GFX Shop Suki's Graphic Emporium

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Safer Sephiroth:



Laro, I'll get to yours hopefully by tomorrow. =] Your current sig is amazing...I'm not sure if I can make mine similar to that but I'll try. It's a lighter theme, which I'm currently trying to work with too. The Okami image is interesting, so I'm sure I can come up with something.
Thanks for avatar and siggy. Great Work. I appreciate it alot!
Safer Sephiroth:

Laro, I'll get to yours hopefully by tomorrow. =] Your current sig is amazing...I'm not sure if I can make mine similar to that but I'll try. It's a lighter theme, which I'm currently trying to work with too. The Okami image is interesting, so I'm sure I can come up with something.

It's alright, I just mean the colours. And I can't wait 'till tomorrow, thank you =)
Much better. I'll get it done by tonight.

Devil Nero:



That's as depressing as it could get. =/ The stock was kinda difficult to work with, so I mainly focused on the background and just added lighting to his face. I'm not sure what 'depressing colors' mainly consist of, but I know something dark typically works.

ITs all good, i like it, thank you..:D:highfive:
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You're welcome. :)

Type : Signature and Avatar
Picture/Render : This
Size : Whatever you feel will work best.
Colors : Again, whatever works, but I guess try to make it look like she's in the sky.
Text : No text please.
Other : Have fun with it, make it how you think it will look best.

I know the render is big, but I did get it from a render site, so I'm hoping you'll still be able to use it. If not, it's okay.

And here you go. At first she did look like she was in the sky, but I got bored with the colors so I added a bit of element here and there. If you're not liking the subtle texture (I rarely do those in my signatures), let me know and I can clean it up for ya'. ;) Anyway there's some clouds in there to hint that she is in the sky...somewhere.


You're welcome. :)

And here you go. At first she did look like she was in the sky, but I got bored with the colors so I added a bit of element here and there. If you're not liking the subtle texture (I rarely do those in my signatures), let me know and I can clean it up for ya'. ;) Anyway there's some clouds in there to hint that she is in the sky...somewhere.



It looks very nice. Thank you. But, if its not too much trouble I was wondering if you could maybe add some more blues, and brighten it up a little bit. If it's too much, then don't worry about it, because the way it looks now is very cool. Just wanting to see if you could make those small changes. Thank you.
Here you go. It's a bit lighter now and you can see a bit more blue.


So I am in need of a signature and avatar set, since I am really over do for a customarily made one, since my usual died on me. So I found you, you're really good, and on top of that you get them done at like... wicked speed. Below I will post a list of stocks that you could choose from (I like to give the person I am requesting from some options), and a bit of requirements. However, for the most part, creative freedom is yours, and it really doesn't matter what you do as long as it is within the very flexible requests that I ask.

Thank you for this, you are awesome, by the way.

Stock 1
Stock 2
Stock 3
Stock 4
Stock 5

I want the signature size to be about 442x150, or 400x100, or something around those lines (or should I say pixels). I want the avatar to be either 110x110 or 120x120, which ever one will work best for you. I want no text in the avatar, but in the signature I would like it to say Blue Mage (it doesn't have to be italicized, obviously).

Once again, thank you.
and on top of that you get them done at like... wicked speed.

That was because I had nothing to do last week. =] But anyway, I have another request I have to work on tonight that I've already postponed for several days, but I have no school tomorrow so depending if I finish her request early, I'll start working on yours tonight too.

Also, I'll be using Stock 4. Seems to be the easiest one there as far as stock placements go.
You are amazing, Mitsuki, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am sorry I had to put you through all this though. You were clearly busy. But that signature is very beautiful, I will use it with pride.
Respect <3
Sorry it took awhile. I just saw the request yesterday. =/ Anyway, I hope this works for you. Tried that snowy effect feel but I didn't wanna overwhelm it with too much effects.


could you make this look beter please and make it smaller thanks but not to small it is for my sig ok
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Um, I'm not sure how much smaller you want this to be. Can you give me an estimate of what size you want? And you don't want me to do anything with it but just...make it smaller? o_O
Hey Suki, could ya make a new sig for me?
Render:: (I rendered it myself. If you think the render is badly done/image quality is too low, let me know!)
Size:: Same size my current sig.
Text:: Hikari No 4 Senshi. Don't make the text big!
Border:: A 1px stroke is enough.
I would add detail, but I'd rather leave all the details to you ;)
Ah, just wondering...what's the exact size of your current signature? ^^ I'll see if I can get this done by tonight.
Wow, you seem to have quite the talent. Mind making me a tag?

Render: Click
Size: Whatever you want, but not too small, please.
Text: Chax
Border: 1 or 2 pixel white border, please.
Other: Can I get an avatar with a white border also?

Thanks a bunch.
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