GFX Shop Suki's Graphic Emporium

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@ Galm - I think I prefer the first image you gave me, so I'll work with that instead. :)

Okay Sephiroth, I'll do yours next.

And Mandi -



Hope you like the 3D look. ^^ I had to put them closer together otherwise the sig size would've been bigger. I placed them in different order as well. The panda on the left looks kinda left out I know, and I tried giving him some light on the face area but it was turning out weird. So I placed the lighting on his little bum instead. :D Plus he's sleepy anyway - he fits in better on the darker part of the sig.
I absolutely LOVE the set, Marbie! Thank you so much for taking it on. :D The pandas look adorable and you did awesome making them look 3-D. Thank you! :hug:
Safer Sephiroth


You really like cursive, don't you? >.> Anyway, the text may be a little tacky on the bottom, but it was kinda difficult to fit that much text into that area.



The image was kinda hard to work with since I tried to sharpen it up a bit to give a bit more depth. V1 might be a little too sharp for your taste so I included a 2nd version. I also tried including the plane there somewhere and that was all I can really do with it.

Anyway, if you want any changes just let me know.
Sorry about that, totally forgot about the avatar:


Sorrelstar, for some reason that image is saving as a .gif file and so when I try to open it on photoshop, the image doesn't come up at all. Is there another one?
It works. ^^ I'm working on it now. Did you want any text to go along with it...?
And here you go:


If there's any changes you'd like to point out, don't hesitate to let me know. :)
Since Omega Weapon is my personal favorite monster I was thinking if you would like to make me a avatar and a signature of him. Here is the link for the pictures.

Avatars size 150x150
Signature size 450x150
Main Text:Omega Weapon
Text Style: Edwardian Script or Old English(which ever looks best)
Hmm the image is on the grainy side...that's definitely going to be quite a challenge when making a good quality tag. Is there another cleaner image, perhaps?
Hello Mitsuki,
i'am new to this so i see u can do alot of nice work with this.
so i wanted to ask u if u can make me a signature or avatar. :$
i like Ninja's and samurai's.

so here are 2 pics i like maybe u can do sumthing with it.

Same pic in 2 sizes.
Here is other one.

See what u can do plz
Thx for ur time.

Er, those are actually a bit harder to work with, SS, but that's ok, I'll see what I can do with the first image you provided first and get rid of the grainy effects.

Confusios, I only do one signature at a would you like the Valkyrie one or the the other image? I'd personally pick Valkyrie since it looks easier.
Yea Valk even nicer i think.

just do whats easyest for you.

thx for ur time.


:eek: you guys inactive or did you forget me x]?
Mitsuki can u let me know if u working on my sig.
Becuz didnt see a msg in here for like 2/3 days :O
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