Playstation Star Ocean: Till The End of Time


Iller than Radiation
Jan 15, 2007
Ellen Stone
FFXIV Server
Did anyone play this game? I never beat it because the dungeons were so damn hard to figure out. Obvously, you guys are too caught up with Cloud to even realize someone that could kick his ass, or at least put up a really good fight. Albel is such an unappreciated individual, I hate you guys for not trying to mock his awesomeness. I guess I'll be all alone for the rest of my life as the only Albel fanman here.:P
I've played it , I haven't finished it either but that's because I became preoccupied with other things. I don't think I would consider myself an Albel FAN but he is cool.
I have this game and i still havent beat it but i like this game better than final fantasy, lol Albel owns, only got up to Gemitiy in the game tho
My friend is stuck in this cave and he can't get out because you have to play the right tune, or you have to fight a dragon. He sold the game because he was at it for a week, and got pissed at it.
How the hell did you get past the part I described?
I've played through the game twice. It is actually one of my favorite RPG's. Albel was a cool character but I really liked Cliff.

If you would specify which part you are at I can try to help you beat it. You fight a lot of dragons so I do not know where you are.
The cave with Dragon markings on the bottom? and you use the flute and play different tunes?

there are three tunes you can play (pretty sure)
press button for Short time for one
Press button a little longer for another
press button for longer to play the last one
Good game, loved how I could invent things. I liked the characters and the twists, except some of the voice acting sucked so bad...

Albel was voiced by Crispin Freeman, that man is so talented...
But yeah, a great game, pretty easy to play and beat though...maybe a bit too easy?
My situations kind of messed got the game, but no ps2. Waiting for ps2s price to drop or buy a ps3 and run it or find a ps2 emu that works. But I've been faithful to this series for a while now so I have great hopes for when I finally do play SO3. Any suggestions or comments?
Well ps2s are pretty cheep at the mo since they came out bout 5 years ago, but you can try to sponge 1 off a mate if your indesparate need of a ps2. But back to topic ive finnished star oceans main story but the bonus dungions are a pains since they start takin off 10000 per hit, and im at lv 230 so theres alot of life in starocean plusthe altanate endings
Oh I luffles this game with my life. It's way too harshly criticized because of a few flimsy voices; which I don't even think are that bad.

The bosses (for the most part) were exceptional, and for the most part provided quite a reasonable challenge for your party. Even if all that pertains to is status effects, it's still something.

Indiginous Space (leading up to Luther) provided some very interesting bosses.

Speaking of "interesting," did anyone get the chance to fight Freya?
HA! You think TTEOT was hard??? Play Star Ocean: The Second Story on PS1! I played through the whole game to get to the end boss, and not be able to win. Eventually (after months and months, mind you) I broke out the Gameshark, AND STILL COULDN'T BEAT THIS GAME!!! Of course, this was quite sometime ago, I should probably dust it off and give it another shot, I imagine I'd have better luck these days, see something I was missing.
I beat it.
Albel was alright but the best character was roger.
Beat the whole game, including Freya. But on normal mode and without getting all the BTs. I'm not that obsessed. And yeah, Albel was cool, he was in my team whenever possible.
Hated both the voice acting and the character, i kno theres alot of peeps here that liked the character but they jus seemed too two dimentional and boring.

The game how ever was amazing, aside from Final Fantasy probably the best rpg around. Fantastic game, especially the battle system.
this has to be one of my favorite rpg games, i played it about a year ago. although i haven't beaten all the extra's after the main boss, it was an all around fun game with some interesting situations.

i found the voice acting to be ok, and the gameplay was fun.

my favorite character was cliff, but albel was up there on the list, it was interesting how he came to be in the party
Oh yeah. This game was amazing. Thinking about it makes me realize, its tied with FFVIII for my favourite game. It had everything an RPG should have. And the battles and bonues rocked so much ass. I loved the dungeons. They weren't that hard for me, I just had to think outside the box for a few times. And clearing the maps is so fun. And then all the bonus crap you get from beating the game pwns. Like, 3 bonus dungeons with a crap load of bosses; Sphere 211... Oh my.. This game has it all.