[SU/D] Digimon Re: Create


All your username are belong to me.
Nov 20, 2009
Somewhere else
The Digital World has always been a place of conflict, yet for every evil, there is a corresponding good. So, when the Demon Lords, after centuries of imprisonment, rose up to overthrow the four Sovereigns of the Digital World and claim it for their own, they were met in opposition by an army, led by Digidestined; chosen warriors with the power to see them cast down permanently.

They failed. The Gate of the Seven Deadly Sins was thrown open, and horrors far greater than that of even the Demon Lords were unleashed upon the Digital World, plunging it into ruin. Yet not even Lucemon himself could predict the repercussions of opening the Gate, as the Digital World, inexplicably, merged with the Human World. Physical reality and data became woven together, and through the chaos, something new was born: a world where humans and Digimon existed together. The Gate was closed, and the evil was resealed, yet the world remained in a state of decline. The Demon Lords vanished, yet their evil remained to plague the land.

That was three years ago.

What is now known as simply The Merge has shattered the bonds between nations; shattered the very land itself. Scattered to the winds and vastly diminished in numbers, humankind now finds that it is no longer the dominant species on the planet, which has itself changed beyond recognition, being neither physical nor digital, yet something in between. Creatures of immense power known as Digimon now roam the land in abundance, and many are not kindly disposed to their new neighbors.

Despite the chaos surrounding the Merge, the world has reached a tenuous stability. However, the arrival of new Digidestined, and the stirring of the ghosts of the past, have thrown this stability into chaos, and what will rise from this chaos, none can know for certain. Will these new Digidestined bring forth a glorious new era for Mankind, or for Digimon? Which species will rise to dominance over the new world, and which will fall, becoming little more than a memory? As each side works to bring its own plans for the future to fruition, those who are caught up in the maelstrom must set their own course, and with it, the course of this new world…

General Rules

+ Godmodding, metagaming etc are all frowned upon. Severely.
+ Post quality and post content should be of a good standard. I don’t expect lengthy posts every time, but I DO expect a high standard of spelling, punctuation and grammar. So help me, I WILL kick you out if you flout this: we need to be able to READ what you write.
+ Activity is appreciated, as well. Expect me to send you PMs to get you actively involved and enmeshed within the plot, and it is encouraged for you to speak to others as well. There will be no cruising on through; if you’re taking part, then you’re getting involved.
+ One strike and you’re out. I reserve the right to be an unscrupulous arsehole when it comes to this. Chances are I won’t be, but…I’ve got to say it anyway~

Each of the following links corresponds to a post in the Information Thread. Please go there for specific guidance.

[Links to be added]

Human Factions
Digimon Factions
Player's Guide
Glossary of Terms
Accepted Player Bios

It is highly recommended you read the Information Thread: what follows has the general information and guidelines you need to know to participate, but the Information Thread has background on the setting, as well as some key definitions and terminology.

+ This RP is set in a fictional world that is a fusion of the Digital World and the Human World; it has no connection to any prior Digimon seasons.
+ Setting may expand over the course of the RP, or be subject to sudden, violent changes.

+ No two players can have the same Digimon. Evolution pathways cannot intersect, either: two people cannot have Angemon as a Champion, despite having different Rookies.
+ This RP will use the DMA Digi Dex for Digivolution lines. This is more for variety than anything else, as there are very few “official” Digivolution lines.
+ Digimon attacks are the same as listed in the DMA. You can use English or Japanese names where it suits you, just pick one or the other. You can describe these however you like in the RP; creativity is good.
+ This RP will use season 1 mechanics for Digivolution. For more information, please see the Information Thread.
+ Your Digimon starts off as a Rookie, and can Digivolve to Champion when threatened. They cannot remain a Champion after battle, however, and will revert to Rookie – or even In-Training – if they suffer enough damage. Use your common sense to decide how much damage they have suffered.
+ Digimon cannot digivolve into Ultimate until you have acquired your Crest and activated its powers. Crests will be activated under different circumstances for each player, as a part of their character development; we’ll discuss how and when via PM. You will obtain your Crest when you meet your partner Digimon.
+ Mega Digivolution and warp Digivolution will come later, as a part of the plot.
+ Spirit Evolution, Burst Mode, Digi Xros and Digi-modify are all not featured in this RP. Dark Digivolution may be possible in the future, however. DNA Digivolution between two RPers who have compatible Digimon is possible: contact me for details.

