Summon Transformations!

True dat. Choco WAS a summon...and you CAN ride chocobos...I guess it might not be a bad idea when you mention that. =]
Wouldn't Ifrit burn you though?

And it would be hard to ride Shiva or another human like summon unless they carried you. But Shiva is apparently becomming a motorcycle...
Summons being different means of map transportation is a nice idea of utilizing the bizzare features of the summons. The different transportations can have unique, visually, designed interfaces and HUDS when displaying the world map and such. Perhaps each different form of transportation will have unique features also that will aid you in different areas and the like.
Adam that sounds really really wrong XD but i stil think that Summon transformations could = controllable transport and a WORLD MAP! XD

i really miss controllable transport :(
Summons becoming engines? the idea is promessing.... but as u said all of you, it might become to lame if enix is not carefull. And i have already seen it im Devil May Cry 3 (summoms or gods transforming into weapons)
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I thought Summons were God-Like Creatures not Machines.....this is the first sign of the End for Summons in general. FFXII just effed them up and now this...
I thought Summons were God-Like Creatures not Machines.....this is the first sign of the End for Summons in general. FFXII just effed them up and now this...

No, FFXII did NOT "eff" them up - they simply replaced them to give people a change of scenery yeah? They didn't deface them/screw with them though so..there.
I think Carbuncle turning into a Shield you hold that reflected magic and projectiles would be REALLY useful :P

As long as Bike-Shiva does Ice Damage, I'm happy.
I'm talking Gameplay wise. I mean You can't seriously say you had fun controlling those stupid things.

So far I am enjoying it. Maybe you didn't but I think it's alright.
I think Carbuncle turning into a Shield you hold that reflected magic and projectiles would be REALLY useful

This is a great idea. Who says that the summons have to transform into vehicles. The idea of summons transforming into a formidable weapon or armament is a welcomed (for me, anywayz) possibility. Carbuncle transforming into a potent magic reflecting shild is a nice concept. Anyone else have any transformation ideas besides that of vehicles?
I don't know, the idea of summons transforming into anything sounds kind of cheesy to me. Kind of like a bad anime plot.
How about Bahamut Transform into a nifty little Jet-pack to fly over the battle fields or something. That's one thing i'd consider useful and fun
This game looks splendid, but its all a bit corny, the story seems a bit outdated...but its look is FANTASTIC
all i'm gonna say is that, if the summons can tranform themselves, the better transform into someting usefull, fun and good-looking. and most important something that makes sense