Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl

t the only one I could use in the end were the Ice Climbers because of how awkward the contros were.

Holy shit, you can actually use the Ice Climbers? I can never control them. I've tried on a couple occasions to try and play as them... but it just doesn't click. I've known some pretty advanced players who cannot manage them. I'm kinda impressed... but also confused on why you can't control anyone else. lol

I think the controller is a piece of shit, even the old ones, but the control scheme is pretty simple. There are four directions. Combining any one of those directions with the A button will do a standard attack in that direction. Combining any one of those directions with the B button will to a special attack in that direction. Then you have a grab and shield attack. That's pretty much it other than the new Final Smash thing...
Sadly, I don't have this game yet! But I REEEALLY want it. I know I'm getting it for Christmas, so just a few more weeks! *waits impatiently*
I haven't even noticed this recent activity! <_< Forgive my awayness. :lol: I'm here now, and posting in this thread once again.

Great to hear you will most certainly be getting Brawl for Christmas, it is just a great game, I have nearly 750 hours of Power Time on it now. XD

And I think the controls are actually really good, I use a Classic controller now, but for months, used a Gamecube controller, as Masahiro Sakurai himself suggested. :P
For any people here theat may not already know (whoever that might be. >.>), my top 3 mains are Charizard, Lucario, and Wolf.

My next best characters before them would be Ike and Zelda, I can really sweet spot her lightning kicks like there is no tomorrow. :lol: And with Ike I can spike well (same with Charizard, I mastered it for him. :P).
I may do that sometime. That is, if he wouldn't mind, I have Dial-Up... >_<

I wonder which of my best characters I ought to use against his Wolf, I really should know the answer to this already... :lol:
You will? Thanks, I appreciate it. :) Are you able to connect your Wii to the Internet to have online Brawls too?

I enjoy having brawls with people over the Internet, even though there is so much lag... -__-
I see. I myself am more of a free for all Brawler than team mate, I can do plenty of damage on my own, and that's what I prefer to do, but going through SSE cooperatively was fun though. :D

Haven't posted Snapshots in a while...and while all but one these latest snapshots of mine are of the same character as most of them have been, they aren't the exact same, so try to get something out of it, even if it is starting to get repetitive at this point. :P
Sapphire Charizard
Shadow Charizard, the darkness within light.
A Classic Charizard pose (resemble the Charizard's pose on the Pokémon FireRed version cover art?).
It's Tails!

Enjoy everyone. ;)
Love this game.

Casual-Competitve player here, and I'm decent to say the least.

If anyone is interested in playing online against me hit me up with a PM, I would love to try playing some new people. You know people who don't live in my neighborhood :lol:
Yeah. :P I enjoy online brawls too, far more fun fighting against other players rather than Level 9 CPUs. XD

I'm pretty good myself, I would say...I said I had nearly 750 hours of Power Time before, but when I turned on Brawl today, I saw I had a lot more than I realized, after I had a good session of playing it this morning, I have 775:35 Power Time now. :lol:

That is a lot of time of practicing, I've mastered Charizard's spike, but I still end up suiciding sometimes when I try to spike with Wolf, it's odd. >.> I just have trouble going in just the right direction with his Up+B.
Hooray for Brawlers :'D

I only really play when I go to someone's house or when someone wants to play me on Wi-Fi, but I still enjoy the game. Still haven't unlocked all of the stages though lol =(

My favorite character is Lucas because he's cute :'D I was planning on maining someone like Fox until I saw how much of a wimp Lucas was in SSE. Since then, that's the only character I enjoy using :'D

In the mean time, anyone interested in brawling online?
My favourite is Meta Knight and Pit.

One of Meta Knight's crazy skills is to swing his sword around like crazy. Though its one of his noisiest move, I think its very useful in dishing out some serious hurt before you deal the final smash to send the opponent out.

Pit, mainly for his ability to fly, and the arrows. Even then, his blade can also do some hurt if you can use it right.
Ok I finally got this game for Christmas and I'm loving it. I've almost finished Subspace Emissary mode. I'm up to Tabuu and I must say that he is the hardest video game boss I've come across for a good while now. After spending hours in the great maze I was expecting a relatively easy boss because I was able to cruise through the rest of the game with no real problems. But that obviously isn't the case :wacky: of the hardest video game bosses you've come across? What difficulty level is it on? On my first run through, I just did it on Normal so I could enjoy my first time through it without getting killed like crazy and having trouble progressing. :P
I'm playing on either Hard or Very Hard I can't remember. I generally prefer to set the difficulty in the mid to high range when I play a game so I don't finish it too quickly.

I guess the main thing that makes him so hard for me is that move he does where he moves to the centre of the screen, sprouts wings or something and fires several circular waves. is there a way to actually dodge that move? Because I get hit every time and it usually loses me a character.
When i was facing him, I tried to stay at the edge of the platform. Apparently, it weakens as you stand further away from the wave. I'm not very sure though, haven't faced him in battle for a while now, but thats what i remember doing.

You'll still fly away, but you shouldn't end up losing a character. I might be wrong, but its worth a try. Good luck!