Bio Format

Human Bio
Age: (13-20)
Crest: (From the list of crests. Check the character roster below to make sure it hasn’t been taken)
Affiliation: (If applicable. If you’re not affiliated with any faction, just put “Digidestined” or something)
Appearance: (Pictures are not substitutes for words, although pictures are not discouraged.)
Personality: (Be detailed. I mean more than a couple of two sentence paragraphs. Don’t think I won’t reject your bio if I’m not satisfied with the depth of thought put into this.)
History: (Doesn’t have to be TOO detailed, but should include something of their activities since the Merge occurred as well: how have they been living, for example? How has it affected them? HAS it affected them? Keep in mind this has been the state of the world for three years, and your character won’t be a Digidestined until the start of the RP.)
Character theme: (optional)
Battle theme: (optional)

Digimon Partner Bio
Name: (If applicable)
Digivolution Line: (In-Training -> Rookie -> Champion -> Ultimate -> Mega)

Digimon Bio (for NPC Digimon not connected to any Digidestined)
Level: (Ultimate maximum; no X-Digimon)
Affiliation: (Just put N/A if they're not a part of any faction)
Personality: (Same kind of depth you'd expect for a standard character bio)
History: (Not as much depth required, but their reaction to recent events is helpful)

Character Roster

[Crest: Courage][Reserved: Fleur]
[Crest: Friendship]
[Crest: Love][Moonmon -> Lunamon -> Lekismon -> Crescemon -> Dianamon][Phoebe Atton][Fleur]
[Crest: Reliability][Koromon -> Agumon -> Greymon -> MetalGreymon -> WarGreymon][Max Emlises][Soulcorruptor]
[Crest: Sincerity]
[Crest: Hope]
[Crest: Knowledge][Reserved: Subtle]
[Crest: Light][Poromon -> Hawkmon -> Aquilamon -> Garudamon -> Hououmon][Yuri Akulavich][Noblesse Oblige]

[Crest: Kindness][Kokomon -> Lopmon -> Turuiemon -> Antylamon -> Cherubimon][Reserved: Meteora]
[Crest: Miracles][Tokomon -> Patamon -> Angemon -> MagnaAngemon -> Seraphimon][Devola Queen][Martel]
[Crest: Destiny][Sunmon -> Coronamon -> Firamon -> Flaremon -> Apollomon][Lilac[Reserved: Martel]

Lady Nex [Ophanimon Falldown Mode][Martel]

At the moment, other Demon Lords are NOT playable. If you’d like to roleplay a Demon Lord, PM me for specifics.

Royal Knights
Omnimon [Reserved: Martel]
Dynasmon [Reserved]
Crusadermon [Reserved]
Examon [OPEN]
Craniamon [OPEN]
Kentaurosmon [OPEN]

Reserved Evolution Lines
Nyaromon -> Salamon -> D’Arcmon -> Angewomon -> Ophanimon [Off-limits]
Puroromon -> Fanbeemon -> Waspmon -> CannonBeemon -> TigerVespamon [Fleur]
Zurumon -> Pagumon -> DemiDevimon -> Bakemon -> Pumpkinmon -> Boltmon [Subtle-sounds]

You may reserve crests and FULL evolution lines.
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id like to put crest: Knowledge on requested list. as for evolutions ill take Zurumon-Pagumon-DemiDevimon-Bakemon-pumpkinmon-Boltmon as my evolution path please :D
Just going to draw your attention to my edit, in case you didn't see it~

Signups thread will be up...momentarily.

My weekend will be occupied by map-making. What I recommend is that people don't write their history (I'm looking at you in particular, Galmski; I know you like this stuff) until they've seen the state of the world. I will aim to get it all finished as quickly as I possibly can, but now I have Borderlands 2 as well, and...it's a fairly big map. Plus I want picture images for areas, so that's upping my completion time.

You study me well Martelov. I give you props.

I haven't started doing a base one yet, though I do request a reservation of the Hawkmon line (Hawkmon --> Aquilamon --> Garudamon --> Hououmon) That being said, I might make myself available for Jogress Evolution, though your chances are probably as random as a mad hatter.
Reservations made. I've assumed you want Poromon as an In-Training, Galmski; if you don't, just let me know~

On a minor note, I'm reserving DemiMeramon -> Bakumon -> Wizardmon -> Wisemon -> AncientWisemon for now. I might change that to something else.

Also, I direct your attention to the updated Information Thread, where the map I've been working on for about six hours has reared it's ugly, possibly unfinished head. Don't jump to any conclusions just yet, though: not all of those real-world cities will be inhabitable. I also realise they're all over the place, but there is a reason for the chaos...not one you'll find out until much later, so for now you'll just have to trust to the method to my madness.

The zones are for ease of reference; the landscape itself will be similar to what you might see in the real world, rather than the Digital World. In places. But yeah, I'll work on filling that out over the weekend...if there are any places you'd like to see added in, do tell me. Can't promise anything, but feedback is nice.

Hood knows when my bios will be up.

Also, the start date of October 1st still applies. I'd like to start earlier than that - and if I get every slot filled before then, it's possible - but we'll set that as a goal for now.
Main Info:

Name:Alma Nocturne
Age: 15
Crest: Knowledge
Affiliation: Digi-destined



Two long black pigtails frame her otherwise cheerful face. Her makeup mimics what many call Gothic style. Her smart, almost uniform-like, outfit is one of her favorite pieces in her wardrobe. While she has other “Beautiful” outfits, this is her preferred style.


