Squall or Cloud?

I've got more in common with Squall than Cloud, but the former does get on my nerves sometimes when he's spurning Rinoa's advances. Cloud is better as a fighter, I suppose. Tough call.
Cloud of course

Cloud is awesome, he's really powerful and has a cool bad ass attitude
Using the game mechanics, Squall would win in a fight, if they both have their respective ability systems (Materia and Junctioning). Assuming Squall can have every GF and Cloud can pick 16 (is it?) Materia... Squall wins.

The characters themselves... Squall's better. More character growth, I think. Squall goes through his life as a cold, bitter git UNTIL the start of FF8. He starts to open up, and you actually see his gradual development. Cloud... All Cloud does is throw a fit and fall into the lifestream. The change is unbelievable, and boring. You don't see any real development.

Squall looks cooler :P The jacket, the scar, the pants... Cloud has blonde spiky hair. And some boring gloves.

But yeah, Squall looks a hell of a lot cooler in KH2. He acts cooler too. He's awesome in that.
Using the game mechanics, Squall would win in a fight, if they both have their respective ability systems (Materia and Junctioning). Assuming Squall can have every GF and Cloud can pick 16 (is it?) Materia... Squall wins.

Lol. Not this again. Already told ya in game mechanic. Cloud would win. :P

Anyway, I agree Squall looks cooler than Cloud.
Qouth digitaldevil:
who do you rekon is better the blond haired who is a super human and is a master of many types of weapons and has done lots of missions as a ShinRa grunt. Got deppressed(prob spell that wrong) because his hero destroyed his home town and killed Aerith the one he loved and his best friend died trying to protect him. Overcomes that once he forgives himself for failing to protect Aerith or the brown haired who is a normal human and is a master of the gunblade and did 1 or 2 missions as a seed. Got deppressed(prob spell that wrong) because his sister left him at a early age. Overcomes that once he falls in love with Rinoa?

there just fixing it too more detail
i'm saying again Cloud but if you asked me this a few years ago it's sure that i would say Squall then.
Hmm, you know, I might change my vote in the next few years, should I actually play Final Fantasy VII. But I doubt it.
i said that if you asked me a few years ago this question i would vote Squall,because i didn't know who Cloud was and that time i really liked Squall.
but now i don't like him anymore.

ok,maybe a little:Pbut i still prefer Cloud
I Like Cloud the best, I love his Buster blade! Coz they show it in the weapons shop in lindbulm in FF9.
I think he has a realli interesting background, an plus for a FF character he's kinda cute ^_^
i said that if you asked me a few years ago this question i would vote Squall,because i didn't know who Cloud was and that time i really liked Squall.
but now i don't like him anymore.

ok,maybe a little:Pbut i still prefer Cloud
is this because you watched advent children and think cloud is cool with is crazy swords? man squall is cool man he even has a scar on his face and he was an orphan who had no love especially when his sister left him alone. and its cool cause you can find out about his parents and stuff and its all pretty cool
Cloud's weapon is always shown in FF game series.
Especially his Buster Sword and Ultima Weapon.
ok cloud was blonde just like every one else and that was crap but squall was brown haired and way better i mean i connected with squall but not cloud his story is all about scientific crap

I think the words you were looking for was:

"He has such a deep and meaningful past. It was filled with scienfitical facts and was very interesting, especially for intelligent people who can grasp his greatness."

Yes, I like Cloud better.
Squall was much much better. he was Sexier, had a better sword, and he was actually able to save the girl, unlike Cloud who couldn't.
Squall was much stronger,
Renzokuken + Lionheart = 27 X 9999 = 269,973
Omnislash = 17 X 9999 = 169,983
Squall was much stronger,
Renzokuken + Lionheart = 27 X 9999 = 269,973
Omnislash = 17 X 9999 = 169,983

that is pretty stupid argument for him being stronger.

1.It dosent really matter how much more squall attacks damage does if they both only HAVE 9999hp.

2.Please dont use game mechanics because there different games because that would mean tidus is stronger than both of them and sephiroth can destroy the galaxy.

3.So yous story wise and no matter what you say:
Squall = Normal human who is a master of the gunblade
Cloud = Super human who is a master of many weapons