GFX Shop Suki's Graphic Emporium

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Sorry about that, guys. Something came up these past few days and I've been just extremely busy and forgot about the whole thing. >.> I'll work on the signatures tonight and hopefully by tomorrow night, I'll get both signatures done.


Safer Sephiroth



Confusios, I'll get yours in by tomorrow night.
Sorry about that, guys. Something came up these past few days and I've been just extremely busy and forgot about the whole thing. >.> I'll work on the signatures tonight and hopefully by tomorrow night, I'll get both signatures done.


Safer Sephiroth



Confusios, I'll get yours in by tomorrow night.

Great job on the set Mitsuki. Thanks alot!
I was wondering if I could request a set?

" Here is the render ", if its not good, just tell me and switch it :P
The only theme I would like, is something that is dark and bloody; evil.

For text, could it be "Magitek Knight" and if possible, another copy but with the words "MagitekElite"?

Well...thank you for your time. I can will understand if its too much >_<

I really like this, great job on the set! :>



Not sure if you wanted text or not, so I left it be.

For text, could it be "Magitek Knight" and if possible, another copy but with the words "MagitekElite"?

Hmm, I'm kinda confused on this one. Did you mean make another copy of the signature and put 'MagitekElite' on the 2nd version, or have the two text together in the same signature...? And thanks for supplying a better image. :)
You're welcome. Glad I helped a bit.

Yeah, sorry. I didn't exactly know how to 'word' it into a sentence. I could say it better.
But yes, another copy with the words "MagitekElite", so I may have two different versions...?

:p I hoped I put that down right lol
Ok sounds simple enough. Not sure if you wanted an avatar along with it, but just in case:




Not sure if this is the kind of 'dark and bloody; evil' theme you're looking for, but I tried. =x
Actually, those are perfect! And yes, I wanted a Avatar :P

But um...the first image has the text "magik knight." would it be okay if I asked you to make it "Magitek Knight" instead? I don't mean to be a bother or to be rude...just asking >.<

Thank you for them, though. Loves em! :p
Heyy Thx mitsuki thats awsome.

But i want as Avatar sumthing like this.
its for my clan.

made this with paint lol it sucks but maybe you can make a nice one.

i think you can do this in 2 minits.

Oops, sorry that was my fault. :wacky: Didn't read it right.


Confusious, so do you want the word 'Athenos' on the side like that, with the 'A' in the middle?
Oh don't worry about that, you didn't came off rude at all. :) Enjoy your sig. ;)
Yes like this one i made this with Powerpoint lolol.

Colour doesnt matter actually aslong as it looks nice.

Hey Mits, I'm pretty upset at the moment. :gonk:

I have a tough question I dunno if you can pull off, but I failed at it... xD

Do you take just icons by request to? if so...

Pic: A Jack and Sally one, from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Text: Live like Jack & Sally.
Size: 100x100

I don't have any other wishes, maybe a bit blue-ish snowy feel. But... I just can't get the text to work.. :sad2: I'd love something made by you, if you can do it. :gasp:
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Upset? =x Uh oh, can't have that now, can we? Anything you wanna talk about, feel free to PM me. :)

I gave it a try. Not sure if that's the right blueish snowy feel you like though. I just found a picture of them and made them fit close together. I think it works. Not sure how you want the text, but if there's any changes you'd like, I can give it another try. ^^




I honestly don't know what else to do with that one. =/
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I'm just kidding!

I love it! xD... I'm definitely using this on MSN!!! I LOVE YOU, MITS! I can't believe you made such an awesome avatar out of that!

<333 -reps-

P.s. Upset/frustrated that the icon wasn't working. You just totally fixed that. :D <33 Thanks babe!
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