Alma was a cold and calculating girl, Never afraid to threaten or lie to get her way. She came across as a bully and a bit of an evil person. This was part of the truth about her. Standing at 5 foot exactly she had often been picked on for being short.

She no longer seemed to care, even making the jokes herself before anyone else could. This was her defense mechanism, she was sick of being hurt by things that had been said to and about her. Her mean and cold exterior was simply an outer shell, made to keep the world away from her soft heart.

She was really a young girl crying out for affection. No one saw that side of her, they saw that creepy, Goth girl who said offensive comments and who got violent easily. It wasn’t strange that she had no friends, not allowing people close had kept her safe.


Since the merge her world was different. She remembers the day of the merge like it was yesterday; it was after all the day she tried to end her lonely existence. And the day she failed.

She didn’t understand how all of the bullies that had picked on her had kept friends when she had lost everything; it drove her to the brink and pushed her over the edge. She re-thought her entire life in those few seconds as she fell.

She realized the error of her ways, but with her past reputation she felt no chance of redemption. She had left school without completing her study. She is intelligent and if she had taken her exams would’ve likely passed them, but she couldn’t stand the animosity any longer. She had traveled for 2 months out in the old world, alone, scared and hungry.

Then she gave up, climbed a building to its rooftop, and jumped. She fell, further than she had ever fell before. That was precisely when the merge happened. Her fall stopped suddenly and she felt no pain from the landing. She awoke surrounded by trees and flowers, she was in the middle of a forest.

At first she thought it was heaven, then she realized she was still on earth. It wasn’t until 4 months later that she found out what had happened. The world had changed around her, there were creatures, monsters roaming the world. There were new dangers to face; new challenges to beat.

It was on one of her forays into the wild world that she found a friend. A yellow slime creature; which referred to herself as Sneak. It wasn’t until later when Sneak tried to save Alma’s life that Sneak had become something more.

It transformed, Alma was later told this was called digi-volving, Sneak had become a strange appendage-less creature; though it looked slightly like a bunny rabbit, Sneak was a little more powerful in this new form. The thoughts this created in Almas head fed her thirst for knowledge and purpose.

She vowed that day that she would document and record all aspects of the new creatures, or "Digimon" as they were truly called, lives and habits. She grabbed one of her laptops from her old house, unsure as to where her parents had dissapeared to, and not particularly caring and started to write what she calls the "Digipedia" an encyclopedic tome of knowledge about the digimon, and the dangers of their world

Character theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EL6u9YR7Z0
Battle theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvgsS...feature=relmfu

Digimon Partner Bio
Name: Sneak
Gender: Famale
Personality:Furtive and shy Sneak hides out of sight of most people [[tbwo]]
Digivolution Line: Zurumon - Pagumon - DemiDevimon - Bakemon - pumpkinmon - Boltmon



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Human Bio

Name: Max Emlises

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Crest: Reliability

Affiliation: Digidestined


​Picture above is just more of a refernce for body build.
Max himself stands at five feet and eight inches with a dark blonde hair color that comes down to the base of his neck. He has two bangs of hair that come down and cover half of his left eye.His eye color is a light greenish-blue. For his attire he wears a pair of black pants with an thin silver hue strip running up from the bottom cuffs up to about knee cap length. He wears a tan undershirt and a thicker vest like blue overcoat. Max is not fairly muscular at all but that doesn't mean he is fat either. He has just enough of a tone to show he keeps himself in shape but not enough of one to be considered athletic.

Personality: Before the merge Max was an all-around laid back guy. He would try to get along with just about everybody, and if they didn’t like him it was no worries. Always enjoyed hanging out with his friends just to have a good time, whether it be playing a game of poker or some random video game.
To most people who don’t know him, he also seems to come off as a joker and a bit of a slacker. Not seeming to take things serious, they think he goes for the easy way out. However those that do know him know him to be a serious and dependable person. He will always be there for a friend, ready to help out with almost no questions asked. He takes any problem seriously and will stay focused to see that it is done. His laid back façade is often him trying to analyze what might be a difficult scenario. To him over stressing it hinders the ability to think it through.
Max also has a near cold regard to approaching problems. It may seem like in fact he is what some would call “emotionally numb”, it is also because of this he tries to be as laid back as he can be. For him it is the only way he can cope when he does deal with the serious happenings.
Part of this is due to his upbringing. At first he was reckless some, would jump head first into things, and try to work out things on the fly. Now most of these things might be considered childhood pranks, or harmless fun. This usually ended getting him into trouble with his father. In which he was told “Why don’t you think your actions though more?” What made it worse was his father was real rigid like so it seemed like his father was being cold to him as well. So as he grew older he did take to heart what his father said but maybe to a too much extreme. He wanted to be able to think of everything so he would not get scolded again.

