Squall or Cloud?

Nah i reckon cloud man he rulezs all and look clouds been made into a movie and squall hasen't
Both are very powerful characters, because both Squall and Cloud have been training to become who they are today. Squall has been trained how to use magic/summons, and fight since he went into the Garden, and Squall is basically the Top of his Class, so he would no less be Top Tier.

Cloud has been with Shinra since he was very young, although he did not make it into Soldier, his pyshical talents during FFVII and AC proves that he is more than adequate, if not probably surpasses most of the people who where in Soldier.

So if you look at the two, they are both Top Tier in their respective games, as for which person would win, that would clearly be difficult to pinpoint, as both of them are very powerful.
Of course he does. You do know that he was talking about them as game characters and not real people, right?

I'll stand my belief that Cloud is "stronger", because he has all his fans behind him!
Squall... hes sexier and he is much stronger than Cloud ever will be... His Limit Break and Attacks were more powerful
Wow, this is loaded. A few years ago, I would have said "Squall" without a doubt, but now I'm not so sure. Let's see.

Cloud's past wasn't so great. He might get some stick because a big part of it, well... isn't true (for him, at least), but having gone through all of that Zack/Sephiroth/Nibelheim trauma, I'm willing to cut him some slack. I'm sure the Jenova cells didn't help, either. Personality-wise, he seemed to be at once serious and easy-going. It really threw me off when he said "let's mosey," I must admit. Cloud didn't seem to have problems admitting what he was feeling, though.

In fights, I can't honestly say any of the later swords was cooler than the Buster Sword. It's the classic. Cross-Slash, Climhazzard and Omnislash are my favorite Limit Breaks. For appearance, that spiky hair is epic.

Squall also has the typical convoluted past, but I don't think it was quite as traumatic as Cloud's. The GF memory loss was bad, and Rinoa helped him through figuring out his childhood and family and all that, but I thought it was more of a simple revelation than Cloud's having to come to terms with the truth. Squall annoyed me a little with his stoicism at the beginning, but I got used to it. He did change into more of a hero character as the story went on, and I think a lot of the credit goes to Rinoa.

In fights, the gunblade was amazing. I thought R1 trigger would be annoying, but it was fun and became second nature. Renzokuken + Fated Circle was almost an obsession among my friends at school around the time the demo came out (we were an odd bunch). Also, I think Lion Heart gets a slight edge over Omnislash, just because you never quite know when it's coming. For Squall's appearance, the jacket would be better if it weren't so short. The scar makes Squall, though. Could you imagine him without it? It makes him the resident bad dude. Seifer's is almost lame in comparison.

After that ramble, I think I'll give the nod to Cloud. His back story is more interesting, and I think Sephiroth and Jenova were HIS problem to deal with, where Ultimecia was more of Rinoa's enemy.
First of all i have to say its automatically giving Squall an Unfair advantage by making this topic in the FFVIII bit but then again Cloud would've had the same advantage if you put it in the FFVII of the site.......

Anyway moving on... id have to pick Cloud. He had a more interesting back story than squall, he became a test subject and was injected with Jenova cells and absorbed zacks memories (or something like that) while Squall and his friends lived in an orphanage and just "forgot" about it.

Another thing which makes Cloud better is His taste in women, Squall fell in love with an annoying obnoxious princess who hated her daddy (sorry i just despise Rinoa) while Cloud.........

well its not your typical love story - like Squall and Rinoa - its still sorrounded in mystery, does he Love the innocent beautiful flower girl or the Kind Gentle "childhood friend" the Aeris VS Tifa Debate (1997-????) Is one of the reasons i prefer Cloud to Squall - hes surrounded in mystery and is more quirky than Squall.
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Yer doing a bang up job Colin
Well said Cecily. I couldn't have said it better myself. I do prefer Cloud though more so than Squall. Cloud's story is just far more interesting and also tragic by losing Aerith (huge Clerith person here). Anyway, to make my long reasoning short, Zack's memories, the mako poisoning, all the suffering he went through, working hard to find himself again with Tifa's help, all of Cloud's story just really touched me and so yeah, I prefer him over Squall.
This is a tough one.

You got Squall who was raised in Balamb Garden to become a gunblade specialist. He is also a SeeD and the leader of Balamb Garden. I'm sure he might be the supreme leader of all SeeDs everywhere. Also, Ultimecia wondered if Squall was the legendary SeeD who was to defeat her. And sure enough, Squall and co did defeat her so that makes Squall the legendary SeeD. Rank A anyone?

Then you have Cloud who joined Soldier at an older age. When he returned to his home town, he was just a lowly Soldier. Through his determination to protect his loved ones, he was able to dispatched Sephiroth who was considered an elite even among the elites. Basically a grunt taking out an elite.

You got a specialized mercenary versus an ex-military man. Yet, at the end of their own respective game, they seem to have gotten stronger. As if they found a way to tap deeper into themselves for strength. Cloud defeated the inner Sephiroth within him and Squall becoming emotionally strong. I think I'll settle this the way Edgar settle things: with a coin toss.