Hi all, Ami should we organise the Burnout 3 meet as Tantalus or open it up to everyone on the forum, I think it would be easier for everyone on the forum as I doubt there are many clan members with the game.
Or a shooter, since we all know how much everyone loved CoD.
It's a shame my computer is toast, or I would see how many people have/can get some games that I have. They may be old, but they are good to play online.
Yes, it would be best to organise it. Getting that trophy for the Wildcats Stadium with seven people is most irritating. Especially after last night's fiasco.
Oh, I am majorly pissed off. I load up DC Universe Online, so I can get on with some trophy grinding. The game only goes onto a black screen whenever it does the loading up.
An error report has been sent to SOE, but I'm so annoyed. It keeps happening. >_>
On a good note, I've finally gotten DA: Origins to 100%. The Harvester was such a BITCH to complete on Hard, but I found the switches and good tactics were the key. xD
The switches are most certainly the key. It's also best to be a mage. Attack the damn thing and heal a lot. I had my characters to use health poultices when their health went below 75% and just healed when I needed to. I was mainly healing the golem though, it took most of the attacks, anyway. xD
It wasn't healing as well as I thought, even when I put the tactics for it to heal. So I essentially became the healer when it was necessary. And it was nice upgrading the golem fully. It was the backup when I couldn't revive anyone.
Right then. Even though it may take you a long time, get a mage. I did the warrior route and it failed epically. So I'm going to tell you what I did.
I started a new game on Origins as a female mage (I did it to get Alistair, he's adorable!), did as many side quests as possible as well as the game's main ones, went through Awakening and then went back for the Harvester.
As a mage, if you're ever surrounded by skeletons, you should use Mind Blast. It's brilliant to escape them.
But not on Hard or Nightmare? You know, you don't have to go through the whole game on that difficulty. I learned you can save just before the Harvester, switch the difficulty and then take it on.
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