[SU/D] Kingdom Hearts: The Unsung War Trilogy

Hey Guys, Galm 1 again...Sorry for the double post ya crazy mods.

Yes, I've gotten bored again, and I wanted to do something about Kingdom Hearts so...


...your boy got a Wiki Page set up on Kingdom Hearts Fanon. As you can see, the information is incomplete, but I'll have that sorted out as soon as possible. Also, the Summary for the series will be updated from the Wiki (mainly because at this point, I'm too lazy to click on that link at this point...)

I hope you enjoy it. :)
I forgot to mention, as is with the TV Tropes page, you can make edits and make profiles for your characters if you desire too, I would highly recommend it.
Yo kevin, sorry to push this onto you, but can you control my two characters as well? Exams and all, i cant really post
I'm gonna give Damon till November 28. If he doesn't show by then, then I will hijack his character so we can move on. We've been stuck in this position for a few weeks now and I really wanna move on.
Hey, guys. Just a heads up. Im heading overseas on the 8th straight through to the 2nd. I will be bringing my mini laptop, so ill be able to post a bit.

Imsorry to do this to you again kevin, but ill be mia for a bit. Ill see if i can post when i have the time since i do like this rp, but dont expect too much from my posts.
Here to drop the big bomb, kevin. Extremely limited internet = almost zero posting. Im afraid ill have to be pushing my characters onto you even more so now.

I am going to prioritize the rps in order of my interest. KH rp will be the....4th on my list after crystalius. Reason being is that i can hide my characters much easier through "put on bus" than crystalius.

I apologise again for this.
Apologies for being gone far longer than intended, just got internet sorted out today so i'm back in action :monster:

So ya, i'm able to post again now, just need to grab le Kevkev :ahmed:
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but my laptop charger has finally burned out, so until I can get a replacement one (69.99) I'm probably won't be available at this time.

Hopefully I will still be able to catch you soon Damon, glad to have ye back. :dave:
I think it's high time to start getting back to working on the KH RP soon. Oliver, you still have to post your move in your battle with Damon now that he has returned. Damon, you will have to read up if you haven't already done so. (Though I think you did, I just had to make sure)

I will also be getting back to other RP's as well.
To be frank nothing has really changed, I was waiting an extremely long time for Damon...but to cover where people are. Kaufman is with Raven. He wanted to ask her some questions. CHao is with Luna and Elaine in Radiant Square Garden (see what I did there? :britt:) They were watching Tsuki and Laleth's fight, and Tsuki won.
I'm gonna wait for more people to post until I post again. From what I've seen many have dropped out of this RP but I'd like to keep going so whoever's still interested or still active can post before me ^_^
That's actually the same case with me...It basically boils down to just you, me, Damon and Tipsy at this point. Squee is looking to come back in in the future, though how that works is still up in the air depending on how fast we move.
Just to confirm, I AM fighting Squall next in the arena, right? And am I going to be RP'ing him or someone else? :hmmm:
You will be fighting Squall in the final round, you can control him how you please, since this is kind of your fight. Though if you want me to control him, I'm cool with that, besides, more RPB experience for me.
*watches from sidelines*

I want to fight somebody.... I wonder if I could lure away Raven for a quick sparring session? Or, hell, anybody willing to fight.

Though if I do fight Raven, I'll tone it down. X3 physical abilities only, see what you can do.
Well during my fight with Squall I turn evil and everyone has to jump in to hold me back :monster: that could work as a fight.