Spiderman's a crook!

vegeta you are the fraking dinosaur BAM is the FOSSILE

OK kid, you're getting to me now.

For starters we all know what you're trying to do and frankly, you're not very fucking good at it. I've seen better attempts from a monkey with a brain tumour. You're clearly either a fat middle-aged man, or a Russian woman living under a bridge, either way your crapflooding is below fucking par.

Now I suggest you get back to your game of Dungeons & Dragons before someone gets b& here.

Good day, Sir Troll.
Or he could be, y'know, a really dumb 12 year old like he says. I wouldn't put it past humanity to produce something of his low caliber.
Im so hot, they made a poster of me

im sorry if your jelous of my intelligence
*whispers dinosau and fossile are jelous*

Yeah, I'm pretty jealous. I don't think I'd be able to entertain a group of teenagers to people in their mid-twenties as well as you do :gasp:
well i have to be reasonably inteeligent if i held my own agains a 20 yr old a 25 yr old and 18 yr olds in an argument all against me

It doesn't require a lot of intelligence to argue with someone. :monster:
well it depends who ure arguing woth thpugh
:vincent: oh bam ure that ugly

Stop using that damn smilie so excessively. >=[

I'm not going to tell you to stop using that queer smilie again.

If you insist on using it again in an excessive manner, you'll receive an infraction.
sarcasm cutting expression or remark, sarcastic language. XVI (in L. form), XVII. — F. sarcasme or late L. sarcasmos — late Gr. sarkasmós, f. sarkázein tear flesh, gnash the teeth, speak bitterly, f. sárx, sark- flesh.
So sarcastic XVII. — F. sarcastique.