Stress relief

I tend to resort to eating sweet things to relieve me of stress.
Or I cut my nails. That's why they end up short. Everyday. :elmo:
When I'm stressed, I have a bad habit of taking it out on anyone that irritates me any more than I am, so its usually not easy for me to relieve myself unless I'm in a private place (this is not a perverted statement.). I usually just sleep it off or drink a lot of fluids. I don't know why, but drinking (non-alcoholic) usually calms me down, or going for a walk in my neighborhood for a couple of hours. Anything that keeps me away from people.
A couple of techniques I find help.

If I have access to the internet, I usually come here to chat on the shoutbox. :dave: Yes, go ahead and say I have no life, but it usually makes me chillax a bit. You find so many kooky and funny things on the shoutbox! ^_^

Providing that isn't possible, I cuddle with my kitty. :jess:

Listening to music generally just distracts me and pisses me off even more, so I never do that. Ultimately, the only thing that really makes me un-stress completely is finishing the task that makes me stressed out in the first place. :wacky:

Though I do find that playing Halo helps a little bit. Die you Covenant SCUM! *ahem* Yeah. Great way to blow some steam there. (y)
i find the best things are usually excercise or listening to music, both of them relax me quite well though i find excercise more effective, it tires you out and makes you feel at ease when your lying down. Getting out the house is alwyas a good one aswell, just going for a walk somewhere with my ipod and clearing my head works wonders.
Stress. Yikes.

I'm not and never have been good at dealing with stress. I've always been unable to open up to others with my problems because when it comes to understanding I've always had a bit of a superiority complex, which translates into me thinking nobody is intelligent enough to help me cope with my issues. It's not something I'm proud of.

Instead, I'm one of those people who bottles things up, and I release them with the consumption of alcohol. I became an "alcoholic" in the clinical sense of the term when I was 18, and it led to a scary downward spiral. I did manage to get out of it by finding help from my doctor, and then quitting drinking for a while, but at the same time I managed to cultivate a new set of personality traits within myself that, instead of help me to deal with stress, allowed me to look at the world through a better perspective.

So, to this day, I am no better at dealing with stress when it comes up, but instead have become a much better person that I can proudly say very rarely gets stressed about anything, and that is something I am very proud of.

However, when things do get built up underneath me, nothing makes me feel better than the burning sensation of some strong alcohol, followed by the mental escape that it brings, and when I do feel stress, I tell myself it will be fine once I have a drink. I know it's still not healthy, but I think I get by fine.
I exercise. Whenever I start to feel pissed off I just go do cardio. It helps. It really gets the job done when I over exert myself and pass out. You can't be angry if you're unconscious.

I used to play guitar to ease my frustration but I've recently developed a cyst on my wrist that gets inflamed whenever I get into a playing routine. It's unfortunate and, in itself, stress inducing.
I usually excersize when I feel stressed out it makes me feel more in peace afterwards. Sometimes I play the guitar and that relieves emotional stress. Also listening to Late Night Alumni calms me down a lot.
I listen to music, go for a walk, play a video/computer game and on some occasions I take a nap. I also do that particular thing must of us probably do in the bedroom... behind closed doors (or not). Yeah, you know what I'm talking about


As much as I hate to admit it, when I'm at the most stressed level possible without dying, I scream at the top of my lungs and hit things. And I usually end up hurting myself, so it sucks :sad3: When I'm less stressed and am able to talk without screaming, I have to talk to the other half about whatever it is until the right words come up that make me comfortable. And then if it's a lower level than that and it's something I can handle on my own, I listen to music and sometimes go on this forum or environmental forums and rant about stuff for a while, that usually helps :griin: I'm always stressed on some level because of my OCD, it's like constantly having an antivirus scanning program running in my head just to stay happy, but as long as there's nothing major going on and I'm lucid enough to realize that it's just in my head, that part is manageable enough.
It's either: music, video games, talking (ranting for the most part), or napping.

Music's probably a very common method among people trying to relieve stress, and I've got to say that in almost every situation I've been in, listening to music helps. The genre depends on my mood really, though usually it's alternative.

In other situations, like when I'm at home, I'll try playing a game to forget about what's going on. Though I'll say that I'd definitely not play something that can be frustrating such as an online multiplayer game, more likely I'd go for an arcade game.

Napping is the ultimate stress reliever I've used yet though. Unless I wake up with a headache afterwards, which sometimes happens. It's a risk I'm willing to take though, most times I wake up from a nap in a really good mood.
When I am stressed, I usually just try to focus on one thing, whether it's work, someone in particular, etc. Most of the time, I get stressed due to the combination of lots of noise and lots of hard work to do, so the best thing for me to do is to get away from the noise. Even if it's just sitting by myself, it usually helps.
School this last year has been a real test of my coping strategies...just when you think you know how to cope you realize you really don't.

When I'm stessed, I have to constantly tell myself not to sit and consciously worry about things. I pray. I talk to others about whats bothering me, depending on what it is. A lot of my coworkers are older than me and they have had a lot more life experiences than I have so I find talking to them gives me a new perspective on things or helps settle my mind a little bit. Another good stress relief is exercise and I try and take advantage of my gym membership through my work as often as possible by getting on the elliptical or stairclimber for awhile after I get out of work. I take hot showers at night- it helps to relax the body a bit before I go to bed at night. When all else fails there's always chocolate. It may not eliminate the problem, but it sure tastes good :kelly:
Unfortunately I end up beating myself up and throw myself in to the cognitive triad of thinking I'm shit, then thinking other people think I'm shit, then think shit about the world. Like this week I've been under so much academic stress...I don't think I can do it, I think my friends are picking fights with me, I haven't done well so I think the world's out to get me. So I usually end up running from it because "what's the point in revising?" etc etc, terrible attitude, thank christ I'm naturally smart otherwise I'd get fails instead of Bs/Cs (annoys me because if I remotely tried I'd fly through As).

The gym relieves my stress but ironically I never go because I think "what's the point?" because I'll never lose the weight I want to lose/look like I want to look.

...fml :lew:
I use my punching bag i recently got, while listening to music. I try to take it all out on the bag but the times when i am stressed and i'm not near it, i just punch whatever hard surface i see. Usually walls but not hard enough to make a hole in them, my desk, etc. Sometimes i break things, but things i don't need or care for since they're easy to replace and not expensive.
Chewing gum relieves stress for gum. Just pop one in and start chewing away. I mean, it's an easy effective way without me uh, getting over the top. Though, if I don't have gum, I try to relax by listening to music or getting out for a run to get my mind off of things.

I'm the type of person who gets stressed easily so, it gets hectic for me if I don't relieve the stress :/
My best stress relief is without a doubt music. I listen to music that I find relaxing, and sometimes I just lay in bed with my headphones on. I sometimes also take my dog out for a walk as it helps me clearing my mind of what stresses me.But My first reaction when I'm under stress it's to have a cigarette, but that's not a good option because it doesn't really help me release any stress.
I blog about it or write in a journal. Sometimes when I'm really pissed, I'll just slam the door and take a walk or yell into a pillow.