Strife's Delivery Service

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Later being 2 days later. Damn Photoshop refused to behave.


Darkrul, I fergot to save that image you linked me too the other day... I found this one on my pc and gave it a shot. The hair was originally pink.. -__- Went simple, as you said you wanted a dark background. God did the font for The Black Lotus give me a hard time.

Anyways. Did two versions. The second just has an extra brush.



Want anything changing, let me know.
Size: 450x150
Images: DS Kain. I'll find them if need be
Colours: Mostly blue, you decide the rest
Renders etc: You're the expert, you decide
Text: Kain, and 'La Vita Nuova' in smaller text than the name

I'd like Vikki to be the one to make it. No offense to Kei, Vik's always been my personal graphics designer.
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Makes me sound like a slave.

I'll add it too ma list. I'll try get it done over the weekend
Kain: Not really sure what I was trying to do with it... but after an hour of playing with it, I decided that was enough. Plus I'm shattered.
So here you go.
Size: 50x500 I think >>;;, same size as the moogle one I have now:wacky:
o_O Tell me if you want another wun or can't work with eet:gasp:
Colours: Blue preferbly, like a dark blue, but still fitting with the render.
Text: "Cait Sith" will do. 8D
I think that's right >>;;
OOOH OOH! I almost forgot >>
an avi too plox:wacky:
Size: 100x100 o_O
Use the same render and stuff, or a crop would do just fine with the same text 8D
I bet i've done something wrong so I look forward to becoming your most annoying request and bugging the shit out of you both.:monster:
Kain: Not really sure what I was trying to do with it... but after an hour of playing with it, I decided that was enough. Plus I'm shattered.
So here you go.

I love it, and I love you *glomps*

Seeing as you mentioned it, I will have a matching avy ^_^
I'm glad you like. I'll get on the avatar as soon as possible.

Andrew. Kei can do yours. >_> If he really doesn't want to, I will. xD But time he got to dabble again D=

Kain, I'm going to use a different picture for the avatar, cos I found one I really like. :awesome: Expect it in the next couple of days. =D
Hokay I'll do Andrew's request but only the signature >.> the avatar is your profession >.>
Since Vik is going on a vacation for two weeks and I'm well not in the mood for photoshop, we'll stop for a while. However, if you want to request something then do and I'll try making it =\
Obviously I'm back, this is just to let people know I'm at least going to be around to take requests. =3
I've already made you a set with the first image... check your request thread. -_- I'm not making another set with that image, I'm afraid.
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