stalking fff peepls on facebuk

My girlfriend added our unborn son onto her Facebook family member section practically the moment we picked a name (about 20-ish weeks).

I personally don't see the point until he's actually been born lol.
You see these people are the kind of people who don't shut up about it in real life, so this is why I'm so surprised that they don't fix their marital status and what not.

Seeing as when they post status updates it's all, 'I'm engaged! I'm getting married'

And what not. XD
That doesn't bother me so much... it's the people who post every single little mundane aspect of their life all the time... "Taylor is in town :)" "Krystal is reading the bible" "Lisa is sitting with tea and watching something"

That's not at all what facebook was meant for.. gb2twitter