Multiple Platforms Soul Calibur V coming?!


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Aug 25, 2008
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Ellia Lombardia
FFXIV Server
Well this is quite the Christmas gift indeed. Thinking Soul Calibur was well dead as IV was rushed and then they made the same failure on Psp. Well here is the article cause it may aswell be true. I just came across it now and it sorta put me in an "Oh Sc is alive kinda mood". I still say the best was I not II.

Also the interesting interview with CVG

Pretty muxh really surprising. Havent seen news on Soul Calibur in ages. So what do you guys think? If the certainly go back to The SC I and II days and not IV and III this will be a good thing ^^

Maybe they wont screw up and add anime characters like in SC IV. Angol, Fear, Shura etc..
SoulCalibur V

At Namco Bandai’s Level Up press event in Dubai, news from a number of games were shared, but there was one major announcement that just about everyone was hoping for: SoulCalibur V. The game has a tentative 2012 release and will have an improved battle system along with new features. No substantial information was revealed at the press event, but more details are promised to be revealed at E3 coming next month.

SoulCalibur V will come out on both the PS3 and the Xbox 360. However, with a 2012 release date, there’s also a wild card in the mix: Nintendo’s Project Cafe. With graphical capabilities that are rumored to match, and possibly even surpass, both the PS3 and Xbox360, this means SoulCalibur could find its way back to a Nintendo console with its fifth iteration. There’s also a second wild card: Sony’s NGP. If it has the horsepower of a PS3, there’s really no reason to not port SoulCalibur V over after it’s released next year. While we don’t know the full specs of the system, there’s a pretty high chance it can at least be modified, if not ported.

While many 3DS owners were not-so-secretly hoping for a 3DS SoulCalibur game, it likely won’t happen until SoulCalibur V is pushed out the door, so we’ll likely have to wait until 2013-2014 before seeing a potential handheld version. As mentioned, since the NGP is more likely to get the console version, that leaves the 3DS wide open to receive its own version, whether it’s a port of a past one, a remake, or a stand-alone game in the series, similar to how they released Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny for the PSP. This does bring up one interesting possibility: if the 3DS can match the PSP in the correct hardware related areas, it’s entirely possible for SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny to be ported over. If it does happen, we’ll be most likely to hear about it at E3 this year, otherwise it may be a while before we hear any news of a potential 3DS version, if they’re even considering it.

[via VG24/7]
That is good news defninately man. I have played 1-3 quite a lot though I did not get the chance to throw down with number IV. I am a huge fan of characters like Kilik, Talim and Ivy. I think Sould caliber is my favorite Fighting game of all time. Its way more fun to play than Tekkan or Mortal Kombat. Its a great game and I love how each person has their very own unique fighting style and how every character has their own weakness regardless of how good you are with them. I hope they do not hurt the battle system too much because I used to think it was very entertaining. I will buy this game for the PS3.
Soul Calibur 5's fighting system is "lighter, sharper, and more elegant", according to Namco Bandai producer Hisaharu Tago, and you can expect more responsive performance during online play.

"The gameplay in Soul Calibur IV was a little bit heavy," Tago admitted to listeners at Namco's Dubai showcase yesterday, "and sometimes you didn't feel like you were getting instant character control, particularly online."

According to Tago, the decision to set the fifth game in the weaponised arcade series 17 years after the events of its predecessor stems from the changing combat emphasis.

"Soul Calibur 1 to 4 was a continuing story, and we wanted to introduce a generational shift," he said. "We also thought it would be good to give the game a break to signify the change to a lighter, more elegant style."

Combos are now "easier to perform", and the "global pace is improved".

Further details were scarce, but Tago did reveal that veteran character Siegfried would not retain possession of the iconic Soul Blade, possibly signalling a new approach for the zealous blond knight.

OXM's Jon Blyth is over in Dubai right this moment, scribbling notes in the scorching heat - stay tuned for updates. The game's pegged for next year.
*sigh* I made a thread on this awhile ago and was going to add the new info here That was more or less speculation if it was coming but it was still the thread :lew:.

A Clearer Look At Patroklos, Soulcalibur V’s Protagonist, And The New Siegfried

Soulcalibur wouldn’t be Soulcalibur without Siegfriend or Nightmare. Namco Bandai confirmed he will be in Soulcalibur V and here’s his new look.

Soulcalibur V will be released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 next year as the teaser trailer below notes.


Argor251 please merge threads?
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The characters I like to use are Nightmare, Siegfried, Mitsurugi and Raphael. Also to let you guys know Shura won't be appearing in this game.
Yes the main character is the son of Sophitia and Rothion. He is going to be the main character and I find that pretty ace because he was mentioned in nothing more than Sophitia's bios/endings. Since minor characters are becoming alive.. we can expect to see more of them. Please no more star wars characters... that was so shit it ruined soul calibur. Create a soul in IV was terrible and I hope they refine it to make it look like III'S or make it even better than ever for Soul Calibur V.
I liked IV's Create a soul. It was funner somehow.

Also...If thats Patrokos. Hes got to be atleast 23. Which at the time he was mentioned in III. he was what? 13 or younger? and in four hes older than 13... This make sme think sophitias like 40 years old now. Which I dont really care about. As long as Talim,Amy,Ivy and Cassandra are still in this. Then im happy.