Max had a typical easy life growing up. A decent loving family and was going through college for computer engineering. Then the merge happened and everything changed for him. While most of the cities were still around an earthquake struck his hometown of Allentown. This happened when he was on break, and it was during this he lost his younger brother. His younger brother always looked up to him and depended on him a lot before he left for college. The loss of his brother is what helped shape his more cold like personality, as he finds it his fault for not being able to save his father. Also separated from his family from the earthquake he took up a wandering lifestyle.
Since Max already lived in what was formerly known as North. America he was limited in his options of where to go. Stuck in what was appearing to be the Volcano Zone at the start of the merge Max was getting very panicked. The world around him was changing rapidly and he had no idea why. With the rapid rising temperatures he had to travel close to the sea to get by.
Since he knew he lived close to New York by car ride yet all motor travel either vanished or what did remain was unsafe he set out on foot. With the area so strange and foreign to him he had no idea if he was honestly even heading the right way, all he knew was he had to get out of the volcano zone. Most of his time has been in exploring the border of the Ash Zone and little to his knowledge what used to be New York. It was around this time he found the only group of people he would be traveling with as well.

Besides now becoming a loner after the merge, Max has started to become anti-social. The only exception being the small drifter group he travels with, which is only seven people including himself. They found each other while wandering shortly after the merge and due to how long they been together are a tight nit group.
They have rarely seen any large groups of people and the few they have seen, they managed to avoid since they turned out to be bandits. Usually mugging and killing groups smaller than them or sole travelers to get whatever food they could. This has led him to trust no one else he meets on the road. Max is now trying to travel to New York though he expects it to find it in ruins, he is hoping that there may be a small colony of people as well. The others are following him only because he is only one who is clinging to hope that they might find a remote city of people
Character theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYKjGvVSTGA

Battle theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O8ot69M4sg
Digimon Partner Bio

Name: Agumon

Gender: Male

Personality: A bit Gung oh and energetic. Always ready to go for a fight without much hesitation. This leads him to have a slight impatient nature as well. Agi does not like waiting around much and feels the need to always be on the move. He likes to be doing stuff constantly whether it be something simple as walking or keeping his hands occupied on something.

Digivolution Line: Koromon -> Agumon -> Greymon -> MetalGreymon -> WarGreymon

Laptop acting a little screwy on me so posting this little bit now. Still working on appearance and history
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Human Bio
Name: Logan Montville

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Crest: Hope

Affiliation: Digidestined

Appearance: Logan is 5'8", has dark brown and messy hair, with a single large bang hanging over the middle of his face. He has large dark brown eyes, which almost appear black. He is Caucasian, and also tans very easily. Logan also has a tattoo on his chest of a stitched up heart that he got illegally from a no-questions asked tattoo parlor in his hometown.

He has a pair of dark blue glasses with rectangular frames, and duct tape holding them together in several places. He wears a worn-out white sweatshirt with holes and stains all over it, as well as a small design with some glancing eyes and his name. He also wears a pair of tight black weight lifting gloves to make himself appear tougher. For pants, Logan wears some loose-fitting jeans with a dragon design winding up the right pant leg.

Personality: Logan is very optimistic, and likes to psyche the people he’s traveling with up. He also encourages everyone to do their best, and tries to help people become better fighters by helping them find something to believe in. He is especially tough on Aki, but in the heat of battle, Logan will risk his life to protect Aki.

He enjoys taking it easy most of the time, but is a tough trainer. He tends to push his trainees to their limits, and will test how far they can go. Logan often uses harsh words to urge his friends on, though he does not mean them. He is very fond of digimon, and at times will have a few following him. He teaches them to stand up to bigger digimon that bully them. Logan also stands up to human bullies as well, and is a skilled fist-fighter. He has a strong sense of justice. This comes from being bullied so much when he was younger, and having others ignore him when he asked for help making the bullies stop. He had a tough childhood because of this, but always found a reason to keep going.

Logan is very passionate about restoring order to the world, again going back to his strong sense of justice. He at times can get caught up in the moment and make himself out to be some superhero vigilante named “Legend.” This dual persona is a no-nonsense taking, cold hearted, unforgiving side that drives Logan’s powers to the limit. He often enters this stage when Aki is badly injured to the point where he can no longer fight. Then, Logan confronts the digimon foe himself. Sometimes he is victorious in subduing the enemy, but quite often he is not. This is when Aki will digivolve to rescue him. As Aki does this, however, it adds more and more to his sense of purpose being to protect Logan.

History: Logan was just an ordinary kid with ordinary issues before the Merge. His parents were divorced, and his dad hardly came to see him. He was stuck living with his verbally abusive mother, and her physically abusive boyfriend. Logan ended up running away when he was 12, and decided to live in an abandoned cemetery. There, one day, he met an elderly man. The man asked if he could sit next to Logan on the bench, and Logan complied. The man explained that his son had died in a war, and that he had left a pair of boxing gloves for his son when he was born. However, the elderly man’s daughter in law killed herself upon hearing the terrible news of her husband’s death. Now the elderly man was visiting his grave, unsure of what to do with the gloves. He asked Logan if he knew why people fight. Logan thought about it for a while, and responded with,

“Because they don’t want to die.”

