Spiderman's a crook!

tecnically preteen is before the age of 13 so why dont u try

www.dragonfable.com for insufficent tiny little waste of space u call a mind

I am aware of what age bracket "pre-teen" covers, that's why I called you one.

I gotta hand it to you though, ya got balls to actually insult me. Or that could just be the sheer amount of stupidity spilling out of you.
I'd stop if I were you, I've tried to get back at PV and I phailed miserably :wacky:, well except that one time...
Someone sticky this thread please.


Apparently people can be considered old dinosaurs when they hit the age of 20.

Oh gawd, you've hurt my feelings, I feel so old and decrepit now.
nah whell 20 to 24 yr olds are doinosaus any higher and uer a fossile
well ure old but dinosaur dosent fit you mabey ugly old hideous raping ape