GFX Shop Suki's Graphic Emporium

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Welcome guys. ^^

Verlust, would you mind if I just go ahead and pick an image of Noctis then..? I guess that image is fine, but the focal point is way too big to be in a signature that I'll have a hard time adding in effects because it's all so crowded in together.

You still want the 600x157, right?
Safer Sephiroth:

Nothing much I can do with this one, but I added a bit of effects for a more dramatic look. Not sure how you like the colors but if you want it changed just let me know.

Lol what are you doing requesting a sig from me? xD Buuut okay, I shall make something for the great Lew. ^^

Although I have to mention that you probably won't get it for a few days because my laptop charger died on me so I'm waiting for a new one to arrive. So Photoshop is currently not available to me at the moment. The charger should be here in a day or two so I'll work on it then.
Mitsuki, may I say something about two of your signatures?

All your sigs are outstandingly beautiful. These two caught my eye the most, out of all of them(but they all were great!).


I personally find this eagle image to be the most beautiful signature I've ever seen before in anyone's sig area and in anythread!
This sig made me somehow feel even more connected with the Earth and the living things that inhabit her.
Awesome job with it! By far the greatest!

About the Gundum one. I'm a very huge fan of the series and I didn't think it would be possible for me to like it any more than I already do. But, that image actually made me want to rewatch them again! After a million times!
What I'm saying about the Gundum sig, is that its so perfect! I love how you made the colors blend with the image so well. It sorta looks like an explosion of dust and sparks are behind him; it made me go "Oooh! Purdy!"

Well....end of my inspired and awed rant.


I'm gonna give you a good rep for your awesome work!
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Try to make me a signature with this picture please.

text style: old english
main text: Sephiroth (bold)
sub text: One Winged Angel (normal)
background color: Dark (black & gray)

Also I want a set from this picture. Here is a example of what I want for my background colors.

Text style: Edwardian Script
Main text: Kuchiki Byakuya
Sub text: Captain of the 6th Squad
Background color: Black and Grey
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Hey there Marbie! I was wondering if I could possibly get you to make me a signature and avatar set! :D I'd like this image of these pandas used:

Feel free to do whatever you want with them, they don't have to be in that order. I don't mind color either, just whatever you think will fit. :D Also for the avatar, could I have the first little panda eating the bamboo as the avatar? Thank you Marbs! I appreciate it! :D
Safer Sephiroth, I only do one request at a time, sorry. =/ And that image of Sephiroth is kinda difficult to work with seeing as it's kinda low quality.

I'll get it done today, Mandi. =] No text or anything?

Galm, the first link is quite blurry. I tried it out on photoshop real quick and made some adjustments to it, but the image is kinda low-quality. You sure you still want that? =/
Hmmm as for text, if you can think of anything cute to put on it, that's fine. :D I just couldn't think of anything.
Safer Sephiroth, I only do one request at a time, sorry. =/ And that image of Sephiroth is kinda difficult to work with seeing as it's kinda low quality.

I'll get it done today, Mandi. =] No text or anything?

Galm, the first link is quite blurry. I tried it out on photoshop real quick and made some adjustments to it, but the image is kinda low-quality. You sure you still want that? =/
Oh okay. Well do a set of the second picture then okay. Sorry about that.
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