The elderly man seemed puzzled, and asked him whatever did he mean? Logan explained that some people are so afraid of death, that they think killing everyone else will keep them safe. The old man asked Logan why he fights. Logan then responded to this question with,

“I fight…. because I need to bring justice to the people who would harm the weak.”

The old man laughed and asked Logan why he was out in the cemetery anyway. Logan told the man of his troubles at home, and the man told Logan he was welcome to sleep in his son’s old training school. The elderly man explained that he had kept it open because it was too hard to let go. Logan agreed to stay.

As the weeks rolled on, Logan began to stay with the elderly man; whose name he had learned was
Mr. Charles. Mr. Charles used to teach boxing, and that’s how his son learned, and why he opened the school. Logan explained that he could fight, but it would be really cool to learn how to really fight. At first, Mr. Charles declined his request. But, after about a month, Mr. Charles finally agreed. And so, he and Logan trained. They worked together on Mr. Charles’s farm, and boxed in his son’s school. Logan stayed with Mr. Charles for 3 years, before the Merge finally happened. It was strange, Logan was leaning up against the barn, for it was his birthday and Mr. Charles had gone to get him the present he had hidden. Logan whistled softly and shivered in the cool January air. He zipped his jacket up a little more and called to Mr. Charles to see what was keeping him. Mr. Charles shuffled out with a box in his hands. But, that was when everything changed.

It only took and instant. One instant and Logan’s world changed forever. Mr. Charles suddenly disappeared as he was saying happy birthday. The box fell in front of Logan, and rolled towards him. He looked around and did not recognize the land around him. It was strange there, and he was unsure of what to do. Logan gripped his jacket tightly. Suddenly, it was too warm for it. So he cast it off, revealing his favorite sweatshirt. Then, he picked up the box, which contained a pair of black boxing gloves. Logan put them on, tightened them, and immediately knew who’s they were. He allowed himself to cry for a moment, but knew he had to go on. He found a nearby city, which he later discovered to be Rome, and opened an underground (so to speak) training school for the weak. There, he vowed to create a system of justice by training weak people to defend themselves. He would do what Mr. Charles did, he would give others purpose. And so he spent quite some time teaching humans and digimon alike how to defend themselves against bullies. He worked day and night to help others become stronger. About two years passed, and he decided he wanted to defeat the bullies himself. He went up to a group of Nightmare Soldiers, and challenged them to a fight. The tall digimon laughed hysterically. It then grabbed Logan as he flailed his tiny in comparison fists in a petty rage. The Soldier brought him to NeoDevimon, who looked upon the cursing boy with great intrigue.

“Perhaps the Coliseum would suit this one?”

And so, the Soldiers brought him onto the main stage. The matchup was a scruffy looking Goblimon. He taunted Logan with jokes about his size and such. But Logan kept a cool head. He stared his opponent in the eye, not a bead of sweat lined Logan’s brow. He was calm and ready. He raised his black boxing gloves, and ready to fight. He pushed his way through the first few rounds, beating his opponent around with some fast jabs, followed by speedy evasions. However, it all came to an end when he was faced with an Ogremon. How could he fight that monstrosity? It charged at him, and bashed its club into the ground in front of him. Logan ran up the club and punched Ogremon hard in the face. But the digimon simply shook him off. Logan fell to the ground and was unable to stand. His chest began to hurt, and he cried out in pain. The Ogremon neared in for the finishing blow, but something stopped it. Logan’s chest began to glow an eerie bluish color. He reached in and pulled out an egg. The egg began to rock back and forth on the ground, and Ogremon snapped out of its confusion. The Ogremon brought his club down on the egg and a burst of light shot out. When the light had dimmed, a small spider like creature was left in the egg’s place. It giggled and shook the dirt off its slick coat.
Logan sat up and looked at the creature in amazement.

“So can you fight?”

The creature nodded and giggled. Logan patted the dirt off himself and stood.

“What’s the name, short-stuff?”

“My name is Arkadimon!”

“Ight Aki, let’s go then.”

Character theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgXbejQdlGY
Battle theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYJQ_K2gQVA&list=PL86E3D815B2E5EBAA&index

Digimon Partner Bio
Name: Aki

Gender: Male (probably)

Personality: He is very obedient, and really gets serious when it's time to fight alongside Logan. Outside of battle, however, he is a crude, joke-making trickster. Aki often plays practical jokes on the other digimon, though he still tries to be friendly. He can be extremely energetic at times, but his true passion in life is napping. In fact, in his younger stages, he often falls asleep in the middle of a battle! Aki has a tendency to push himself past his limits. He does this because as he grows, he begins to wonder what his purpose is, considering he was just suddenly born from a mysterious coding when Logan called out to him, (but as I said, this idea grows over the series). He later believes he was simply created to serve Logan.

