Multiple Platforms Soul Calibur V coming?!

In that case, I imagine he'll just use regular greatswords like Faust.

Also, anybody you're hoping to get in SC5? I'm hoping we get a Tales of character again like they did on the... Wii Soul Calibur I think? The one with Lloyd

I'd love to see someone like Kratos or Stahn, I think they'd work pretty well :ryan:

If not that, Klonoa /shot
Haha I hope to god they bring Kos-mos from Xenosaga as a guest character because I heard she was meant to be playable in II but she was taken out of the final game. You can create her in III though but without the voice and weapons it just looks fake :sad3:. So yeah I want to see Kos-mos mostly because she is perfect for SC :ryan:.
Ooh that's a good point, I forgot Xenosaga was Namco :lew:

I wonder if Critical Finishes will return, Kratos using Shining Bind would be... Orgasm for the eyes :ohoho:

Or they might do something like with SC2, I don't think LoZ is Namco, is it? :hmmm: So we could have some non-Namco cameos
Well..Link was only in SC2 because it was ported to the gamecube.

So i guess they could bring Spawn/HEihachi back..

I wouldnt Mind critical finishes~ Link using triforce slash or Tidus using blitz ace would be awesome.
Eh... critical finishes were a very cheap way to finish off the opponent. I really hate that just the colors were changed for the bonus characters during critical finish. It was really frickin stupid. If anything.. and they do bring that back.. I do not want to see clones of ANY critical finishes. Or CLONE CHARACTERS for that matter! They ruin the game and so many more valuable characters can be in their place. The bonus characters had such a small story in IV.. even then it was shit. Bringing characters from anime was a cheap idea as well..
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Haters gonna hate.

i liked the bonus characters. They were koolios even if they were clones. They agve me a Reason to use that Amy clone.

And i liked critical finishes arent cheap. It forced Defenders to Not defend. Making it rather balanced
The only one I liked was the Cervantes clone tbh

Also i'd like it if they had custom character weapon classes like in 3, with stuff like the crescent blades and shit.
Shura is from the anime Gantz and Angol Fear is an anime character as well. How they got in.. meh I really do not know but they better not make these kind of additions again. By the way since this is going to be a completely new story with Sophitia's son as the main character we can probably expect a new entity enemy within the sword.. Just take it as the two new swords will be a new version of Soul Calibur and Soul Edge. Remember Algol was the creator of both Soul edge and Soulcalibur. They got to be new swords since it is a completely new story etc.
Algol wasnt the creator of soul edge and soul callibur. Algol was the only one to harness both their powers. His son had soul edge. he had soul callibur. so when his son was killed by him/Soul Edge He gained both their power.

Also Just to point out. Both soul callibur and Soul edge are Evil. Callibur is all for the rewriting of exsistence so it can control. soul edge is just for world domination. See Cassandras and Sophitias ending in IV.

Judging from this dose this mean that Patroklos will have to destroy both swords? Since Its almost obvious that Sophitia would tell him of the legend.
Unless they bring Nightmare back, but I can't see that happening considering how they said BOTH swords are short swords and not 2 handers now :wacky: I wouldn't be able to take him seriously with a little blade :rofl:
Soul callibur in 2 was a freaking rapier. souledge was a rather small glave. They got bigger over the years. so this makes me think that Both of them are weakend from Seigfriends sacfrifice in IV.
Oh my bad he only created Soulcalibur.. He obtained Soul edge... and if I recall correctly Soul edge was formed out of what they call "inferno". Also Damon.. of course.. Nightmare wouldn't use short swords :lew: But Algol wa sthe first wielder of soul edge ever so we can say he was the one who learn t how to use it. It was forged by human hands yes... but used by Algol.. so in a sens ehe is kind of the master of it. Also nah for sure thes two new swords have something to do with someone we did not see yet.. perhaps Sophitia's son wants soul calibur.. who knows.
Actually, wasn't it Zasalamel's clan that created the Spirit Sword?

And when was Soul Calibur a rapier and Soul Edge a glaive? O_O they were both greatswords to my knowledge
Krita Yuga used to really be soul calibur.. Xianghua's weapon. Damon Algol created Soul calibur not Zasalamel. I think the spirit clan were just the protectors of it when it was passed down no? Also No that is not true that Soul calibur is an evil sword. It is very similar in NATURE but it is the main protagonist of the series. By the way not all endings are true.. like I said earlier so that logic is possibly flawed.
soul callibur (Evil)

Xianghuas Soul callibur is the same. Only a brighter blue.

Soul edge is small(er) in 2 than in 3 and four.

Its not really a rapier per se. But can be used like one.
Soul Calibur turned evil because it clashed with soul edge in soul calibur II. We never see that sword again afterwards in the series.
Concept art, you never see that in game, and when it almost happens in the opening Soul Calibur purifies it :mokken: in game it does not exist, and i've gathered pretty much every weapon in SC3 :monster: