Playstation Star Ocean

i really liked star ocean i played all of them and they have been one of my favourite games from the first time i played star ocean
I've only played Star Ocean 3, and it's not as entertaining compared to other popular titles. I used to really enjoy it, but once you've really jumped into a series that has so much more variety in combat, it's really hard to go back. Star Ocean 3 was enjoyable, but there's just not enough appeal in the battle system to keep me engrossed anymore.
I've only played Star Ocean 3, and it's not as entertaining compared to other popular titles. I used to really enjoy it, but once you've really jumped into a series that has so much more variety in combat, it's really hard to go back. Star Ocean 3 was enjoyable, but there's just not enough appeal in the battle system to keep me engrossed anymore.

Agreeeeeeed. I played the same game, and had the same reaction. The battle system just annoyed the crap out of me, although some aspects of the system I enjoyed. The cities were also well done, but after a while even the characters annoyed me. I think it's because I played FF so long, and Star Ocean seemed like a watered down version of it.
I've played star ocean 3 and think the game rocks but alas I can't find a copy to buy for myself.

Cursed limited stock here aarrrggh.
The original Star Ocean was great. One of the best 16-Bit games of an era absolutely bursting at the seams with great RPGs. Dang, that reminds me, I gotta emulate it again...gotta love a RPG w/good branching character selections...

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time...bugged me. I know the battle system hasn't changed much, but there's something about playing a more current gen 3D game where I can't control my party that just aggravates me. I can let it slide in the first game, but SOIII? I dunno...otherwise, it was a pretty good game, I guess...I'm bitter that I got the lame characters though in my playthrough...V_V
I didn't have the chance to play it the Game I bought had an error so I went to change it and there was no other one, is it good?
i think i played the original but it was some years back i cant realy remember but i got 1 from my friends and it was i think the third 1
I loved Star Ocean TTEOT. I still have it. Pulled an all-nighter to beat the final boss. Went from level 67 to 86 and went to fight him and just kicked his tail all over the place. Loved the battle system, level system, and story. Kept me occupied for about 2-3 weeks before I beat it. Then went back to infamous FF.
i played it ind it has great battle system but i dont get why you die when yu lose your MP i think they are the only games that make that happen
Haven't played a Star Ocean game before, but I might buy Star Ocean 3 sometime, although I don't like the look of the game much (I mean the character design, and the graphics don't look very impressive, although not bad).
I bought three days ago Till the End of Time(it was cheap),decided to play it today.I'm still at the beginning where you should rescue Nikklas.Glad the scenery changed.I didn't like the high tech airships or whatever they were.
I never played a Star Ocean game before but they look very fun, me being a big fan of RPG's. I'm getting Star Ocean: First Departure for the PSP.
Well, the voice acting and the bad syncing of the voice with the lips is something you just have to get used to. I'm currently 39 hours into TTEoT, and I really don't care how bad the voice acting and syncing is; I just play it.
I had Star Ocean:Till The End Of Time but it was too confusin for me so i sold it lol
I wasnt impressed with the last Star Ocean game, although I loved 2. Im 50/50 with the new installment, but the trailers make it look amazing.
Well, the only Star Ocean I played was the original one, released by the SNES and I must say that I was really impressed by it! It was one of the few games (if not the only one) for Snes that featured voices. Granted, only the introduction of the game featured voices but meh, it still was impressive, at least for a SNES game.

The story was kinda weird but quite enjoyable and I sure loved the whole affection system. It basically consisted of 'getting close' to someone. Every time you went inside a city your party would disband and would let you alone to roam free through the city and, when you were ready to head out, your party would follow you. The good thing about all this is that you could interact with you party members inside the city and that way you could 'get close' to them.

Now, the whole buddy system really shined during combat. If your 'buddy' fell during battle, the main character would enter into a berserk-like mode gaining incredible strenght. Can't remember much of that berserk bonus since it's been a while since I last played it.

I liked the combat system a lot. I think it was completely different from the static battles that were quite popular in the Snes. Instead, you got to move around the map as you battled. Well, it was more like, every time you clicked to attack an enemy the character would move near that enemy, attack and stay right on that place.

I also liked the fact that you got to recruit LOTS of characters. Can't really tell you how many there were but there were lots of them! And there were times that if you choose to recruit someone, youu wouldn't be able to recruit another character.

Well, overall, I sure did enjoy that game. It was on the top of my favorite games for hte Snes, along with Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI. If you haven't played it, you should! Or just wait for the PSP released of that game, since it seems SE is porting that game for the PSP! Yay :P

(Though I'd love to see some improved graphics >.<)
Well, the only Star Ocean I played was the original one, released by the SNES and I must say that I was really impressed by it! It was one of the few games (if not the only one) for Snes that featured voices. Granted, only the introduction of the game featured voices but meh, it still was impressive, at least for a SNES game.

RPG, yes...not game. Plenty of Fighting games, at the very least, featured voices. HADOKEN~!!