[SU&D;Interest Check] Fantasia

Yeah, I thought the same thing. That we're outside. For some reason I have caused many misunderstandings today, even tho I have stated everything rather clearly =D

Well yeh, working your way through them would be quite tricky. Even tho the dragoon seems to aid you if I'm right =D
Well, im rolling on one thing that is most typical of orcs. And did u see my visitors msg?
Yeah. Noticed it now. Well 6 orcs and 4 men. They expect the men to help them, but they are not completely positive about that. Therefore just in case they cut one down. Orcish sense of logic I would name it.
Solid, give the alst half a double over since i added a bit more in edit. It shouldnt change much, but just in case
Yeah checked. Well, revealing your face might make him break the fight. But it's more likely that he needs both of you dead. Well, as he is running away himself, the orcs will never surrend. They will chase you till either you or they are dead.

EDIT: After all, they want some blood.
One question. You killed all four of the men right?

Edit vol. 2 : Only way I can see both of you escaping is that the spear women either slays the two orcs at her and attacks others from behind or escapes herself, making the two chase her. This still leaves you with seven tho. The one on rooftop, and 6 on ground. Now what's beneficial for you is that they don't have their first weapons anymore as they threw those. Secondary weapons are meant as back ups and their combat efficiency might be lower than it was with the fine axes. Maybe kill one or two and then run as escape still seems to make perfect sense. Now maybe you could run to the merchants of Ao HQ, which is just a few hundred meters to some direction. My old mage would be there to scare the orcs off.
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Extra combat capabilities from your mage would be good, but again, my character right now is swimming in blood. And to be fair, Orcs are strong, but not necessarily agile. Im pretty sure they'll have issues jumping as easily as Clyuue or Orleans onto the rooftops via the wall. If we get onto the roof, we can be pretty much home free.

And yes, i slaughtered all four men
That makes sense. But there will be one waiting for you on the rooftop. Shall you decide to fight him, it will win others time to get to the roof. So run forest, run =D

EDIT: But yeh, get to the roof and I won't chase you for much ;) You could still head to the merchant guild. My mage will take you in, cure your wounds if any and offer shelter. Besides, my mages has some business with the dragoon.
Lets be fair here. My character is Rank three in Genesis. Im pretty sure rank and file Orcs wouldnt pose too much of a threat. I guess you can have your orcs spread out, so it forces me to the Merchant area
Fair enough. Nah, they won't spread out. They are trained to stick together and keep their ranks disciplined to remove one of the biggest weaknesses of orcs. While the back-ups, 11 ranked members of the security team from Night Market and the reserve 22 ranked members from the HQ + the orcs that survive you might be able to force you to take shelter somewhere. I can expect additional city patrols as well as Final controls the city. And Vadok is highly regarded by the higher ups, therefore he can get quite a search party out.
Thatd be great then. It would force me to hide out until it dies down and i can escape to the Cheytan section of the city and back to Soliere Manor.
Yep, sounds good mate. The Merchant HQ of my mage is quite a fancy and big building itself. A good 20 rooms or so with lots of red and gold. But in the centre of it all is the main room that is described in the first post. Just so you know when you actually make it there.

Well I guess we can only make a post or two more and then would have to wait for the dragoon ae. Or what you reckon?
Im goign to react to the axe and prepare for next move. I need kevin to also react to your two fighters, so yea, this is it after my next post. Gonna make something interesting so that you you'd lose sight of my and Kevin's character when we flee, making your men forced to set a perimeter.
Well I believe we have given the RP a good start =D

Main story-wise, I believe that this encounter will lead to at least trebled security on the city streets, knowing how craven Craven is. While he is not the leader of the city guard, I'm positive he has enough influence in the right places to increase the city defences. Add the fact that he is the boss of security for the next project of Final and has been given an allowance to recruit anyone he needs. In addition, he is a high ranking member of the local fighters guild so I can see lots of fighters guild members being hired/commanded to deal with Vadoks personal defense. I presume that this makes things harder for Genesis and that won't be liked by the higher ups. My mage has been given the command to form a small group to sabotage the project in shadows so I have a plan to hire the dragoon to assassinate Vadok. While I doubt that we have characters in the RP who could actually beat or kill my orcish god in an actual one-on-one battle ( If for some reason he wouldn't run away), poison or poisoned bullets from dragoons gun could do the job.
I will make a post later today, I don't have a lot of time for me to make a concerted post right away I'm afraid. But I see your ideas and I might be able to help you with that.
I'm making a post later today. I would've made on yesterday, But I;m not sure you would like a sub-par post because i was so sleepy and Sick.

But don't worry! I'll jump on track!
Don't worry guys ;) Take it easy and post when ya can. Forced posts never tend to be as good as those which are driven by the desire to write.

And today is a sad day as this roleplay has less than a month left :(

Anyway, I decided to show a tad bit that even the mercs and sellswords I tend to throw here and there and just kill off as sacrifices in RP's do have lives of their own. Another thing is the last sentence of his. Something I'm plotting and something that will be revealed a day before the end of this RP. Will add a lot of depth to Vadoks character.
Oh my. So many new posts. Well, about time for some random events happening. I'll be introducing some new NPCs whose bios... I think I might start a new Info thread just to hold all those. Maybe a map of Fantasia soon too.
Map would be lovely. And I guess the info thread would be handy. After all, it's quite tricky to find information from this thread when it has 8 pages and the info I'm looking for is at page 4 for example.