GFX Shop Suki's Graphic Emporium

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Hey, I was wondering if I could trouble you for a sig.

Image: I made it an attachment.

Size: I believe its 430x140, That may be a bit off. H 140, W 430

Text: Droxy

Desription: There is a blue/white shading that starts on the left side of his head and go's to the bottom of the pic, try taking that away, and decide if that looks good or not :D. I would like the Name to be in Black text on the left wing and then under it "false hope in gold italics. Also if I could bother you to just play around with different shadings and Darkening on the left wing just to see if it might look better with the text, that would be cool :D. Tell if thats not a good pic for you. Thanks.

If you need the photo from a website like photobucket, go ""here:""
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I'll see what I can do...the description you want might be a bit hard to follow, so I might just play around with the colors. I'm assuming you want a darker theme of colors, so I'll stick with that.
Can you make me a avatar and a signature with this picture?

Size 150x150
Text; Sephiroth

Size: 500x150
Main Text: Sephiroth
Sub Text: One Winged Angel



The left wing was a bit hard to do, since it was white. It was coming out as somewhat tacky so I had to reduce the opacity a bit and erase a few bits here and there. But anyway, if you want any changes, just let me know.

Here's a cleaner version.



Safer Sephiroth...I don't see a picture. =/ Can you provide an image, please? And if possible, I'd really like to stay below 500 for width...
I'd hope I'm not troubling you too much, but I'm starting to get rather desperate for a good signature made.

Image: I linked them to you. (Cos putting them here may take up too much space... And thumbmails are something I've yet to figure out)

Another Zephiris picture
Zephiris- Dragon form

Size: As much as I'd like to say, 'do it as you deem fit'... 550 X 200 should be enough

Text: Zephiris

Description: I've looked at the style you seem to use in creating your signatures.. And I liked it (That's why I'm here, with this request..) I don't intend to move away from that style either, but my signature might be tough to create... (Especially so since you appear to use one specific image for signatures, rather than two...I hope I'm reading too much into it though)

There are rather limited pictures of Zephiris on the net, and those happen to be some that I found. (There are more, but not that much either)

Well, I was hoping you could somehow, blend one of the Zephiris pictures, into the Zephiris- Dragon form picture. Then, darken the picture with a darker theme of colours, add the text beside, or anywhere close to, Zephiris.
Welcome, Droxy. :)

:Monster: - I saw your request the other day actually and I was going to attempt it, but I thought I wouldn't be able to do it since it did sound complicated. But since you specifically came to me, I went ahead and gave it a try. It wasn't as complicated as I thought once I finalized the placement. I think that was the most challenging one.

I also had to reduce the size a bit to 450x200. (We can't go over 500 due to forum limit rule).

Anyway, I thought you had mentioned 'rainbow colors' in your other request so I attempted that too. I made two versions (coloring) ...not sure which one I like better, but go take your pick.




The signature is beyond satisfactory- it's perfect. Thanks again for the effort. (Especially so when I was kind of expecting it to come after a couple of days or so. To come within a day- impressive. I can't thank you enough)

Probably going to take the second one, but admittedly, I see why you couldn't tell which one you like better.. (Well, to me, both look equally good..)
Color Scheme: dark, moody, possibly some depressing colors.
Text: Scream, Scream, SCREAM!!!
Size: normal i guess, maybe if you feel like taking a chance 390x130, or if not then the regular 400x135
Other: Here is the tricky part i want the sig not in text wize but when people see it , i want them to feel some sort of sadness, and sorrow as the singer is poring his heart out in his action of expression..also a avvy would be great possibly 145x145^_^
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The left wing was a bit hard to do, since it was white. It was coming out as somewhat tacky so I had to reduce the opacity a bit and erase a few bits here and there. But anyway, if you want any changes, just let me know.

Here's a cleaner version.



Safer Sephiroth...I don't see a picture. =/ Can you provide an image, please? And if possible, I'd really like to stay below 500 for width...

Ok here is the picture.

Size 150x150
Text; Sephiroth

Size: 450x150
Main Text: Sephiroth
Sub Text: One Winged Angel
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Hmm, when I clicked on the link, it took me to the Creative Uncut home page...but didn't link me to the actual picture. Can you post it here instead? Thanks.

:Monster: - Glad you're satisfied with it. :)

Devil Nero - I'll see what I can do. That indeed is quite hard...don't think I've ever done a 'moody' signature, so this might pose to be quite challenging.
Much better. I'll get it done by tonight.

Devil Nero:



That's as depressing as it could get. =/ The stock was kinda difficult to work with, so I mainly focused on the background and just added lighting to his face. I'm not sure what 'depressing colors' mainly consist of, but I know something dark typically works.
Type : Signature and Avatar
Picture/Render : This
Size : Whatever you feel will work best.
Colors : Again, whatever works, but I guess try to make it look like she's in the sky.
Text : No text please.
Other : Have fun with it, make it how you think it will look best.

I know the render is big, but I did get it from a render site, so I'm hoping you'll still be able to use it. If not, it's okay.
Safer Sephiroth



Enjoy guys! Phew, did those requests pretty quickly.

Edit: Crud, I just now saw your recent post. >.> So you still want it Old English?

Ben, I should get your request done by tonight. :)
Safer Sephiroth



Enjoy guys! Phew, did those requests pretty quickly.

Edit: Crud, I just now saw your recent post. >.> So you still want it Old English?

Ben, I should get your request done by tonight. :)

Yes please. I want it in old english. Although It looks nice like that, but I like it old english better.
I don't want to trouble you with my request, so take your time I'm not on fire here.
You are very talented and I hope you can create me a wolf signature. Unfortunetly, I only have an Okami render so if you find anything better you can use it.
Here's some info:

Render: This One
Type: Signature
Size: Any
Text: Optional (Anything you can come up with)
Colours: Prefferably simialar to my avatar and current siganture, mixtures of warm blues, pinks and whites.

Feel free to be creative and try out new ideas =D
Safer Sephiroth:



Laro, I'll get to yours hopefully by tomorrow. =] Your current sig is amazing...I'm not sure if I can make mine similar to that but I'll try. It's a lighter theme, which I'm currently trying to work with too. The Okami image is interesting, so I'm sure I can come up with something.
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