Digivolution Line: (In-Training: Arkadimon -> Rookie: Arkadimon ->Champion: Arkadimon- > Ultimate: Arkadimon -> Mega: Arkadimon)

EDIT VI: Finished. Evolution changed.


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Name: Shiro
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Crest: Friendship
Affiliation: Digidestined
Appearance: Medium silver hair. He wears a black full body suit (think Tron) with white lines. He wears an anon helmet with white lines as well.
Personality: Calm, collected and serious; he doesn't appreciate villainy but also doesn't appreciate 'fools' or people that always tend to be cheerful. He also has a knack for viral digimon and hates how they're depicted in which he hates the prejudice for. He enjoys all digimon and understands that all life is sacred. He can appear cold and heartless to many, but his intentions are at best. Whilst not very social, those that make the effort can find that he can be a very reliable friend. This is all due to his history however. One can find solace in Shiro's heart, but he cannot find it himself. Like his crest, his power lies through the friendship him and Kuro have. His ultimate goal overall is to see how far that goal extends. This meaning that he would test Kuro's loyalty to the end by all means. He has always suspected a hesitation in Kuro's life, but never to find it; he has grown tired of the constant burden that crushes his soul. To him, it feels that whenever Kuro is around; he is lifted of all sadness and his darkness becomes light. They have both found many struggles, many that have nearly destroyed their bond. But the bond has proven many a time to be stronger, and they have overcomed most obstacles. But since the merge, Kuro has been acting strangely. It is unknown exactly why, but mainly to the appearance of Avalanch. Due to his stature as an egg; the exceptional data allowed him to witness events around him. Therefore, he knew the truth of that fateful night. Kuro's fear is that if Avalanche truly reveals all, then the friendship will die. Shiro however thinks that the fear lays in the fact that if the friendship does ever die for any reason; then Kuro will die. This is of course true, and the tasking challenge brings reason that they must stick together through these dark times. Of course, it is another reason for Kuro...

History: Always constantly having trained digimon via device. However, whence the merge happened, he changed to a survivor. Having lived with his faithful partner, he has done nothing but battle evil digimon and try to protect the peace through his own interests. He was once a very cheerful lad, but his parents died when he was 10 and he became an orphan. There he met his partner and things changed. He found hope through this and decided to sought out one thing. His friendship with his partner and where it would take him.
Of course, any normal child would be distraught with the deaths of one's parents, and that is true for Shiro. However, he is contrasted by his faith and friendship with Kuro. If it's not one thing though, he has always had trouble in believing this theory and of course the digimon world wasn't the most welcoming. But despite his deep matters, Kuro has always guided him onto the right path and this has made him believe otherwise that he can still survive the hardships brought upon his path. His choice of attire is due solely to his nature, and of course it is the same attire passed from previous fathers. It is thought that perhaps it is a way of communication through digimon. However, it is a lot darker than that. Unknown to Shiro, but known to Kuro (his partner); Shiro's father was an enforcer for a dark malicious force hired to destroy digimon that rebel against the evil. He would have been feared were it not for Kuro. Despite Kuro's loyalty: Kuro could not stand to see further friends be destroyed like this. During one eventful trip back from the digiworld, Shiro's father had brought a digi-egg. This would turn out to be Avalanche. Shiro's father had the eye of insanity upon this jewel, and Kuro knew it was time. Bringing justice, he killed Shiro's father there and then after pushing him from the balconies of their flat. Shiro had witnessed this event, but not the culprit. Due to shock and horror, Shiro's mom commited suicide. Shiro never knew of the horrible consequences this had on Kuro's concience, but only of the truth given by the agency who hired Shiro's father. So, for 8 years; Shiro knew nothing but pain and grief. It was only by the efforts of his best friend and partner that he survived the oncoming years. Then came the merge...
Character theme: Mission Mode (UMVC3)

Digimon Partner Bio
Name: Kuro
Gender: Male
Personality: More or less like his partner (who he adores) but tends to be more aggresive. He wishes to protect Shiro at all costs, even at th expense of his own existence. However he tends to be the more cheerful of the two despite apparent persona. He tends to make jokes to raisee the mood and keep Shiro in high spirits.Shiro doesn't mind this at all and greatly appreciates Kuro's efforts. He also has great wishes for ultimate loyalty and has one goal in life: To become the ultimate partner ever.
Digivolution Line: (Botomon-> BlackGabumon -> BlackGaruruumon -> BlackGabaomon -> Wolfmon)

Digimon Bio (for NPC Digimon not connected to any Digidestined)
Name: Avalanche
Gender: Male
Level: Champion
Affiliation: N/A
Personality: Very aggresive but only to humans. His desire is to destroy Shadow and Shiro through any means necessary even it means affiliating with any faction. His power is renowned and he uses this to express fear to all that opposes him. He can be looked as a tyrant as he controls many digimon to try and meet his demands. However, he has been shown of kindness, as he has helped many digimon who he has thought necessary.
History: Hating humans already for their apparent abusement of digimon, the merge fueled his hatred even more. When Shiro and Kuro had come through, he tried to lure Kuro into his army but failed and with distaste, was defeated by Kuro after digivolving into BlackGabaomon (for Shiro was on critical danger). Since then, his motive has been the entire destruction of the duo.