Also this raises another question. In xianghuas ending in IV. Her and Kilik died. dose this mean Xianghua and Kilik arent returning? Ill be sad if thats true. Now MaxiWe wont have anyone to fanboy/girl over.
Well since it takes place seventeen years after we are bound to have a lot of new characters. Sophitia will be like 41 ish while Talim will be 32 ish. I wonder if we will see the return of the Prehistoric King Algol who was apparently the king of Soul edge and Soulcalibur in IV. He was such a disappointment though most of the time. Most of the Soul calibur girls will be hitting 40 at least. Taki is going to be like 46... so I think a lot of new characters will be introduced. Of course they will bring back some old Soul calibur characters but a lot of them will have to look different. I do not think Xianghua's ending was the real ending of Soul calibur IV so no. I see a lot of new characters being introduced. Just as long as they do not rush the game like IV it will be okay. Also Create a soul in IV really put me off.. the skills and such.. those were terrible.
Soul Calibur V. I hope they put more of an effort into the game than they did in SCIV since that game was really lacking.

The whole timeskip thing interests me because it should be a nice refreshing start on a new story but at the same time saddens me because most likely most of the older cast will not make a playable appearance. :sad3: Either way I am a fan of the Soul series so I will be keeping an eye on this game.
Well as long as Soul Calibur V is better than Soul Calibur IV I will be happy, I just really didn't like Soul Calibur IV that much, no story in it really... My favorite is still III

And as long as NIghtmare makes his return I will be happy.
This more or less is a little bit of details about SoulCalibur V.

Namco Bandai has lifted the lid on Soulcalibur V at its press event in Dubai this morning.

The game, set 17 years after Soulcalibur IV, features guest characters, Project Soul producer Hisaharu Tago told Christian Donlan for Eurogamer.

The main character is Patroklos, son of Sophitia. Patroklos is "inspired" by the gameplay of Sophitia, but is "sharper" and "more agile". He has new moves, but they're all inspired by Sophitia's.

V takes the Siegried ending of IV and builds upon it. Seigfried, now 39 years old, no longer wields the Soul Calibur sword.

V is described as a "generational shift", complete with new characters, but SCIV characters will return. "SC 1-4 was a continuous story," Tago said. "We want to make a generational shift with a new story this time."

The Soulcalibur series is famous for the inclusion of characters from other universes, such as Link from The Legend of Zelda and Yoda from Star Wars. Will other non-Soulcalibur characters feature?


"Difficult question," Tago said. "We will have guest characters as we did with Star Wars. Please stay tuned for more information on that."

V marks a shift from two-handed swords to short swords, Tago announced. The story includes "the enigma as to why the swords have become short swords".

The game's new fighting style is described as "lighter, sharper, and more elegant". The online mode has been improved with new features. "Gameplay in IV could be a little heavy, particularly when you were online – we wanted gameplay that was more fast and reactive," Tago said.

On the shift in gameplay: "Maybe the hardcore fans will be afraid that we lose the core of the gameplay, but that's not the case. And for new players it's nice to have gameplay that is more continuous – you don't need to wait as much between moves.

"There is quite some change in the gameplay from SCIV. The pace of the game has been improved, and the combos will be easier to perform, and the moves will be easier to pull out."

Elsewhere, Tago confirmed the create a character feature from previous games in the series returns, but refused to divulge details.

Namco Bandai is yet to show actual gameplay, but promised more information at E3 next month.

Pretty similar to the other article but more detailed.

I hope we get an SC3 Create a Character esque, that one was the best imo

Also CHRONICLES OF THE SWORD MUST RETURN :rage: that shit was amazing <3

Also, as I remember it Seigfried's ending had him freeze his body solid, how can he be alive? O_O

I hope i'm not alone in wanting Mitsurugi and Raphael to return, speed ftw
Didnt hilde save Seigfried in his ending? If not Then I belive Soul edge uses its power to break free. Causing the cursed blood to flow again. freeing Seigfried.

Also whats with the IV Create a soul Hate? It was better than III's. It had moar style.

But if they fuse the two together. THEN ill freak. because both together is like chucknorris
It had very little selection in some areas and didn't let you have stuff like a shirt and a jacket, you had to choose between them in 4, less customisation basically.

Also you're thinking of Hilde's ending when she lets him atone for his sins, in Seigfried's he sacrifices himself to destroy both swords.
IV's create a soul was terrible. Stats for armor and crap was the most retarded idea one can put into a soulcalibur game. The skills were really complicated most of the time for those who wanted to play versus special and not standard play. For those who played versus special they could not put any equipment they want due to stats being weak and starting with only a little bit of health... Everyone online wore the best armor and weapons all the time.. nobody had variety. SoulCalibur III had a better create a soul mode because versus special was fair and the skills were not so overkill and ONLY the weapons had stats.. just like Soulcalibur II. The rest was all free customization which I loved. In IV putting dear heads, eagle heads just to put your attack to the max is frickin ridiculous and I am NOT a fan of that. Although Vs standard is the real way to play.. versus special was what I always loved in II and III. Only good things added to IV's were a select few.. still III really had a better create a soul mode. Chronicles of the sword was really amazing.. loved that so much and they should do something similar with V. II had the best story.. Loved weapon master so much and III's tales of souls was amazing! In Iv all we get is a shit story and about 4 battles before the final boss. Pretty terrible if you ask me.. oh and Star wars characters.. what the fuck were they thinking? Also Siegfried is not wielding Soulcalibur in this one so I can understand how he is alive.. plus I dont think his ending was the real one. I am pretty sure the real ending that moved on to V was Hilde's as she was more or less the "main" character.