Tales of Avlear

As Josh entered the arena the crowd ran wild. Wearing his full body armor and weilding his twin swords, Josh was an excelent swordsman. Soon after Josh's arrival we see Medrick Verdan entering the arena. Medrick smiled witha confident grin and he said "I will defeat you this time! You have no chance against me!" Josh lowered his face and smiled "You don't know what your are saying nor who you are facing...very well I am ready." Josh stepped back and stood there waiting for Medrick to do the first move. "Hmm..if Kuja defeated his opponent in five turns let's see if I can beat that. How about you losing in three?" Josh's words made Madrick angry. Without thinking on the consecuences of his reckless actions, Medrick ran towards Josh, jumped high into the air and came down trying to crush Josh under the weight of his sword. Just a few seconds before the hit could land, Josh dodged the attack and the sword camed crashing into the ground lifting a huge cloud of dust. After that Medrick heard a voice oout of nowhere, it was Josh "One, you missed....." After the cloud of dust disappeared, Medrick noticed that Josh was standing behind him. "I"lll get you! said Medrick while rushing towards Josh. Medrick raised his sword and brought it down once again trying to obliderate Josh's defences. Josh however was able to dodged the attack. "Two....you are too slow Medrick...." Soon after the sword struck the ground, Medrick dashed forward, raised his sword and brought it down again, and again, and again hoping to hit his target but he only ended up lifting a huge cloud of dust. "I did it! I defeated Josh!" Then he heard the sound of two swords being unshethed and the voice of Josh coming out of nowhere "I wouldn't be so sure about that...." The man saw Josh running towards him. "Ha! That won't work Josh!" Medrick dashed stright at Josh and then he swung his sword from left to right. "Three...you failed Medrick..."Josh blocked the attack with his swords and shattered his opponent's weapon. Both fragments of Medrick's sword were hurled due to the impact. Medrick fell on his knees and said "It's useless to fight you....I give up..." The man left the arena and the judged entered it. The judge declared the winner of this battle "Ladies and gentlemen! This awsome fight has finally come to an end! The winner is Josh Lancaster Van Greg!" After that the crowd ran wild with excitment. Josh sheated his swords and the left the arena.

The Second Round Begins!

Second Round:
Adaron Marth
Kuja Leonhart
Josh Lancaster Van Greg

Defeated characters:
Lanrock the Armored Giant [KIA]
Rorged The Giant from Ahile
Medrick Verdan

OOC: The tournament's second round battles are being decided. Which character would you like to fight?
((I don't care. BTW, that fight reminded me alot of when my character fought.))
Kila and Bon-Bon stopped on a roof top. "Bon, I can't move anymore my body hurts." Said Kila as she fell to her knees. Bon-Bon sighed, "Mines too." Said Bon-Bon as she turned to KG.

"Yes, that the same Gyki." Said Bon-Bon

"GDX007, I'm getting tired of this Cat and Mouse game, just give it up." Said Gyki as he hopped down to the roof. Bon-Bon pulled out her poe pole. "Never." Said Bon-Bon with a smile.
KG Unsheathed his sword. "You two don't seem to be in fighting condition. Maybe I should help. And You!" He looks at Dracus. "I want to fight you, so don't get killed by this guy." A Sand arsenal appeared. There were spikes, swords, shields, everything imaginable.

((Remember though, I don't lose my next tournament fight))
OOC: My head hurts and I don't want to think that much. KG by the way you said you wanted to fight Kuja, right? hmmm let's see what happens at the final round.

The Second Round Begins!

First battle:
Adaron Marth~VS~KG

Second Battle
Kuja Leonhart~VS~Josh Lancaster Van Greg

Defeated characters:
Lanrock the Armored Giant [KIA]
Rorged The Giant from Ahile
Medrick Verdan
(( i said I wanted to figh Dracus. I said nothing about Kuja since my character doesn't know their the same person. I don't care who I fight.))
"Look, why don't you do that? I can easily take this guy. You, however, don't seem to be capable of that, sicne you were almost defeated by Bon-Bon once. I think I am stronger." KG threw one of his spikes at Gyki.
Gyki cought the spike with ease and threw it aside. Bon-Bon fell to her knees, Kila was already out cold. Gyki looked at Dracus and KG. "I'm only here for GDX007 and GDD001, I'm not here to fight." Said Gyki as he looked at bothe KG and Dracus.

"Another time, GDX007. I will brake you and I will take yu back to the plant along with all the other voices. Just remeber, the closer you are to things the more it'll hurt when they die." Said Gyki as he teleported out.

Bon-Bon was slipping in and out, "Lanheart." Said Bon-Bon before she colasped too. Both Kila and Bon-Bon laid there out cold.
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Aiden noticed the absence of his friends. "Father I must go, I need to see if everything is fine with my friends...see you later!" Without waiting the King's reply Aiden left the royal box and headed towards the colloseum's exit. In the way to the front gate he encounters Josh. "Hey what's the rush?" Aiden replied and said "Come with me! I'll explain later!" Both of them ran towards the exit. After crossing the main gate they both found Aiden's friends fighting against Gyki.

"Aiden and Josh coming to the rescue!" Aiden said while unsheathing his sword.
"Hmmmmm........I should get back to the tournament." The spike went through the spot Gyki was second before. KG walked over to Kila and Bon-Bon. "I'll take them back. You, however, I suggest get ready to fight me. After I win this tournament, I'll be back to fight you." KG left to the stadium with the 2 unconsious people.

((LMAO! we all posted without noticing the person before us posting! roflycoptor))
"KG you will be fighting Adaron Marth. Ok let's get back to the Colloseum. Don't worry about Kila and Bon-Bon, the guards should take care of our them." Aiden called the guards and ordered them to carry Kila and Bon-Bon to the infirmary. "Ok let's go! Josh your battle will be against Kuja so get ready!" After that both Aiden and Josh went back to the colloseum. After arriving at the main gate Aiden went back to his father and Josh headed towards the fighter's waiting room.

First battle:

Adaron Marth~VS~KG

Second Battle
Kuja Leonhart~VS~Josh Lancaster Van Greg
Dracus smirks and says "Deal a deal now I must leave." Dracus vanishes and appears in dark alley where he changes back into Kuja and says "Man I need to make better offers from now on." Kuja jumps onto roof and start to go to the arena.
Bon-Bon was in a deep sleep. I can't believe I let that happen, uslee I'm stronger than that. Is it ture what Gyki told me all those years....Have poeple close to your heart will only weaken you. Is it ture?

The demons seed on Bon-Bon's head glowed with a dark arua, Maybe I should just leave again and be on my own, Maybe.....No, I shouldn't think like this, I still have to find Lanheart and aske him why......
The arua around the demon seed faded away.
RF-kun was getting bored of watching pretty much the same fight over and over. After awhile he had noticed that pretty much everyone was using the same tactics. So he left the arena, and started walking.

I've missed so much of this adventure, I don't even really know what's going on right now. Mabey it would be better if i just left, and protected Avlear in my own way... He thought to himself. He honestly had pretty much no idea what the others were doing fghting in an arena, or if they had done whatever they had to do in the shrine in the Dark Forest. He was so caught up in thought that he walked right past Aiden and Josh, who were walking back to the arena, and almost didn't even notice when three guards ran past him and climbed onto a roof. His eyes followed them to the top, and he recognized Bon-Bon laying ontop of it. He ran to the building and climbed up gutter. "What happened here?" he asked, thinking aloud.