Strife's Delivery Service

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That link keeps taking you to another link with a white page. =\

EDIT: Nevermind. >_>
Ok, Vikki, I have a request for your graphical wonderfulness.

I want one of your PvP-type sigs for my Gambler.

Here's the image I'm liking:

However. I like your sig and the one you did for Caedus, and those come across as softer/darker. So I'm thinking axe the candlelight, soften the backlighting on the chair. I'd like to keep the chair as much as possible, as I love the seated posture. But as long as it's at the least implied, I'm good with that.

As far as text, I'm liking "PvP's Pit Boss". And since I don't actually, you know, attack, I don't have a "favorite victim," so in exchange for that, I'd like the text "Wanna bet?" on the sig, and not necessarily where the "fav. vic." text has gone in the other two.

Also, for my name, it being long-ish, if it works better you can shorten it to just "Chips".

Hopefully that's not overly demanding. But it's what I would do if I had any ... oh what's the word...... that's right, talent.
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I've a request to make. Only that I don't know whether it's too much to ask for, seeing I've no pictures to offer as help.. Just words.. Words that won't be seen so much in the signature.

Well, I am requesting a signature, which by rights should be simple, but made complex by yours truly.

First, a piano in a background, preferably a solitary piano, and notes that seems to float by. Notes as in those you see on scores. You can grab any sort of notes as you deem fit, I don't mind.. These notes kind of fade in with the picture, but is more distinct than the picture of the piano. Then, lastly, the word 'Piano' at the bottom right hand. I would prefer a font like Vivaldi, but anything cursive would do fine.

Actually, now that I look at it, it certainly does not sound difficult. That's just a comment though. (But for someone who.. Does not have Photoshop at the moment, Does not intend/trust online image editors, Does have rather weak Photoshop skills anyway, I guess it'll be a challenge.)
i'm currently having problems opening photoshop. As soon as I reinstall I should be getting around to these requests.

So just bear with me a little longer.

-grumbles about photoshop;-
Please don't spam up graphics shops.

Create a thread in the Graphics Reverie if you wish to have your work critiqued.
It's been 20 days just wondering if you are coming anywhere ? :) If not just take your time i'm just wondering ^^
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