SOTW Discussion & Results

Where I come from, the United Kingdom, winter does not include snow! :P It includes frost, warm clothing and the final leaves falling after autumn. :lol: Rarely do we get snow.
Hope you did not get me wrong.
but yes, No#2 is mine.
I say number one is really amazing. but out of theme.


Can this one be known as a winter sig? just because of the cold fog in the fron and white dots which can be known as blizzard ?
About simple design, after the SOTW ask Aerith to show you the original image I used for it. I just did not use a picture and some brushes.


I'm sorry but you better stop with this pointlessness because you're basically becoming petty now, No 1 does fall under a Winter theme which I've given my reasons for why that is and nobody but you has complained otherwise. Live with it.

I don't think I said your design was simple I said it was plain. Number 1 has far more depth and has a better visual kick than yours.
The sig fits the theme, therefore it is a valid entry.

Does anyone know who made this sig -


Because they're the one who won SOTW 11...
I now have all the signatures saved on my pc, ready to upload to photobucket when the winner of this weeks SOTW is announced, then I can make the SOTY thread.

All the images, except one, the winning one from SOTW 19...which, if I recall correctly, was the metroid prime one?
I ended SOTW 23 a day early because i needed the winner for SOTY, and I might not have time to make the thread tomorrow :|

So, congratulations Lirael!

5 entries for SOTW 24 so far, and Two more people are entering, and no e of the regulars have entered yet, so it looks like a good turnout for a new year ^_^
Indeed - I re-acquired Photoshop for christmas and I've made myself right at home with this weeks entry. I do feel somewhat limited - it's not Photoshop CS3, it's called Photoshop Elements and it is ever-so-slightly different. The only thing I'm missing, so far, are the blending options - I've made up for that with the extended Filters and effects, the point of which being that I have made an entry for SotW 24.
We have a SOTY winner!

Signature of the year goes to Angel Valentine -


Congratulations ^_^

Special mention to Shahab for winning the most SOTWs in 2007, winning 5 of them. Well done sir!
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That would be a good idea Warbs ^_^

Right, does anyone have any ideas for future SOTWs now? It looks like I'm in charge for real now :lol:
Favourite Movies?
-Favourite Character in Movies?
Favourite TV Show?
-Favourite Character in TV Show?
Favourite Band?
-Favourite Band Member?
Idk if these have been used but heres a few ideas.
I think, the next few SOTWs will be -

SOTW 26 - Movies
SOTW 27 - Bands
SOTW 28 - Final Fantasy
SOTW 29 - Anime
SOWT 30 - Freestyle

That could possibly change though, If I get any better ideas / suggestions.

And no entries for SOTW 25 yet...
Take into account West coast U.S. next time. :'(

I had a sig for SoTW 24 on Friday, but you went ahead with the voting thread.
Well this Friday I'll start it later - about 8pm English time - what that is where you live you'll have to figure out ;)

Or, if you're definatly entering, tell me this tome so I can wait for you to send me it ><