Strongest FF Villain!

Which Villain is the Strongest

  • Chaos (FF1)

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • The Emperor (FF2)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Cloud of Darkness (FF3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zemus (FF4)

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Exdeath (FF5)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Kefka (FF6)

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Sephiroth (FF7)

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Ultimecia (FF8)

    Votes: 6 14.0%
  • Kuja (FF9)

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • Seymour (FF10)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Vayne (FF12)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Orphan (FF13)

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Other - Please explain.

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters


Suck my dick.
Nov 29, 2010
Hi everyone.

So I did a search of the board and found a lot of individual discussions about certain villains and a thread about the 'best' villain but none about the strongest and none with a Poll.

If this is too similar to some other posts plz delete :)

Anyway which FF Villain do you think is the absolute strongest, who do you think could beat all the other FF Villains without breaking a sweat? :D

I'm with Kuja, c'mon, he destroyed a planet, ruined countless villages... he's just so badcore hardass! ;)

now you!

Edit: Sorry if I got some of the main bad guys wrong... some games had multiple villains so I just picked the main one for each :)
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Personally, I thought seymour was a bitch to beat. That asshat would just not die. If anything, at least he looked FABULOUS whilst fighting.
I would have to go with ExDeath. He is incredibly powerful and on top of that gets control of the void and the ability to consume anything he wishes into it. He merges the two worlds and manages to accomplish a lot fo his plans while tossing around your party.

If it weren't for the "spirits" of the original Dawn warriors (who by themselves couldn't kill but only seal ExDeath), that restrained the power of the void, Butz and the rest wouldn't have a chance against him and even then, his own undoing was only due to the void itself, not the party.
I found Ultimecia the hardest, because of all the games I've played, the only one I've not finished is FFVIII. I don't think I was undertrained, because Squall and Quistis were on level 100, and the rest between 91 and 99. I think it was more because I didn't know how to fight the battle...
I found Ultimecia the hardest, because of all the games I've played, the only one I've not finished is FFVIII. I don't think I was undertrained, because Squall and Quistis were on level 100, and the rest between 91 and 99. I think it was more because I didn't know how to fight the battle...

In FFVIII, your enemies level the same as you do, so being at a higher level will only make Ultimecia that much stronger. You're better off being at level 20.

I also picked Ultimecia because she has so many forms, it takes forever to finish her, and without almost constantly using limit breaks you're pretty much doomed in the fight. No final boss has taken me as long to defeat as her.
And then, when you do destroy her, you get to watch her walking down that stone path before passing on her powers, so you pretty much don't even finish her yourself.
Hi guys :)

This is more or a 'which villain do you think could kill all the other villains', the strongest.
not who you found hardest to beat :)
Well, in that case...Kefka. He's essentially the God of Magic. That'd be the short answer to that.

However, overall I think that either Seymour or Vayne are the most powerful FF villains. They're both intelligent - intelligence being something pretty much every other FF villain lacks - have considerable political influence, and no shortage of physical power: I'd say Seymour would probably best Vayne in a battle, since he uses high-level magic and can summon Anima, but Vayne's final form was a serious pain in the arse...Vayne is definetely more intelligent and politically influential than Seymour, as well.

sephiroth is the strongest. he does an attack that kills you in one hit AND blows up the entire universe while he's at it. plus don't forget about the kingdom hearts series sephiroth. from what i've heard, he is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to beat! so yeah, i voted sephiroth, and not just because i'm a sephiroth fan either.
p.s. in that case pinksquid, i still say sephiroth because he is INVINCIBLE to anyone and everything except for cloud. so yeah.
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I actually wanna say Sin. I mean, this was a giant whale of a monster that kept coming back every few years with no definitive death. It lived for a thousand years. It was only by sheer luck that a blast from the past was able to aid in it's death forever, but without Tidus and Yuna figuring it out, who's to say it could ever be stopped? Nobody did, nobody before them could accomplish it.
Hi guys :)

This is more or a 'which villain do you think could kill all the other villains', the strongest.
not who you found hardest to beat :)
Which is why I felt that Ultimecia was the strongest. Because I couldn't kill her, yet I've been able to kill the villains in every other FF game I've played- makes sense really
Kefka. Need I explain what he did to an entire planet and the people on it? He's a Magic God (yay!), destroyed and move the surface of Gaia around, caused people to be smashed by tectonic plates shifting, poisoned a whole kingdom, killed people previous of that, used Terra like a doll to kill some more, used the Light of Judgment to kill and more :)

I'd have to say The Emperor is next, or maybe Kuja. Kuja destroyed a whole planet I'm told -- just started a 9 game!.

