Strife's Delivery Service

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ice ice baby
Aug 16, 2007

Laugh at the banner and I will hurt you -__-

And before anyone says Kei has a shop with Julius, I am aware of this fact. However, we talked about opening a shop together and here it is =\ Whether or not he changes his mind is up to him. But we'll see. ^^;;

Ok so simply, post here if you want something creating and either myself or Kei will see to it. It is preferable to provide us with information, aka an image (high quality please), colors you'd prefer and any text you want. You can include size too if you like. But remember, we will stick to your request unless something doesn't work. >_>;

And please do not pester us about a piece you are waiting for. We'll do requests in the order they are posted. With studying and general life, it may take a while at times for us to respond with a request. ^^;

If you want any examples of our work, you can find them here.

>> Kei's Graphics
>> Vikki's Graphics

And don't spam the shop. :stare:
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For one, I really like the name. :D And as you know from when I posted in your thread that I really like the way you design all of your GFX's. And I was checking out Kei's and I like his alot also. I think you guys are gonna get a lot of business.;))
If one of you could make me a La Primavera tag like in vikkis (the thin thing) that be great!
Size: like 50x500? (Same size as Vikkis)
Colour: your choice
Render: your choice
Text: La Primavera: The Artistans

Not the exact same as Vikkis.. just different render and colour pl0x.

Thanks in advance.
I guess you should. XP Anyway yea I'm in this shop too, I'll take the requests that interests me (Well . . . I'll do what I can XP) >.< and another thing please provide HQ pictures or renders. :gasp:
could you make me a cool lookin sig and avii set using this pic

I dont mind if the text isn't in it, and weather you cut kadaj out the bottom is up to you,

if you can make it cheers in advance but if you can't then it aint a problem
I guess I'll do it, it'll be ready in 1 or 2 days. >.<
Okay then, i look forward to the finished result as i normally have you make my sigs i love your work so much
The king pain in the butt here requesting a new sig! ^^

If possible id really like a sig pwetty pwease xD

being the king pain in the butt I am, id possibly like that image on a darkened background, and her hair to be blonde (if its impossible the image to be of less colours)

Size: would be well the same size as your sig i guess.
Text: The Black Lotus, as delicate as a flower, as deadly as a viper (or similar)
I leave the rendering down to you ofc :)

thanks in advance: King pain in the butt, Aka Darky :)
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I'll give it a go unless Kei wants to take it on.

Expect a reply from one of us in the next few days.
@Kira: Here's your sig:

I don't like it much but if you want it to be edited feel free to ask, since I have the PSD. >.<

@Darkrul: I think Vik is going to do your request. >.<
I don't know. -__- I guess I might be able to do that but you have to wait for tomorrow since I don't have time right now to do anything. :gasp:
shaun, I really can't work with that image. I've tried four times and the fact I have to recolor it makes it harder to work with. (it's not the best quality -__-)

Can you either find me a new image or give me a description and I'll see if I have one that fits that I can work with? -_-
And can give it a shot.

I'll be opening PS later to start Darkrul's request, so I'll give it a go then. :gasp:

Don't expect a miracle though. :elmo:
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