my whole High School skater kid phase. Those were the days, I can still do a kick-flip to this day, but that's about it aside from basics like ollie's and manuel's. I like Rodney Mullen the best.
I do alittle still, I got like 5 or 6 boards around. I can do an Ollie lol bout it, some flatland tricks, vert ramps (just up and down no tricks),
Fav skater, hmm Rodney Mullen, How the heck do you come up with that many flatlands?????
I skated for a few years in high school, in fact im better now that i stopped. Still use my board for transportation and its good exercise too . Best trick i could do was the old 360 boneless. I'd have to say my favorite skater is either Goeff Rowley or Arto Sarri
I've been skating of about 6 years now, got my first sponsorship with a skateshop last summer. I skate both street and vert, but im better at vert.
I dont really have a favorite skater, each of them offer a little something different that I like.
Yeah even though I'm a girl I went through a skater phase. Can't exactly say I ever became good enough to compete in the world of Skater Heroes though. But it was fun. Favorite skater? I suppose you might think I'd say Elissa Steamer or something because I am a girl (oh you judging folks), but Rodney Mullen did a lot for the sport. Without him it would've been rather boring, wouldn't it? Unless someone else stepped up and did what he did. In that case I would've had to go with whomever that would've been. o_O
Have I skateboarded? Yes.

Am I any good at it? No.

Did I injure myself badly during my one and only attempt? Yeah.

I'm greatly impressed by anyone who can skateboard well. It's an activity that's accompanied with a great risk of personal injury, so I'll avoid it. haha
I do indeed skate. I started almost a half a year ago, and I picked up the ollie. However, I attempted Rodney Mullen's "Leap of Faith" and wrecked my board... as well as my left ankle. Since then, I haven't really had the time (nor the want) to skate

Warm regards,
I like Rodney Mullen the best.

Amen, brother.

I used to skate... For about a week or two last semester. Everyday at lunch, me and my friends would go outside and just chill, and then one day one of them brought a skateboard. We all had a try, and I seriously got into it; although my 'image' in school is a gangster-thing, with the huge baggy clothes, little respect for those lower then I, y'know.

But I dunno... I guess it just slowly Faded away after the snow came. Maybe when the snow leaves (it already did, and then came back :smartass:) I'll get back into it. All I could do though, was an ollie. It was pretty much the only thing I tried to do as well. I'd say I was alright.
I remember I got into it after I saw TMNT and Back to the Future 2 a hella long time ago. I was too young to be able to do anything then.

I got back into it when everyone hit that skater phase. My brother was pretty good and my best friend did it so I tried it for a while. I haven't been on the board much but I really want to get back into it again.
I am a skater here man, I know how to do a kick flip, 50-50 grind and front nows manyol
I love skateboarding. I'm not sponsored yet, but I'm working on it. I landed my first tre-flip a few days ago. My favorite skater is Rodney Mullens, he's amazing.