Sony Confirms PlayStation 4


Jun 6, 2006
By Cornelius Wilson on 12/04/06 at 8:50 PM

Vice President of Technology for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Paul Holman confirmed that there will be a PlayStation 4, and that it would be released sometime after 2010 in an interview with SmartHouse.

"To say that there will be no PS4 because of a management change is a bit far fetched" he said.

Until the release of the PlayStation 4, there will be several upgrades for the PS3.

Wow! I think that's a great news to hear tonight. A PS4 now? I mean just wow! Although I wish Sony will name the PS4 something else. I mean seriously what's next a PS5?

Your thoughts on this?
All i can say at this stage is very, very interesting.
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I saw that one coming!

And I think it's great of course, I was happy to hear that!
Yeah well, I think that doesn't sound like it has been confirmed, to me it says that they are thinking about it.
It's probably not gonna come true, all of what Sony said in the past year or so has been lies....
Yeah, ot sounds they are more considering it than actually being set on the idea right now. To be honest, it's not surprising. Sony is extremely successful with their console, they're bound to keep releasing them. I need a PS3 before a PS4 though. xD
Sony and their PS4 LOL. PS3 was only recently launched and now a PS4 for 2010?

PS3 seem to be a flop right now. Too expensive and not enough killer apps. But man are some of those games gorgeous. I'm very mixed about the PS3 right now but if the PS4 follows suit then I expect the PS4 to be double the price of the PS3 though much more technologically advance but I doubt it. Seeing how Nintendo faring pretty well with its Wii, I'm sure MS and Sony might follow suit with a small form factor that is less of a technological upgrade for their next console.

A 2010 release? That gives them about 3 years of development time. I'm sure they will most likely use a Cell Broadband Engine CPU based processor. This time, the CPU and GPU might be in one unified architecture. It will be interesting what they put in.
For christs sake, enough with the upgrades! The PS3 has an estimated Life-span of around a decade or two and I, for one, wont be getting it until it comes down in price, dramatically.
For christs sake, enough with the upgrades! The PS3 has an estimated Life-span of around a decade or two and I, for one, wont be getting it until it comes down in price, dramatically.
maybe but maybe i will buy the ps3 it has a high price damm
Sony will never cease to make any more systems, they will always be around, whether they choose to stay independent, or merge with another company. I am grateful, I love Sony. To me, Playstation is the best system on the market.
i think the PS3 is worth the money tho... free online games and it kinda like the wii cause in some games like hockey for example: to check a person you move the controller forward fast.