Squall or Cloud?

i prefer squall becuz:
1-his weapon is cooler than a normal sword
2-lionhart is the strongest(not sure) attack in ps1 FFs
3-he's COOLER than cool
thanks MM i know i'm cool but not that much anyway my answer will be:
MAN R U KIDDIN , of course Squall he's the best hero ever and he's the only FF games who have a brown hair so he's very special that's wht i have-_-
i like cloud more cuz he's actually a big part of the game...
squall, on the other hand, is a small part of the game...
(it may be wrong....)
Cloud would by far win in any fight over squall, he is also more mentaly stronger as well i mean look at his past and his present, look at everything he has been through. cloud is just all around better then squall.
thanks MM i know i'm cool but not that much..
You are Squall? Yeah right, whatever...
I'm not sure but I think MM meant the real "Squall" from FFVIII, not you. :cool: Also, look at my usertitle.

Well, returning to the topic I think that Squall is better because:
1)His gunblade is awsome.
2) I have a replica of Squall's cool Griever necklace.
3)I have a replica of Squall's Gunblade but it is confiscated by my mom because I almost kill my cat when I was swinging it for the first time.
4)The Lion Heart is almost the coolest limit from the FF games from PS1 (and the strongest)
5)Did I mention that I have recently bought a replica of Squall's ring?
6)He survived the torture chamber.

About Cloud, he has a better background story than Squall and his AC sword (You knopw the one that has 7 swords in one) was awsome and even better than the gunblade.

And I am the extreme FFVIII Fan!
I like them just as much even though Cloud is stronger than Squall there both to me just as good characters