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^ I have new plans for Destiny, you're going to need to change that Crest.

Alright...I need people to tell me when their bios are completed. This is mostly my fault, because I'm about a third of the way through writing up location details, political faction details, and a timeline of events, but until that's all done, if people could tell me when they're finished so I can review them, I'd be very grateful. Until then, I'll not accept, reject or critique anything I see, just in case it's not done; I don't want to jump down people's throats.

As a progress update, the timeline is about 50% complete - I have detail on events leading up to the Merge, now I'm just sorting out what happened after it - and location detail is progressing smoothly. I've finished the Folder Continent and added location descriptions. Hoping to get it all finished by tomorrow if I can keep myself off Borderlands 2 long enough to do so. Factions haven't even been started yet.

Giving things a quick glance, one thing I am going to ask is that people do two things:
1) Read your work through and sort out any spelling, punctuation and grammar errors that might be in there
2) Space your paragraphs. Please.

Your work on your bio, if I've not RPed with you before, is all I have to go on...and seeing errors, brief descriptions or formatting that makes my eyes bleed isn't going to fill me with confidence. We need to be able to read these things :lew:
A recommendation I would suggest when you're working on your bios, especially if you are using IE (which doesn't have a function such as a basic spellcheck) is to work on it on Microsoft Word. Usually you would be able to catch such mistakes. I use it a lot with Martel's RP's because of it. :hmmm:
^ That. Please, for the love of everything sacred, check spelling, grammar and punctuation before you submit these things as finished, because that will be the first thing I hone in on. I'm not AS fussed about length - I usually think things should be a bit longer, but I won't press the issue unless it really is too short - but that is one thing I'm going to have to insist on. On a minor note, keep it up as well. I WILL kick you out if those three things are absent in your posts. It's not too much to ask for: even Firefox has a spellchecker. I know it aggravates others as well, so it's not just me.

It's more effort, but...well, you're supposed to put effort into these things. I don't allow people to just cruise on through in my RPs. Expect PMs asking you where you want to go and what you want to do, and plans to get you involved in the plot. Interactivity is good.

Anyways. First post is updated with changes; I've dropped Light, taken Destiny, and reserved the Sunmon -> Coronamon -> Firamon -> Flaremon -> Apollomon line, because I'm horribly indecisive. I won't change my Crest again, though. Still working away on the map.
Anyway, you okay if my character plays as a Freelance merc or does he have to be affiliated with any one faction?
You don't HAVE to be affiliated with factions if you don't wish to be, no; that's perfectly acceptable. I've actually been thinking of adding a mercenary group into proceedings actually, since those inside the Royal Knight protected settlements will be reluctant to leave them, and those outside them could make a tidy profit scavenging.

Also, this is a point I forgot to mention: the Merge itself. Think of it like an earthquake, with the world quite suddenly shifting around you and putting you in a different place. People would have disappeared quite suddenly - not everyone was Merged - and it would have been almost instantaneous. If you wanted to include their reaction to that event in your bio, that'd be the sort of thing to keep in mind. I'll write a full description of it hopefully tonight.
Would also like to ask as I am writing up my history, is it okay for my character to be a wanderer? I would have him be near New York though for the start of the RP.
There are drifters across the world who have elected not to stay in one place for too long for various reasons; some band together to form groups, some don't. If you want to travel alone, you're free to do so; there is nothing to say you have to stay inside a city. I've updated the Information Thread with details about that continent if you wanted to factor surroundings into your history at all~
formatting that makes my eyes bleed isn't going to fill me with confidence. We need to be able to read these things :lew:

says miss pink writing over there... j/k im working on mine so i know its bad grammar at the moment, its just a work in progress... also im editing it now
There is NOTHING wrong with my beautiful pink font :ahmed:

Also, something I like some people might have overlooked that I feel the need to add:

Crests are important. When I read the personality section of your bio, I want to see why your Digidestined has that Crest. This does NOT mean "my character loves everyone so they should have the Crest of Love" or "My character hates everyone and therefore has the Crest of Love because they're going to learn how to love" or anything quite so basic as that; I want to see some thought gone into it. Also try and think of ways how your Digidestined would activate their crest, based on their personality, when the time comes for their Digimon to reach Ultimate level. Crests are important.
Human Bio
Name: Stephen Hownam
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Crest: Hope
Affiliation: Digidestined
Appearance: Stephen is a caucasion male, a lacking of distinguishing marks across Stephen's body makes him appear normal as anybody else in the world, if it can be called that nowadays. Standing at 6 feet tall, and weights just under 12 stone, Stephen has a toned build for a normal physical build. Stephen has light brown hair that is styled in different ways each day depending entirely on his mood and how he feels, there are the occasional blond highlight throughout his hair, Stephen has ocean blue eyes that almost sparkle in the right light. Stephen usually wears a T-shirt of varying designs on the front depending on what he has clean or what he feels like, and a pair of black jeans, with six pockets on, the usual two on the back and on the thigh, but also there are two on the sides of the thighs, these two other pockets start about 4 inches from the waist and end just under an inch above the knee. his trainers are usually white in colour and not normally tied overly tight although the laces are bright blue as his own personal addition to the shoes to make sure they are individual. Stephen carries a blagk rucksack with him at all times, it looks normal in almost every way, although it does have some 'customisations' that Stephen has added on himself, doodled on flowers and tribal designs all over it, done with tippex, the bag contains all kinds of things, he chooses to carry it due to his lifestyle constantly wandering. Stephen's right arm has black tattooing from the top of his right shoulder down to his wrist, it looks like a highly complex code, but almost broken looking at the same time. this is Stephen's only really distinguishing marks. Stephen wears a Silver watch,
a Seiko with a blue face, with glow in the dark hands, on his left wrist, Stephen tends to have bitten down Finger nails as he has the horrible habit of perpetually biting them.

Personality: Stephen is a person who always wants to be individual, he wears clothes with differing patterns, he has different coloured laces and always carries his tippex covered bag, he has wanted to be individual as when the worlds first merged he saw a group of Tsukaimon planning and preparing to run off and do something, but the crowd were all the same, in every single way, unable to tell one from the other Stephen hated the idea of just blending into the crowd, one of his biggest fears.

Stephen usually travels alone, abit of a loner, but willing to work as part of a group and do it happily enough as long as it is working towards his ideal goal, the hope that he can restore the two worlds to their Separate glory
the only thing he believes is worth fighting for, the only way he can do this is by searching for a way, he hopes there is one of course, if not the entire planet is screwed, he wants this to stop people loosing family as he did

Stephen fights every day to try and make the world a better place, no matter how hard things get Stephen keeps pushing himself to try and complete his goals. weather it breaks his body and spirit or not, trying to make sure the weak and poor have food and water, this feeling of the need to protect people spans from loosing his family.

History: Stephen had a standard upbringing, parents who loved him, and siblings who cared enough to look after him if his parents were away at work. Stephen had a private school Education, Stephen's focus and drive aided him in Passing all his Exams, Stephen worked hard at everything he did, and after he had finished School he headed Straight into college studying for a couple of years Stephen again was driven and focused, passing both of his courses with flying colours Stephen's drive and determination had once again made him prevail, once he had finished with college he found a good job and began work, it was only 8 months after this that the merge happened.

during the Merge Stephen's parents and siblings all died, a collapsing building they got caught in crushed them all, the only reason Stephen survived is because Stephen threw himself out a 1st floor window, as he fell through the air Stephen knew he was in trouble as soon as he took to the air, he fell hard and as he landed he fell to the floor and broke his wrist, but he pushed himself up with his unbroken wrist and ran to a safe distance, and after the building fell, Stephen ran and searched the rubble as best he could with only one wrist, the pain through his arm was unreal, but he was Determined to find his family so he kept pushing himself, and when he found the corpse of his father, it broke his spirit, and so Stephen sat on the rubble for two days straight, crying throughout the entire time. Eventually he picked himself up and decided he would travel the world.
after visiting the hospital and getting his wrist seen to, he headed back to the building, found all of his family members, buried them and then began travelling the world in which he now lived, a place Ravaged by Giant Digital beasts and a perpetually changing landscape, He stays in the same place for no longer than a week at a time and continually walks the planet in Search of people who require help, whilst always searching for a way to return the worlds to their former, separate, glory.

About a year after the merge Stephen was caught in a Rainstorm that almost got him a serious case of hypothermia, soaked through to the skin, and hiding in a cave overnight he nearly caught his death of hypothermia. and so when Stephen found the next settlement he picked up a rucksack an began carrying it, the bag started out as just a bag with a jacket in, but as time passed he added in more things that helped him survive, a torch, matches, some rope, and a knife are just some of the items inside the rucksack.

Stephen Searches the world, a very hopeful man, always finding people to help, and doing so to the best of his ability, then moving on, Always Searching for a way to restore the worlds to Separate ways.

Digimon Partner Bio
Name: Reena (Stephen calls her)
Gender: Female
Personality: Reena is nothing like Stephen, she loves to be alone and never feels she needs help in battles, she is very vein and some say she has a god complex, she feels she is strong enough to take down most opponents on her own, and when she is faced with an opponent she cannot beat, she runs, which some find is entirely against her personality, that it is, but she knows surviving is better than deletion, after all everything is better than deletion especially for a digimon.
Digivolution Line:
Viximon -> Renamon -> Kyubimon - > Taomon -> Sakuyamon

let me know if anything needs changing.
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