And then Sin because he's been destroying lives in Spira for hundreds/thousands of years. (correct me if I'm wrong please)

Last would be Ex-Death, simply because I love him and he's pretty bad :)
I voted for Chaos, because he is practically immortal. Even if the heroes defeat him, he will be reborn again and again because of his time loop.
Second is Emperor Mateus. He crowns himself the emperor of Hell and even defeats Satan.
Kefka is third. He may be just a 'human', but he is capable of mass destruction.

EDIT: Hey, what about Ultimecia? She killed every living human on the planet.
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1) Neo-exdeath. Easily.....he was going to destroy existance, dimensions, universes....and he merged with the void it's self.

2) Ultimecia. Time compression......need i say more?

3) Kefka/Sephiroth. This is one debatable issue. While kefka has an attack that can pierce holes in continents, sephiroth is the strongest physcial/sword fighter in all FF and the fastest one at that too. Cloud has a lightning time feat, meaning sephiroth moves a few paces above mach 300. Also possesing skyscraper busting slashes and multiple power such as intangibility, barriers, telekinesis, negative lifestream manipulation, free of human physiology, dosent even have to blink, more durability than cloud(who took a megaflare the size of a small city to the face and got out without a scrape), and more.

So while one posses a buttload of raw power, the other posses speed, skill and versatility. I'd say a tie.

4) Kuja. He could lifewipe with a couple of spell launchings, that warrants him this spot.
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i had a little trouble when playing 7 first time round and came to Sephiroth.

Well.. i was only 12 at the time.

oops accidentally hit the Itallic button.
Orphan, the amount of HP you had to knock out in the second incarnation was just ridiculous, especially since you had to fight and beat the thing before you could fully max out anyone in your party. Strategy was the only thing that really worked, stray once from it and you'll be lucky if you can recover.
1.> Safer Sephiroth. Super Nova is the name of the beast he commands, and if you are unprepared, you can just put your head between your legs and kiss your ass good-bye. And not just that, the attack wipes out the entire galaxy! (even if it is just a cool animation) Insane damage that acts like Molboro's Bad Breath on crack. And how he switches from ground to sky to mess with your physical attackers. He even casts Wall on himself to make the fight even more difficult. And not just that, while other villains sought to rule the world or outright kill everything, Sephiroth went a step further: seeking to kill all life, absorb it into himself and become a god.

When you're using cheat codes and a boss can still kick your ass, you know you have a truly terrifying villain.

2.> Kefka.The only thing more annoying than battling him is listening to his laugh. Gods, I hate that laugh >.> He destroyed the entire surface of the world and caused mass suffering upon the survivors.

3.> Trance Kuja. He leveled an entire world with one spell, and provided a greater challenge than the final boss proved to be. He manipulated an entire war to gain hold of a power that could free him of his master's grip.

4.> Sin. An entity that could only be 'killed' by sacrificing the lives of a summoner and the man or woman that summoner loved. If Tidus had never shown up, chances are good it would have never truly died.

5.> Vayne. Like all great villains, he is a manipulator of nations to achieve his goals. While not as evil as the rest, he was far more convincing when it came to dealing with the public and other nations, often making himself look like the hero in order to mask his villainy.
5.> Vayne. Like all great villains, he is a manipulator of nations to achieve his goals. While not as evil as the rest, he was far more convincing when it came to dealing with the public and other nations, often making himself look like the hero in order to mask his villainy.

Haha i just wanted to say I love the way you described Vayne, kind of made him sound like Hitler!! which makes him seem more badass!
I pick Ulti, she has control over time. You can have all the power you want, but if you don't get the chance to use that power, what do you do?

Tho I can see ExDeath is also very powerful, due to the void and all, I can't help but think that it takes time to end existence. Time allows events to happen, if time is stopped or reversed, how can there be an "Effect"? That how I feel...
you should put as candidates just
ex death, chaos, ultimecia (like someone said up there the thing with the time was tough that lady is crazy) and ,cloud of darkness(it's the pure evilness) and maybe garland.

to me.
oh and of course, Necrom
and enuo is a serious sh*t too
Sephiroth. Dur. No contest, really. I choose not to analyze the other choices on the poll simply out of fandom, just as several others have, I'm sure. I just wanted to be up front about it.